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Agricultural Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Course Details
CAO Code | AU648 |
Level | 8 |
Duration | 4 Years |
CAO Points | 334 (2024) |
Method of Delivery | On-campus |
Campus Locations | Galway City – Dublin Road |
Mode of Delivery | Full Time |
Work placement | Yes |
Course Overview
The agri-food sector is one of Ireland’s most important indigenous manufacturing sectors, accounting for the employment of around 170,000 people. Enterprise Ireland (EI) has identified Agricultural Machinery as one of the dominant engineering sub sectors within Irish Engineering, recognising this area as having significant growth potential in the coming years.
If you have a particular interest in the design, manufacturing, operation and maintenance of agricultural machineries, then Agricultural Engineering is for you.
Combining Agricultural Science and Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis on power, this degree is designed to deliver high-quality engineers to the agricultural and agri-food industry.
Students will gain transferable knowledge and skills in the following areas:
Agricultural Sciences
This degree is very hands-on with weekly practical classes, workshop practice, individual and group projects as well as work placement experience. Over the duration of the programme, each student will receive, on average, 24 hours of tuition per week. Students will be based between the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at ATU Galway City campus and ATU Mountbellew campus.
The Level 8 programme has been approved as one of the qualifications which meets the requirements for ‘Young Trained Farmer Status’ for the purpose of farm inheritance, grant aids, and tax exemptions. In order to comply with the requirements, students will complete an additional 5 credits per year.
Students may opt to graduate with a Higher Certificate in Agricultural Engineering after completing second year.
The students base is the ATU Galway City (Dublin Road ) campus, and bus transportation will be provided to and from ATU Mountbellew campus for the classes scheduled there.
Course Details
Year 1
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Animal and Crop Production ScienceThis module provides the student with an overview of animal and crop production science with particular emphasis on production in Ireland. Learning Outcomes 1. Explainthe importance of agriculture in Ireland 2. Describe the principles and procedures in the sustainableproductionof livestock and crops on Irish farms. 3. Apply knowledge on the ethical and social responsibilities of farming in Ireland. 4. Demonstrate the application of knowledge in the performance of a range of routine farm skills 5. Adopt safeworking practiceswith animals, farm machineryand buildings |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Agronomy and Animal HusbandryThis module provides the student with an understanding of the economic and agronomic factors affecting animal and crop production systems. It introduces common diseases of farmed cattle and sheep, basic grassland management and arable crop management. Learning Outcomes 1. Apply knowledge on sustainable animal and crop production systems and the costs and returns involved. 2. Perform a range of routine management skills in the areas of animal production, crop production, and machinery 3. Demonstrate an ability to work under guidance with livestock and crop enterprises on a farm 4. Take direction in work, behave professionally and use scientific skills in performing tasks |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Computer Aided Design 1Computer Aided Design 1 is a 3-hour weekly computer lab, delivered over the academic year, which introduces students to the modelling and creative design process through the use of CAD software. This module demonstrates how to create two-dimensional (2-D) drawings and three-dimensional (3-D) models. The CAD software used is standard with architects, engineers, drafters, artists, and others to create precision drawings or technical illustrations. Computer Aided Design 1 teaches the fundamental principles of technical drawing and modelling through an active learning environment where students are required to complete weekly assignments and also a design-and-build project at the end of each semester. Learning Outcomes 1. Use three-dimensional solid modelling software in the design of engineering components. 2. Apply engineering graphics standards. |
10 | Mandatory |
Year |
Electrical ScienceThis module will cover the fundamental principles of electrical science. Students will learn to analyse, design, build and troubleshoot basic electric and instrumentation circuits through both theory and practical applications. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe and define basic electrical, magnetic and other relevant physical quantities and perform fundamental calculations in relation to these quantities. 2. Analyse basic circuits using the fundamental laws of electrical science. 3. Describe the basic principles of electricity generation and perform DC and AC energy and power calculations. 4. Explain the technology and use of common electrical and electronic components, sensors and actuators and how these components are utilised in basic circuits. 5. Specify, select, build and troubleshoot basic electrical and instrumentation circuits; use appropriate electrical and electronic measuring equipment to perform basic electrical measurements. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Academic and Professional Skills (SC:EN)The aim of this module is to develop academic and professional development skills for student success in higher education and beyond. This module combines online learning activities and small group workshops to focus on areas such as academic writing and integrity, creative thinking, problem-solving, time management, communications, group work, technology, innovation and presentation skills. Learning Outcomes 1. Apply appropriate tools and principles to optimise the learning experience. 2. Develop self-reflection practices for individual and group-work activities. 