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CINNTE Institutional Review
We are delighted to announce that the first ATU Institutional Profile has been submitted to the QQI! Thank you to all the staff, students and stakeholders that participated in the production of this document.
ATU is scheduled to undergo an Institutional Quality Review (CINNTE) in 2024, as required by the Qualifications & Quality Assurance Act (Education & Training) (Amendment) Act 2019. This is led by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) to examine the quality and effectiveness of our provision of education, training, research and related services and occurs every seven years. The Institutional Review Process is undertaken by a panel of independent external national and international reviewers who evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of ATU’s institution-wide internal quality assurance and quality enhancement procedures. The infographic below details the key stages & dates:
Phases of Institutional Review
The Institutional Review follows a clear timeline within which there are distinct phases of activity that come together to achieve the objectives of the review.

What is the purpose of the CINNTE Institutional Review Process and what does it mean for ATU?
The CINNTE Institutional Review involves an external review process to support ATU in meeting its responsibility for the operation of internal quality assurance procedures that are clear and transparent to all its relevant stakeholders. This is to ensure that ATU aligns and continues to engage with national, European, and international guidelines and standards, particularly the Bologna process. The process ensures continuous evaluation of all academic, research and professional, management and support services and their activities to maintain and enhance the internal quality culture within ATU.
What are the ISER and the IP?
The two key outputs from the self-evaluation activities include the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) and the Institutional Profile (IP) which are overseen by the CINNTE Steering Group. Both documents are required to be submitted by ATU as part of the CINNTE Institutional Review Process. The ISER is the report produced following the self-evaluation process and is the core document which will be used by the Review Team. The purpose of the ISER is to provide the Review Team with sufficient information and evidence to assess the effectiveness of quality assurance at ATU. The ISER will particular areas including the strategic context of ATU, the quality of teaching, research and support services, internal quality assurance governance, procedures, areas of good practice and areas for enhancement. The IP is a summary and highlight document that is based on specific data extracted from across ATU. The IP document is published on the QQI website.”
Who has been consulted as part of the CINNTE Institutional Review process?
Relevant groups will be consulted – details to follow.
What is my role, as a student, in the CINNTE Institutional Review process?
It is essential for the quality culture in ATU that students are involved in the self-evaluation process. As a student, you might be involved at various stages, including student feedback, that may be incorporated into the preparation of the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER). You may also be invited to meet with the Review Group during their site visit and speak on various aspects of your student and learning experience. As a student, you will also have an opportunity to view the findings of the Review Group following publication of the feedback report.