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Search Options

The Library offers various methods to help you access both online and print materials from our collections. Please keep in mind that no single search tool can retrieve all the available information or resources on a given topic. 

Search + Find is the Library’s simple and fast default search engine that helps you discover relevant information on many topics from ATU Library’s print and online collections, with direct access to the full text of eBooks and eJournals.   

Library Search

Publication Finder

Looking for a specific journal, magazine, or newspaper? Use Publication Finder, a search tool that helps you find publications in our collections, regardless of who the publisher or provider is. 


Galway – Mayo 


Databases + eResources

A library database is an online resource (eResource) that allows you to search for various types of information. The Library subscribes to a wide range of databases, focusing on different areas of study and offering information in various formats, such as articles, reports, and more. These databases are designed to help you quickly find reliable and high-quality academic information that is relevant to your research or area of interest. 

Subject Guides

The Library’s subject guides are designed to direct you to the most relevant resources for your studies. These guides help you discover key books, articles, and databases and provide helpful research tips and academic support to enhance your learning and improve your research skills. Whether you’re starting a new assignment or expanding your knowledge in a specific subject, the guides are a helpful tool for navigating our resources. 


The Library catalogue will help you find items in the Library. Use it to discover what the Library has on a specific topic or to find a particular book you’re looking for and where it’s located.  

Search the Catalogue  

Exam Papers

Past exam papers are previous exams from courses that are made available for study purposes, allowing students to prepare for upcoming exams. By studying past exams, you can practice answering questions and gain insight into the main themes and areas of focus in your subject. 

View past exam papers

Reading Lists

Reading lists provide essential and recommended reading materials for ATU courses. These lists help guide your reading by highlighting key texts, online and in print that are relevant to your course, saving you time searching for materials and helping you stay focused on what matters most. 

Find out more and view reading lists


Standards are codes of best practice containing technical specifications and guidelines. They are used to ensure consistency, reliability, and provide a quality benchmark. 

Find out more and find standards for research purposes.  


Research@THEA is our shared Open Access Institutional Repository. You can search collections/research output of the Atlantic Technological University, Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art Design and Technology, SETU Carlow Campus and the Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest in a single search.

Browse Research@THEA  

Thesis on SharePoint

Selected undergraduate theses are presented to the Library and are available to registered ATU staff and students on ATU’s SharePoint site. 




Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a search engine that provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, abstracts and more from broad areas of research. 

Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely accessible teaching, learning, and research materials in any format that are in the public domain or are available under an open license that allows their free use and re-purposing by others.