3. Develop academic writing skills, recognise different information sources and apply the principles of academic integrity. 4. Assess a variety of professional communication practices and digital tools and apply to problem-solving. 5. Consider how the chosen discipline has a responsibility to wider society. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Agricultural TechnologyThis module presents the fundamental principles of the following from both a theoretical classroom based and practical workshop perspective. Internal combustion CI Engines and Ancillary Systems Operating principles of farm machinery Basics of hydraulics and control systems Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the cycle of operation of an Internal Combustion (IC) engine,the basic operation of IC engine ancillary equipment and identify main components of these systems. 2. Examine and identify the mechanical components on Compression ignition (CI) IC engines and gearbox units, check tolerances aganist manufacturers specifications. 3. Explain the basic operating principles of a range of farm machinery and identify common dangers associated with such machinery. 4. Demonstrate calibration procedures on sowing/planting equipment, fertiliser distributors and crop sprayers. 5. Describe the functions of hydraulic systems, components involved in such systems and calculate hydraulic circuits flow rates and pressures. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Engineering ScienceEngineering Science is an introductory module which integrates basic engineering and scientific principles for the understanding and analysis of engineering related problems in physics and chemistry. Learning Outcomes 1. Define, explain and solve problems of force, pressure and density. |
10 | Mandatory |
Year |
Mathematics 1This module is designed to introduce students to the fundamental mathematical concepts and techniques used in the practice of engineering and, in the process, help students to begin to develop the skill of analysing problems in a logical manner, and the ability to transfer their mathematical understanding to engineering applications. Learning Outcomes 1. Manipulate symbolic statements and expressions according to the transformational rules of mathematics. 2. Recognise that mathematical functions can be used to model various engineering phenomena and apply appropriate techniques to analyse and solve engineering-based problems. 3. Formulate and use mathematical representations (symbolic, numeric, graphical, visual, verbal) and identify their relations, advantages and limitations. 4. Critique a peer’s work objectively and communicate constructive feedback orally and in writing. 5. Communicate orally, and in written form, thereasoning and procedure for solving a mathematical problem. |
10 | Mandatory |
Year |
Manufacturing Engineering 1Manufacturing Engineering 1 : aims to produce environmentally responsible engineers, who will conduct manufacturing activities with due regard to the environment, regulatory and legal requirements. The module introduces the learner to the basic skills required to be a manufacturing engineer. It is envisaged that the learners will have the capability to understand, analyse, design and/or select the machinery, tooling and processes necessary for the production of components. The practical element of this module will enable the learners to have the practical skills required to safely operate workshop equipment to produce component to a desired specification. Upon, completion of this module the learners will have obtained the basic necessary skills to gain employment working in a manufacturing engineering environment. Learning Outcomes 1. Recall and implement the safety procedures to put in place in an engineering workshop with due regard to the environmental, regulatory and legal requirements. 2. Manufacture artefacts using a range of workshop machines/equipment, while applying the appropriatespeeds and feeds for the selected machine operation. 3. Identify and use various types of cutting tools and metrology equipment, including drill bits, turning tools, milling machine tools, verniercalipers,micrometers, dial gauges etc) 4. Analyse and interpret engineering drawings to manufactureartefacts to the desired specification. 5. Discusssustainable manufacturing processes and technologies appropriate to a range of applications. 6. Communicate and operateas an effective team member, by working cohesivelyin a manufacturingenvironment 7. Complete a basic process plan and dimensional analysis report ofa manufactured component. |
10 | Mandatory |
Year 2
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Mechanics and Dynamics of MachinesThis module presents the theory of machines and mechanisms such as cams and gears. It also introduces the student to free and forced vibrating single degree of freedom systems. Learning Outcomes 1. Recognise standard machine components, recall their associated nomenclature and explain their function. 3. Apply equations of motion to problems in undamped and damped single degree of freedom systems. 4. Calculate the gear speeds, power transmitted, and geometric characteristics of simple and compound gear trains. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Mathematics 2This module is designed to extend students knowledge of differential and integral calculus and its applications to engineering problems. Learning Outcomes 1. Applydifferentiation techniques to solve a range of problems modelled bysingle and multivariable functions. 2. Formulate and evaluate integrals to find average values, areas, and volumes. 3. Solve first order separabledifferential equations arising from applied engineering problems. 4. Critique a peer’s work objectively and communicate constructive feedback orally and in writing. 5. Communicate their mathematical knowledge and reasoning both orally and in writing. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Farm Management, Safety and LawThe module allows the student to gain an understanding of farm accounting, farm safety and the legal implications for a farm enterprise. Farmer succession and inheritance issues will also be presented in this module. Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss and report on the extent and nature of farm business in Ireland. 6. Prepare a farm safety statement. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Grassland ProductionThe purpose of this module is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competencies necessary to better manage grasslands Learning Outcomes 1. Investigate the growth habit, annual production pattern and factors influencing grass sward growth and quality. 2. Discuss the reseeding and establishment requirements for grass, and investigate the grass blends which will lead to optimum production. 3. Analyse the daily grass requirement for a given herd of cattle/sheep. 4. Investigate and establish grass covers and targets for optimum grass utilisation on a given farm. 5. Analyse and complete a grass budget for a given farm situation to include spring rotation planner, summer wedge and autumn budget . |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Farm Animal Health and PlanningThis module is to equip the learner with the knowledge and skills required to monitor metabolic and health issues pertaining to farm animals and to allow the learner to plan ahead for future farm development/ownership. Learning Outcomes 1. Identify, recognise and describe a broad range of common diseases, pests and other welfare issues in farm animals. 2. Evaluate and devise a health and vaccination management programme for a beef/dairy herd and a sheep flock. 3. Contrast, discuss and compare how different biosecurity measures could be used collectivelyto achieve a high herd health status. 4. Evaluate and discuss current government and other schemes pertaining to farm health & safety, agri-environment and sustainability in Ireland and evaluate realistic options to improve a given agricultural situation, considering EU and National Legislation. 5. Appraise the taxation system in relation to agriculture and investigate succession, inheritance, ownership rights and calculate the costs of transferring ownership of farm property when planning for the future. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
ThermodynamicsAn introduction to the principles of thermodynamics Learning Outcomes 1. Describe in detail the state of a thermodynamic system as well as the properties and characteristics of thermodynamic processes (Isobaric, Isochoric, Isothermal, Polytropic, Adibatic) 2. State the Zeroth and First Law of thermodynamics and demonstrate its application to both closed and open thermodynamic systems by been able to solve thermodynamic problems involving an ideal gas, phase change fluids, and incompressible substances by using the steady flow energy equation 3. Calculate using steady flow energy equation, enthalpy temperature diagrams and steam tables the work and power generated in a steam power plant 4. Apply the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics to work processes in thermodynamics componentsand to allcycles for energy efficient and sustainable power production, for the listed thermodynamic systems: 5. Analyse and Evaluate the actual and ideal vapour compression refrigeration cycle and hense analyse the operation of heat pumps and refrigeration systems, with a view to increasing energy efficiency, and the delivery of sustainable energy solutions to support the SDGs 12 and 13. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Mechanics and Properties of MaterialsThis module provides the student with the basics of stress and strain calculations for mechanical components subjected to point, distributed and thermal loading. Axial, bending and torsional loads are analysed. The module also includes an introduction to material properties and testing Learning Outcomes 1. Specify the fundamental and derived SI units employed in mechanic of solids. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Mathematics 3This module introduces students to techniques for solving second order differential equations. In addition, students are introduced to probabilistic and statistical analysis for engineering. Learning Outcomes 1. Recognise and solve second order differential equations and appreciate their role in the modelling of oscillations and vibrations. 2. Implement suitable analytic procedures in problems involving discrete and continuous random variables and probability distributions. 3. Performstatistical analysis with appropriate software and interpret the results. 4. Critique a peer’s work objectively and communicate constructive feedback orally and in writing. 5. Communicate their mathematical knowledge and reasoning both orally and in writing. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Manufacturing Engineering 2Manufacturing Engineering 2 follows on and builds from Manufacturing Engineering 1. It broadens the learners experiences in both the theoretical and practical elements of Manufacturing. Learning Outcomes 1. Summarise the main process of modern manufacturing using Machining Centres, Robotics and CNC. 2. List the basics of Quality Control, Measurement and Inspection and recall the main principles of Dimensioning and Tolerancing. 3. List types of polymers and summarise the relevant shaping processes. 5. Summarise the basic elements ofEthics andSustainability in the contextof Manufacturing. 6. Generate CNC Programmes for turning and milling. 7. Generate CNC programingfor CAM. |
10 | Mandatory |
Year |
