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Equality Diversity and Inclusion
Atlantic Technological University is committed to embedding Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) across everything we do to ensure students and staff can learn and work in an environment defined by dignity and respect, where diversity is celebrated, and everyone is treated fairly.

ATU is committed to creating conditions whereby students, staff and all others associated with the university are treated equitably and inclusively regardless of age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, membership of the Traveller or Roma communities, religious beliefs, civil partnership status or family status, including where these characteristics intersect.
ATU is also committed to maintaining an environment of dignity and respect where all students and staff can develop to their full potential. As a public body, ATU has obligations under relevant national legislation and international standards.
We continue to develop and implement initiatives, policies and procedures in consultation with students and staff that support and embed equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the university, and work collaboratively with the TU sector and partners.
Advancing these values is the responsibility of all members of the ATU community and will contribute to creating a safe and welcoming environment where everyone can contribute and bring their full identity to study and work.

ATU Inclusion Calendar

ATU’s inclusion calendar recognises dates of social and cultural significance and celebrates our university’s diverse community. The calendar can be downloaded here. Please contact if you would like to send on a suggestion for or correction to next years calendar.
ATU’s Equality Statement
The Technological Universities Act (2018) as amended by the HEA Act (2022) require all TU’s to prepare an Equality Statement setting out the university’s policy for enabling access to it, and the education it provides, by economically or socially disadvantaged persons, by persons who have a disability and by persons from sections of society significantly under-represented in the student body; and also its policy relating to equality, including gender equality, in all activities.
Human Rights & Equality Public Sector Duty
The Public Sector Duty is a legal obligation on public bodies, provided for in Section 42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014, to have regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and protect the human rights of public sector staff and service users. This positive duty requires ATU to embed equality and human rights in all its functions and integrate this obligation into its annual report and strategic planning cycles. Section 42(2) of the Act requires public bodies to publish in their strategic plan a human rights and equality assessment, the policies, plans and actions which will be put in place to address the issues raised in that assessment and to report on progress and achievements on an annual basis, in a manner that is accessible to the public.
ATU’s Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion Team
Professor Jacqueline McCormack
Vice President EDI & Online Development
Tom Reilly
EDI Manager ATU Sligo
Mary Nestor
EDI Manager ATU Galway/Mayo
Dr Sharon McLaughlin
EDI Lead ATU Donegal
Sinéad Ní Bhroin
EDI Team Administrator