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Cross Border Collaboration

ATU North South Engagement Centre (NSEC)
ATU sees its role as the University in the state best placed to deliver on North South policy objectives and as the best partner university in Ireland for bodies interested in advancing the aims of the Good Friday Agreement to enhance cooperation, connection and mutual understanding.
ATU has demonstrated its strength in building and sustaining fruitful collaborations across the tertiary education landscape, local government, healthcare, sporting organisations, community groups, and with the enterprise sector.
The University as a leader on North South engagement welcomes the specific recognition of the North West in key policy and strategies, such as, Project Ireland 2040, New Decade New Approach, Programme for Government, Shared Island Initiative, and Global Citizens 2030 – Ireland’s International Talent and Innovation Strategy.
ATU has long established links with the key stakeholders across both jurisdictions and ATU’s footprint encompasses most of the border region and is therefore pursuing several important elements of North South activity. The North South Engagement Centre will better coordinate and further strengthen the University’s role on the all-island agenda and will develop strategy to enhance cross-border student pathways and address skills shortage areas.
North West Tertiary Education Cluster
The North West Tertiary Education Cluster (NWTEC) an initiative of the NSEC is a strategic alliance of all four publicly funded tertiary educational providers in the North West City Region: Atlantic Technological University, Ulster University, Donegal Education and Training Board, and North West Regional College. This deep partnership provides the full range of educational services including advanced skills training, cutting-edge innovation supports for enterprise, and internationally recognised high-quality research.
NWTEC, established via the North West Strategic Growth Partnership (NWSGP), is focused on supporting the development of the North West City Region which comprises County Donegal and the Derry City and Strabane District Council area. NWSGP which is aligned with the North South Ministerial Council has been co-designed and agreed by local and central government in both jurisdictions. NWSGP is the recognised vehicle for co-ordinating and influencing all aspects of future growth for the North West City Region.
The mission of NWTEC in collaboration with key stakeholders is to create a Shared North West; a connected, high performing region achieved through the pursuit of the clear opportunities available via Smart Growth, Sustainable Growth, and Inclusive Growth.