Computer Aided Design IIComputer Aided Design 2 is a five-credit module, delivered via a 1.5 hr laboratory over academic year. The aim of the module is to enhance the student's skill, knowledge, and competence in producing mechanical models, virtual prototypes, engineering drawings and design documentation. Students will be introduced to specialist extensions of CAD software including Mechnical Simulation and flow analysis through which structural, thermal, fluid flow and modal analysis of designs will be conducted. Additionally, students will be exposed to more advanced features of the CAD Parametric package including Sheetmetal, Surface Modelling and Multibody Design. Students will learn about the importance of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing specification (ASME Y 14.5) in the design process and will be required to apply GD&T to their drawing files. Specifically, general tolerancing and related principles, symbology, datum reference frames, tolerances of form, tolerances of location, tolerances of profile and tolerances of runout. In addition, students will also be exposed to other commercially available CAD packages, examining similarities in workflow and data exchange. Central to this module is a design, build and test project, where students are challenged to undertake a design challenge. Applying the skills learned in the module in a synergistic combination with rapid prototyping, students will be tasked with the physical manufacture of both functional and aesthetically pleasing designs to meet a set design challenge. Learning Outcomes 1. Reproduce complex parts and design features using advanced surface modelling tools and techniques. 2. Use rapid prototype technologies such as 3D printing and laser scanning develop and demonstrate product design ideas. 3. Use appropriate computer aided engineering extensions in order to evaluate designs from a basic structural, thermal and/or fluid flow perspective. 4. Produce functioning CAD models – while working within diverse groups – by utilising the learning assimilated in theCAD modules. 5. Produce technical reports which incorporate product specifications and controls such as dimensional and geometric tolerances. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Power Hydraulics 1The aim of this module is to introduce the learner to pressure hydraulics power transmission, and thereafter to show the learner how to size, select and design basic power hydraulic circuits. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the function of components used in a hydraulic circuit, and be familiar with their engineering representation (i.e. ISO 1219 standard). 2. Apply Pascal’s law, and differentiate between power hydraulic fluids based upon their engineering properties and explain the relationship between these properties and energy transmission losses 3. Evaluate pressure and calculate the relationship between flow rates and energy (i.e. Fluid Properties, Pascal’s Law, Mass, Momentum and Energy Conservation) in a power transmission hydraulic circuit |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Statics and DynamicsThis module introduces the fundamentals of engineering mechanics to the learner (i.e. Newton's Laws of Motion, Energy, Work, Linear and Angular Momentum), and aims to build the learners engineering confidence by showing the learner analytical methods which can be used to solve everyday engineering problems. Students are expected to attend lectures and to participate in problem-solving in tutorials. The tutorials are designed to engage the learner and to show them how to implement, the universally accepted methods described in the lectures. Learning Outcomes 1. Construct Free Body Diagrams of real world problems, and thereafter apply Newton’s Law of Motion and vector operations to evaluate equilibrium of particles andbodies. 2. Applying the principles of equilibrium to analyse the internal forces acting on planar trusses, frames and machines. 3. Discuss the concepts of centroids of lines, area and volume, and compute their location for bodies of arbitrary shape. Thereafter,the learners should be able to apply this learning to handle distributed loads. 4. Analyse basic engineering problems relating to the kinematics of particles using different coordinate systems (i.e. Cartesian, n-t and cylindrical), and solve engineering problems which are time dependent (i.e. Relative Position, Velocity and Acceleration). 5. Represent and analyse practical engineering problems (i.e. Force, Energy, and Momentum) related to the kinetics of particles by drawing FBD’s and using: Newton’s Laws of Motion, |
05 | Mandatory |
Year 3
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Food Science, Technology and Quality AssuranceThis module introduces the learner to the components of food, food production and processing. Risk assessment in the form of HACCP is carried out at it is an integral component of Food Safety. This module presents a structured and detailed description of both defined and emerging risks to public health associated with the modern food chain. Examples of important food-associated biological, chemical and other hazards will be provided. Modern scientific approaches to detect and trace food-borne zoonotic agents will be highlighted as will advances in biotechnology Learning Outcomes 1. Evaluate the nutritive qualities of foods |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Animal Nutrition and BreedingThis module introduces learners to animal nutrition, nutritional requirements of farm animals and the nutritional values of feed for farm animals. This module will equip learners with the relevant knowledge, skill and competence to formulate feeding regimes for farm animals in accordance with the nutritional requirements of the animal. Learners will develop the knowledge, skill and competence to adopt best practices in applied livestock breeding management. Learning Outcomes 1. Classify feedstuffs based on their nutritional value and indentify the nutritional requirements of specific animal groups. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Drystock ProductionThe purpose of this module is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competencies necessary to better manage drystock herds in accordance with best practice and relevant legislation. Learning Outcomes 1. To plan and mange different drystock farm systems including sucker and non-breeding beef systems as well as early and mid-season lamb production. 2. To identify and assess the key performance indicators in terms of breeding, nutrition and rearing on drystock farms. 3. To evaluate the key measures in relation to optimising grassland management on drystock farms. 4. To analyse the physical and financial performance of drystock farms. