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Programmes on Offer

The programmes of study currently offered in the discipline Home Economics are:

Graduates of these Level 8 (NFQ) Honours Degree programmes are qualified to teach Junior Certificate Home Economics, Leaving Certificate Home Economics and either Biology,  Religious Education or Irish at higher level. Graduates gain a professional and academic qualification which enables them to also pursue careers in a wide range of fields including Education, Home Economics and chosen subject area.  

This four-year, Level 8 (NFQ), degree is designed to attract applicants who are passionate about Home Economics and aspire to be Home Economists advocating for sustainable health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities. This programme consists of the three core disciplines within Home Economics: Food Studies; Textiles, Fashion, Design; and Family Resource Management and these are evident in every year of the programme. There are opportunities for graduates to be employed by national or international governmental or non-governmental agencies focusing on family and child wellbeing; consumer advocacy; and health promotion.

This part-time, two-year Level9 (NFQ) M.Ed. (Home Economics) programme facilitates students to understand and critically evaluate contemporary educational policy and practices in Home Economics / Home Economics education and apply relevant knowledge, theory and research findings in order to inform and enhance their professional practice.