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Programming for Embedded ControllersThis module is designed to introduce the learner to the fundamentals of programming for embedded controllers. This module has no pre-requisites and therefore the first stage of the learning is to introduce the student to a programming language and thereafter to applications targeted towards one of the processor based microcontrollers. All learning will be computer laboratory based and it is envisaged that the learner will have to build basic electrical laboratory circuits outside the computer laboratory as assignments in their own time. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts of computer programming. 3. Write programs that use core programming structures such as conditional and iterative control structures. 5. Identify and select the appropriate microcontroller for a particular task. Develop programs to read, process and display information from various I/O devices connected to a controller. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Work Experience for Agricultural EngineersThis module allows the learner to put the engineering knowledge, skills, tools and techniques that they have acquired over the first three stages of the programme into practice within a professional working environment. It is a valuable opportunity for the learner to gain an awareness of the world of work and of how to be an effective contributor and problem solver in a team-based environment. Additionally, it may make the learner more employable upon completion of their programme. Learning Outcomes 1. Operate, communicate effectively with others across a range of disciplines, and apply theiracquired knowledge to the solution of a broadly defined engineering problem 2. Perform experiments, test protocols and engineering tasks in compliance with industry-appropriate internationally-recognised standards. 4. Report their work clearly in written and in oral format. 6. Apply the Engineers Ireland Code of Ethics to the select and implement the appropriate path to the resolution of engineering problems. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Machine DesignMachine Design is the branch of engineering mechanics relating to the study of engineering stresses and strains in mechanical systems. A part or component of a machine fail when the stress induced by either the static and dynamic loading exceed its allowable stiffness or strength. This module presents the engineering fundamentals necessary to analyse static and/or fatigue stresses. Learning Outcomes 1. Construct Shear Force Distribution (SFD) and Bending Moment Distribution (BMD) diagrams to calculate maximum flexure stresses present in bending beams under a variety of loading conditions 2. Calculate the principal and shear stresses and their directions on a stress element subjected to a bi-axial stress system. 3. Construct Mohr’s circle of stressfor bi-axial load systems. 4. Design mechanical components subjected to static loading and predict failure based on different failure theories for ductile materials (such as Maximum Normal Stress Theory, Maximum Shear Stress Theory and Distortion Energy Theory) and brittle materials (such asRankine Theory and Mohr Hypothesis). 5. Apply the laws of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) topredict failure. 6. Calculate the fatigue life of a structural element subjected to sinusoidally varying loads (e.g. bending, torsional, axial) 7. Analyse the effect of different types of stress concentrations on a component’s (1) ability to withstand static loads and (2) service life under fatigue loading 8. Design mechanical and machine components (e.g. screws, bolts, gaskets, fasteners, springs, bearings and shafts) which are to be subjected to static and fatigue loading |
10 | Mandatory |
Year |
Advanced Manufacturing ProcessesThe module exposes the learner to modern manufacturing processes and techniques with special emphasis on non-traditional practices. It also has a practical use of CADCAM and Mold & Cavity software to generate machine code. It concludes the series of modules on Manufacturing technology Learning Outcomes 1. List the basic elements of modern advanced manufacturing techniques and production processes. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Heat TransferThis module introduces the learner to the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. Attention is focused on the physical mechanisms and empirical laws used to define and quantify conductive (one- and two-dimensional steady state conduction, transient conduction), convective (free, forced and phase change) and radiative (radiation properties and shape factors) heat transfers. Learning is assisted by analysing practical, discipline specific applications such as plane walls, radiators and underfloor heating; domestic and industrial products such as ovens and heat exchangers; and laboratory practicals involving temperature, heat transfer and thermal property measurement. Further context is provided by highlighting how heat transfers (thermal energy and efficiency) underpin ethical considerations such as 'health and safety' and 'sustainable development', emphasised in both Engineers Ireland's Code of Ethics and relevant UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the empirical laws and physical mechanisms that define the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. 2. Select the appropriate empirical law(s) or problem-solving technique requiredin different contexts orapplications. 3. Apply the appropriate conductive, convective and/or radiative heat transfer analysis in different contexts orapplications. 4. Devise a finite difference numerical model to assist the analysis of a two-dimensional conductive heat transfer problem. 5. Explain the significance of the outcome(s) obtained from eithertheoretical calculation and/ornumerical modelling. 6. Critique the method of analysis, outcome(s) and conclusion(s)from the ethical perspectives outlined in Engineer Ireland’s Code of Ethics and relevantSDGs. 7. Recognise the limitations of either the theoreticalcalculation ornumerical modelling analysis conducted. 8. Plan and execute an experimental program capable of validating the accuracy of thetheoreticalcalculation ornumerical modelling analysis. |
10 | Mandatory |
Year |
Power Hydraulics 2The aim of this module is for the learner to be able to design power hydraulic circuits to perform specific functions. This includes the selection and sizing of hydraulic cylinders, control valves, and auxiliary components. Operation and maintenance of hydraulic circuit components are also discussed along with the minimisation of their environmental impact. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the construction, function, and operation of different types of hydraulic cylinders and valves used in power hydraulic circuits. 2. Determine appropriately-sized hydraulic cylinders for specific pressure, load, or velocity conditions. 3. Calculate the design parameters of pressure control and flow control valves for given applications. 4. Design power hydraulic circuits to operate different cylinder configurations using best engineering practices. 5. Describe the construction, function, and operation of reservoirs, accumulators, filters, strainers, and heat exchangers in power hydraulic circuits. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Dairy ProductionThe purpose of this module is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to manage a dairy herd in accordance with best practice and relevant legislation in a blended learning environment.. Learning Outcomes 1. To plan and manage varying dairy production systemsincluding spring and winter milk production. 2. To identify and assess the key performance indicators in terms of dairy breeding and nutrition of the dairy cow. 3. Identify problems and seek solutions to dairy farm problems in a logical manner. 4. To analyse the physical and financial performance on Dairy farms. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Engineering DesignThis module addresses the issues associated with the innovative design of manufactured products that are environmentally supportive and the selection of optimum materials for those products for an economic environment with limited and shrinking resources. Learning Outcomes 1. Participate in the design and redesign of engineering components and products 2. Employ modelling software to create models and prototypes of product ideas 3. Employ appropriate software tools to select materials that satisfy design requirement 4. Employ product performance analysis techniques including safety and other standards and regulations 5. Participate in the development of market plans for products and participate in the creation of market strategies with regard to the costing and pricing and the promotion and distribution of products |
05 | Mandatory |
Year 4
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Mechanical Power TransmissionThis module is a continuation of the machine elements introduced in mechanics and dynamics of machines in year 2 and the year 3 mechanical design modules of the programme. The aim of the module is to provide the learner with knowledge on how to best integrate machine elements into a mechanical power transmission systems. The module will cover the sizing and selection of various components types, which can be used in a mechanical power transmission system. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe different component types and sub-types typically used in mechanical power transmission systems. 2. Select appropriately-sized machine elements from international standards and commercial catalogues for use in mechanical power transmission systems. 3. Design a mechanical power transmission system by optimising the arrangement of selected machine elements. 4. Describe the procedures for installation, operation, and maintenance of machine elements in mechanical power transmission systems. 5. Examine the environmental impact of components in a mechanical power transmission system. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Sustainable Farming and the EnvironmentFor Agricultural Engineering students, to equip them with the relevant knowledge, skills and competences to use environmentally- friendly and sustainable farming methods in compliance with relevant EU and national legislation. Learning Outcomes 1. Assess appropriate indicators for sustainable farming 2. Apply methods in identifying, analysing and utilizing farm resources in a sustainable way. 3. Appraise requirements for compliance in respect of EU legislation relating to the environment. 4. Evaluate policies and strategies for reducing the greenhouse impact of agriculture. 5. Create an environmental resource audit and an integrated pest management plan (IPM) for a given farm situation. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Soil Science and Nutrient ManagementThis module provides the student with a detailed understanding of soil classification and information systems, as well as the physical, biological and chemical processes that occur within soils. This includes understanding the impact soil type and soil physical characteristics have on soil fertility, nutrient cycling, carbon, and water storage. Building on this knowledge students will appraise different land management options appropriate to different soil types. Practical skills attained will include the ability to identify and manage different soil types, analyse, and interpret key soil physical, chemical and biological properties, and devise appropriate nutrient management plans. Learning Outcomes 1. Articulate an in-depth knowledgeof soil classification and identification methods including the use of soil information systems 2. Measure and critically interpret key soil physical, chemical, and biological characterises 3. Compare and contrast different soil types and the appropriate sustainable agricultural management of them 4. Identify and critically evaluate soil management challenges and design appropriate amelioration techniques 5. Critically evaluate fertiliser strategies and nutrient management plans appropriate to specific soil characteristics |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Manufacturing Automation 2The student will analyse basic pneumatic/hydraulic manufacturing applications and develop automated solutions using Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) technology. PLC ladder logic programmes will be designed, developed and tested. Learning Outcomes 1. Specify suitable components/sequences for industrial automated applications 3. Demonstate competence in wiring, programming and testing PLCs |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Reliability and MaintenanceLearners will become familiar with standard terminology used to describe systems reliability and will be able to analyse a range of reliability models for constant and time-dependent failure rates. The learner will also be able to employ a range of analysis techniques such as Reliability Block Diagrams, Weibull analysis, Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis. They will also be able to differentiate between current maintenance practices such as Breakdown, Planned, Preventative Maintenance and distinguish their respective impact on system reliability, as well as maintenance practices such as Predictive Maintenance, Reliability Centred Maintenance and Total Productive Maintenance. Learning Outcomes 1. Appraise maintenance management strategies including Preventative, Predictive,Reliability Centred and Total Productive Maintenance |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Electrical MachinesThis self-contained module follows on from the compulsory year 1 module Electrical Science and the year 3 Electrical Energy Technologies. All required theory is revised to accommodate students who may not have taken this second module. The module aims to give a comprehensive introduction to rotating electrical AC and DC machines. The concept of the magnetic fields is introduced first, and simple magnetic circuits which arise for example in transformers are analysed. Faraday's and Lenz's law are revised and the equations for torque and power for a current carrying coil are derived. DC motors are introduced next, along with the requirements for safely starting them. Some basic AC theory is reviewed which allows for the analysis of synchronous generators which are used on the national grid. Finally, induction motors are examined. Laboratory work concentrates on finite element analysis of simple magnetic circuits and a demonstration of the testing of AC and DC machines. Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the operation of single and three-phase AC machines and DC motors. 2. Calculate from first principles the torque, speed and efficiency characteristics. 3. To be fully aware of the safety implications of working in a magnetic field. 4. To create a finite element model of simple magnetic circuits such asin a transformer core. 5. To determine the performance characteristics for different electrical machines using measured data. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Computer Aided EngineeringCAE is a computer based method of analysing engineering systems when subjected to either steady, transient or dynamic loads in the fields of thermal, structural or fluid mechanics. In CAE models of systems are discretised and the governing laws of mechanics are solved over the discretised domain using the Finite Element Method (FEM). A successful CAE simulation therefore requires knowledge of a diversity of fields such as; appropriate element selection, mesh sizing techniques, load modelling methods, material constitutive relationships (both linear and nonlinear) and results verification algorithms. The aim of this module is to provide the learner with the salient background information on the FEM process, so the learner can incorporate best practice in their CAE simulations. This will be achieved through a combination of FEA theory and practical applications of a commercially available CAE software so that the learner will be able to analyse, critique and optimise the design of engineering systems. Learning Outcomes 1. Apply and development linear and quadratic interpolation functions to one and two dimensional elements. 2. Apply the principal of Minimum Potential Energy to the development of the 2-D element stiffness matrix and force vector. 3. Derive the constitutive matrix forproblems in the plane stress/plane strain 2-D domain. 4. Generate and verify solutions to steady state and transient heat transfer problems in one, two and three dimensions using FEA Software. 6. Analyse nonlinear structural problems incorporating large defections, intermittent contactand material non-linearities such as plasticity. 7. Assess numerical results both quantitatively and qualitatively with a view to improving theaccuracy of the simulation. 8. Gain hands-on user experience with a well-known proprietary finite element software package. |
10 | Mandatory |
Year |
Smart Agri SystemsRecent technological advances in smart sensors, wireless networks, cloud computing and artificial intelligence are bringing new levels of monitoring and control to agriculture. Current trends in Smart Agriculture include technologies and concepts such as: survey drones, farming data, agri-bots, self-driving tractors, texting cows, precision agriculture, RF smart tagging and so forth. These are significant strategic technologies that enable a wide range of new applications and services to be developed. These smart technologies can help detect, diagnose and prevent illnesses, improve productivity and reduce operational and managerial costs. This module is designed to provide the learner with both practical and theoretical exposure to the technical issues associated with the increasing interconnectedness of devices or 'things'. Smart Agriculture is based on Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications between 'things' and the Internet, transforming them into intelligent devices that exchange real time information. Learning Outcomes 1. Research and discuss Smart Agriculture based application area and formulate a project proposal. 2. Develop, integrate and test hardware and/or software elements of a project, on a specified Internet of Things development platform. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
The Engineer in SocietyThe module is attended as an introduction to issues associated with professional engineering and the impact of engineering on society and the environment. The principle of engineering entrepreneurship will be introduced. The importance of the adherence to a Code of Ethics for Engineers will be emphasised. The engineer's approach to sustainability will be covered. Learning Outcomes 1. Analyse the ethical considerations pertaining to engineering decisions and make recommendations. 3. Examine the impacts of engineering products and services on customers and the environment and demonstrate the importance of sustainability as good business strategy. 4. Apply environmental tools to the solution of sustainability problems. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Automation and ControlIn this module students analyse open loop, closed loop and sequential control and examine mathematical models of mechanical, electrical, thermal and fluid systems. The students analyse the response of dynamic systems, and investigate the effect of altering the gain of a closed loop system. They will graph systems with steady state responses, offset errors, and unstable responses They will construct system models using block-diagram methodology and study first-order and second-order systems. The Laplace transformation technique will be used to determine the response of systems to step, impulse, ramp and sinusoidal inputs. The student will recognise leading technological trends in manufacturing automation including Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 Learning Outcomes 1. Apply control theory to automation and control problems. 2. Use mathematical modelling to show how altering the gain effects the response of negative feedback closed loop systems 3. Design, model and analyse 1st and2nd order dynamic systems using the Laplace Transform technique 4. Awareness of automation strategies, when to automate and the requirements for Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year |
Agricultural Engineering Major ProjectThis module represents the work to be delivered independently by a student to the solution of a broadly defined Agricultural engineering problem and therefore its objective is to assess their capabilities in executing a challenging project (i.e. time management skills, synthesising Agri. Science and Engineering knowledge, the ability to design, built, test and analyse a solution to a complex agricultural problem, presentation skills, technical writing abilities etc.). The student will apply Project Planning and Management tools to plan, manage and control the operation of the project. The project provides the learner with an opportunity to synthesise the agricultural science, farming practices and engineering knowledge gained from both experiential and formal learning across programme to solve a broadly defined engineering problem, and therefore the net outcome is a good demonstrator of their overall Agricultural Engineering capabilities. At the beginning of the academic year, learners select or proposes an Agricultural project and are allocated a supervisor (The duty of the supervisor is to guide and advise the learner throughout the project). A schedule of project milestones, deliverables and deadlines is also given to the learner and these are assessed at various agreed stages throughout the year. The project will also address the relevant Sustainable Development Goals which have been highlighted by the World Federation of Engineering Organisations as being focused on the engineering profession. Learning Outcomes 1. Research, critique and analyse best practices in Irish animal or crop production. 2. Apply and intertwine the engineering and agricultural knowledge accumulated throughout the programme to solve a broadly defined problem. 3. Take responsibility for their own work, appreciate the importance of milestones and deadlines, and develop their ability to work as an individual with or without the support of a supervisor. 4. Independently conduct research in a particular field of engineering using the leading publications, journals, conference papers etc.and critical review and reflect onthese publications. The project will also address the project appropriated Sustainable Development Goals highlighted by the World Federation of Engineering Organisations. 5. Apply effective communication skills when communicating with technical, academic and lay individuals or groups. 6. Apply Project Planning and Management tools to plan, manage and control the expenditure and operation of the project by modularising the project into a series of milestones and deliverables. 7. Write a technical report, create a poster, develop a video and make a presentation on the all work completed, including references and recommendations for future work. |
10 | Mandatory |
Download a prospectus
Entry Requirements
Leaving Certificate Entry Requirement | 6 subjects at O6/H7 |
QQI/FET Major Award Required | Any |
Additional QQI/FET/ Requirements | Three distinctions and a pass in 5N1833 or 6N3395 or 5N0556 or 5N18396 or C20139 or C20174 or C20175 or Leaving Certificate Maths at 04/H7 |
Advanced Entry
Applications are welcome for entry to stage 2 of a programme at ATU, following completion of a cognate QQI FET Level 6 Major award.
Transfers into years two, three or four are also welcome from those who have completed learning in a cognate area in another Higher-Level Institute (HEI).
Professional Accreditation
The programmes are professionally accredited by both:
- Engineers Ireland
- Institute of Agricultural Engineers in the UK

It is envisaged that graduates from the programme will be employed in a wide diversity of agricultural engineering related disciplines both nationally and internationally, namely;
Technical/engineering drafting, field technicians
Agricultural engineering design/systems design
Agricultural systems (destructive and non-destructive testing)Agricultural processing, engineering sales, service etc.
Cognate disciplines which involving heavy machinery design (i.e. Forestry, Peat & Mining)
Bioenergy/biomass sector
Some graduates may also become self-employed.
Further Information
Contact Information
Department of Industrial & Mechanical Engineering
Programme Chair
Alan Connors
T: + 353 (0) 917 422971
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering