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Health Science and Physical Activity
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Course Details
CAO Code | AU971 |
Level | 8 |
Duration | 4 Years |
CAO Points | 321 (2024) |
Method of Delivery | On-campus |
Campus Locations | Sligo |
Mode of Delivery | Full Time |
Work placement | Yes |
Course Overview
The understanding and promotion of an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, and the positive impact they have on people’s lives form the basis of this degree. This programme aims to produce graduates with a solid academic base in health science disciplines related to physical activity and exercise. Students will graduate with a thorough understanding of health sciences and their application. Emphasis is placed on developing core health-related skills and competencies.
The degree comprises several interrelated subject streams, including health promotion and public health, physical activity, exercise physiology, nutrition sciences, and research methods. Core modules are complemented by supporting modules in IT and communications. Students are equipped with a unique blend of practical skills and knowledge in various health-related fields. This offers graduates numerous and varied opportunities to specialise in their favoured area and a diverse range of career paths.
The modules in this programme have been designed to allow students flexibility. For example, we have seen students who were positive they wanted to study physiotherapy change to occupational therapy or diagnostic imaging after experiencing different module strands in the programme, or vice versa. This situation occurs each year, and it is extremely important to allow this flexibility.
Year 1
Students acquire practical skills in core subjects, including biology, chemistry, human anatomy and physiology, mathematics, health and fitness, health communications, facilitation and group work skills, health promotion, information technology, kinesiology and exercise instruction.
Year 2
Core subjects from Year 1 are further developed with more emphasis on laboratory and practical elements related to physical activity and exercise. Key modules include Exercise Physiology, Health Psychology, Health Biochemistry, Health Microbiology, Research Methods, Biomechanics of Human Movement and Promoting Healthy Behaviours.
Year 3
Students study specialist streams in more depth. These include Resistance Training and Programme Design, Nutrition, Health Promotion Practice, Physical Activity across the Lifespan, and Research Methods. Students also complete a research project on a topic of interest to them.
Year 4
Students will further specialise in Clinical Exercise Prescription, Exercise as Medicine, Physical Activity Project Management, Applied Statistics in Public Health, Qualitative Methods for Health Research, Advanced Facilitation and Group Work Skills. Eligible students will be able to choose an elective in personal training. A module covering Enterprise and Innovation in Health is included. Students also complete a 10-week work placement in Semester 2.
Professional Accreditation
Embedded within this degree is the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS) Ireland recognised Fitness Instruction, Personal Training and Exercise for Health Specialist awards. This degree is also accredited by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE). This means graduates have qualifications that are recognised worldwide.
Alternative Pathways to Allied Health Professions
We have two health science programmes in ATU Sligo. Each of these programmes offers pathways into areas such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and diagnostic imaging/radiography. Students generally choose one of two paths – exit after two years with a Level 6 or three years with a Level 7 programme and pursue undergraduate studies in their preferred Allied Health Profession OR complete our Level 8 honours degree and pursue Masters studies in their preferred Allied Health Profession.
Our expert staff ensure that students receive appropriate references and advice prior to application and subsequent interview for further studies. This is a process our academics engage with every year, and they are extremely knowledgeable of the requirements.
Please note our two health science programmes are interlinked. Therefore, these programmes offer progression and exit awards throughout the various levels of study.
Health Science Facilities
Our exercise physiology lab boasts state-of-the-art equipment for human testing, which includes:
a Biodex Isokinetic System 4, which can test aspects of muscular fitness, including maximal strength of muscle groups
a BodPod, which is currently regarded as one of the gold-standard testing techniques to measure body composition,
a Cortex Gas Metabolic Analyser for VO2Max testing, which is an assessment for cardiovascular fitness and fuel utilisation
a G-Walk, which can analyse aspects of how people walk, such as gait analysis and weight distribution
a brand new teaching gym with the latest technology is due to open in January 2025.
Course Details
Year 1
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Human BiologyThe module will enable students to understand the essential and relevant principles in Human Biology which will act as a basic foundation for later modules in Biochemistry and Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe and apply various basic cocepts of Human Biology including:Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Introductory Genetics |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Information Technology 1This module deals with the practical applications of Information Technology. It serves as an introduction to the computer systems the student will use while taking their chosen course in the college. It also covers the fundamental skills of word processing, presentation and spreadsheet software. The teaching methods used will be a combination of lectures, self-study, labs, tutorials, problem-solving exercises and computer-based learning. Learning Outcomes 1. Use the IT infrastructureand Virtual Learning Environment to perform standard IT tasks to assist in their future studies 2. Identify the main component parts and peripheral devices of a standard computer system. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Mathematics for Science 1In this module, the fundamentals of mathematics required for a Science qualification are covered. All effort in this semester is focused on the student's need to understand and practice basic mathematical processes and their application to real life and science. Students are supported in their efforts by a comprehensive VLE site containing videos, notes and quizzes relevant to each topic. There are supervised tutorials twice a week to help solve the problems encountered in the module. Learning Outcomes 1. Perform calculations involving basic operations without a calculator. 2. Use powers and scientific notationto express values and evaluate expressions. 3. Perform unit conversions and simple pharmaceutical calculations 4. Manipulate and solve mathematical expressions correctly. 5. Plot and analyse linear, quadraticand simultaneous equations. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Determinants of Health 1The module will enable learners to explore, research and present factors that determine one's health. Learners will be equipped with core skills and competencies to be able to assess and identify key determinants of one's health. Learning Outcomes 1. Examine theoretical principles for defining the boundaries of health. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Health CommunicationsThe module aims to develop the learner's knowledge of communications in a health communications context and to develop key literacy skills. Learning Outcomes 1. discuss the introductory concepts relating to communications and health communications theory. 2. discuss how interpersonal interactions in health contexts influence peoples health and health care experiences. 3. present health science information in an effective and professional manner. 4. prepare written academic compositions on health topics. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Introduction to Health and FitnessThis module will introduce the concept of healthy active living. The module will equip the student with knowledge of the health benefits of being physically active, introduce the basic concepts of health- and skill-related components of fitness and develop skills to promote physical activity and motivate people to be more active in a variety of settings. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate the principles and concepts relevant to an active healthy lifestyle and the benefits thereof for the maintenance of health and prevention of disease. 2. Explain and apply basic principles of exercise science individually or as part of a small group including; health and skill-related components of fitness, principles of training, FITT, exercise prescription for health & fitness, basic dose-response issues and conduct basic fitness tests with accurate data for identified components of fitness. 3. Outline psychosocial factors relevant to health and fitness, and apply basic strategies from behaviour change models to motivate clients in health behaviour change. 4. Establish individual motivation and readiness for change and identify real and perceived barriers to being physically active. 5. Describe effective strategies to promote physical activity and identify organisations and settings with responsibility to promote activity. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Introduction to Kinesiology and Exercise InstructionThe aim of this module is to introduce the student to the foundations of structural kinesiology. This module will introduce the learner to concepts and practical skills relating to the instruction of an exercise session including screening, warm-up, main phase (aerobic and local muscle endurance (LME) exercises), cool-down and post-stretch procedures. It will also bring students to a level of professional competency whereby they can plan, design and conduct a safe and effective aerobic and body conditioning/LME session. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate and utilise knowledge of structural kinesiology principles relating to the musculoskeletal system. 3. Plan, design and implement a safe and effective aerobic and body conditioning/local muscular endurance session with an appropriate warm-up, cool down and post stretch with the ability to progress and modify exercises according to fitness level and health status. 4. Demonstrate knowledge and implementationof effective customer care and code of ethics in a fitness instructor context. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Information Technology 2This module deals with advanced practical applications of Information Technology. It covers the software packages for spreadsheets, desktop publishing, electronic notebooks and data management. The teaching methods used will be a combination of lectures, self-study, labs, tutorials, and any combination of discussion, case study, problem-solving exercises and computer-based learning. Learning Outcomes 1. Model problems using advanced features of Excel and build on concepts learned in Information Technology 1 3. Create brochures and information leaflets using an appropriate software 4. Use online cloud tools and other software packages for data management and collaboration. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Foundation ChemistryThis module introduces students of the health sciences to essential principles and concepts in chemistry. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the basic composition of matter and atomic structure and explain the various types of bonding that occur within matter. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Health Promotion Practice 1Learners will be equipped with core skills and competencies to be able to define the boundaries of health promotion including the core principles underlying health promotion practice. The learner will also be able to identify and outline the core skills required to plan, implement and evaluate health promotion initiatives from a theoretical perspective. Learning Outcomes 1. To examine theoretical principles for defining health promotion. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Facilitation and Group Work Skills ILearners will be equipped with key introductory facilitations and communications skills to manage, using various methodologies, a short facilitations session on a specific health topic for a group of peers. Learners will be encouraged to receive feedback and review their own practice with the aim to develop their skills set. Learning Outcomes 1. Give a rationale for working in groups and describe the key roles of a facilitator. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year 2
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Human Anatomy and Physiology 2The aim of this module is to introduce the student to various systems of the human body and provide a foundation for more specific studies in Exercise Physiology, Human Nutrition and Physical Activity modules. The module places particular emphasis on specialised knowledge and theoretical concepts in physiological systems including the Nervous system, Sense Organs, Excretory, Endocrine, and Reproductive systems . Skills sets in basic laboratory procedures and human health testing relating to the aforementioned physiological systems are developed in parallel. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate knowledge and relate concepts of various human physiological systems to health; namely nervous, excretory, endocrine, reproductive and sensory systems. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Determinants of Health 2This module will further explore the determinants of health with greater emphasis on the socio-ecological and environmental determinants of health and the interactions between the various determinants. Learning Outcomes 1. Justify why one would take a determinants of health approach to promoting both individual and population health. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Health Biochemistry 1Health Biochemistry 1 enables students to explain the functions, structures and properties of some macromolecules associated with living organisms namely, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. Students also become proficient at related laboratory analysis. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the structure, function and characteristics of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Functional Anatomy and KinesiologyThe module allows students to gain an understanding of the structure and function of normal human anatomy while providing a basis for the understanding and analysis of posture and normal human movement. It encourages students to apply their knowledge of anatomy in a practical setting. Topics covered include but not limited to: Universally accepted anatomical terminology and assessment of human movement with reference to such terminology. Assessment and analysis of human posture e.g. normal and abnormal postures, postural types. Introduction to the assessment of functional movement and training approaches. Identification and accurate palpation of upper and lower limb osseous, ligamentous, joint and muscular structures. Review and present common musculoskeletal injury mechanisms, assessment and treatments. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate a good level of knowledge of principles of functional anatomy, normal human movement patterns, and postural alignment assessment. 3. In groups, plan and design a presentation of the injury mechanism, and treatment techniques; for a specific soft tissue injury. 4. Demonstrate an ability to identify functional anatomy and demonstrate joint range of movement. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Health PsychologyThis module aims to enable learners to identify the relevance of psychology to health and illness and related behaviours. The module will introduce principles, theories and salient issues in health psychology and discuss the application of health psychology to health and health promotion practice. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychological theoryrelated to various aspects of health, illness and related behaviours. 2. Interact and participate effectively within a group environment. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Promoting Healthy BehavioursThe Making Every Contact Count training programme is available to all healthcare professionals in Ireland. It was developed in consultation with healthcare professionals and patients in order to provide effective tools and knowledge to carry out a brief intervention with patients or service users. The Making Every Contact Count training modules include: Introduction to behaviour change – providing a foundation in behaviour change theory and techniques including the underlying principles of a patient centred approach. Four topic modules on smoking, alcohol and drugs, healthy eating and active living. A skills into practice module – demonstrates the skills of how to carry out a brief intervention across a range of topics through a suite of video scenarios using real life healthcare professionals Learning Outcomes 1. To demonstrate an understanding and awareness of health, lifestyle influences on health and key health recommendations 2. To demonstrate an understanding and awareness of health behaviour and process of health behaviour change 3. To communicate in a supportive, encouraging manner forhealth behaviour change 4. To optimise every opportunity for brief advice and brief interventions for healthy lifestyle behaviour for chronic disease prevention and management 5. To demonstrate effective integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes in the delivery of brief interventions |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Exercise Physiology 1This module will enable the learner to study how the body responds to the acute and chronic stress of exercise or physical activity. It will discuss the various concepts associated with bioenergetics and muscle metabolism, energy expenditure and fatigue and the structure and function of exercising muscle. This module will also give the learner the opportunity to conduct relevant physiological field and lab based tests. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate and utilise knowledge of the principle energy systems and sources and the interrelationship between systems at rest and during exercise. 3. Conduct tests to demonstrate the physiological principles affecting force production. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Physical Testing and EvaluationThis module will further develop the student's skills in the area of exercise science, equipping the learner with the theoretical concepts and practical skills to obtain, record and present health and fitness data from clients. The module will enable the learner to conduct and interpret flexibility, strength, local muscular endurance, body composition and field-based aerobic tests, and make subsequent activity recommendations. Health, safety, confidentiality and legislative considerations relevant to the exercise professional in undertaking these processes are also incorporated. Learning Outcomes 1. Conduct a risk assessment of an exercise setting and apply knowledge of risk management in an exercise setting and apply appropriate health and safety procedures in conducting safe, valid, and reliable health and fitness assessments. 2. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of general principles and concepts relevant to human health & fitness testing and those relevant to specific tests. 3. Select and implement health and fitness assessments appropriate for various individuals (measuring cardiovascular and muscular fitness, body composition and flexibility), interpret the information gathered and use it to inform subsequent recommendations for effective exercise programming for the individual. 4. Demonstrate the ability to gather, record, store and present health and fitness information related to the components of fitness as part of conducting the clients needs analysis, communicating appropriately with the client throughout. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Health Biochemistry 2The module will enable the student to explain the structures, characteristics, activities and health impact of specific molecular components and cellular metabolic processes. Learning Outcomes 1. Explain key characteristics of enzymes and demonstrate knowledge of enzymes of importance to human health. Experimentally determine enzymeactivity and some key properties. 2. Outline the characteristics of some important metabolic processes. 5. Utilize scientific knowledge and demonstrate technical proficiency to procedure, analyse, evaluate and explain specific experimental outcomes. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Biomechanics of Human MovementThis module builds on the structural kinesiology knowledge gained in 'Introduction to Kinesiology and Exercise Instruction' and 'Functional Anatomy and Kinesiology' modules by further developing neuromuscular fundamentals and basic biomechanical factors and concepts. This module will focus on evaluating, improving, and maintaining the muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, and overall health of individuals. It addresses musculoskeletal concerns of the physically active. The module will specifically address; the neuromuscular system and its motor control, methodologies and systems of measurement, biomechanics in sport, injury, and rehabilitation. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the foundations of structural kinesiology, neuromuscular fundamentals, and basic biomechanical factors and concepts. 2. Explain and apply basic principles of the neuromuscular system and its motor control . 3. Outline methodologies and systems of measurement for analysis of kinematics and kinetics of upper and lower extremity function. 4. Work individually or as part of a team to identify individual biomechanics in sport, and injury. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Health MicrobiologyThis module aims to introduce students to the current risks posed to human health by a variety of viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens and to explain the modes and routes of transmission of pathogenic micro-organisms. The basic aspects of microbial pathogenesis will be described as will the role of the immune response in defence against, and response to, infection. The nature, prevalence and importance of the normal human microflora will be discussed. The transmission and control of zoonotic and hospital acquired infections will be described. Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the aetiology of selected microbial diseases. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year 3
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Exercise Physiology 2This module will enable the learners to explain and demonstrate principles, concepts and inter-relationships between the circulatory, respiratory and endocrine systems at rest and during exercise. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe Cardiovascular and Respiratory control and regulation at rest and during exercise. 2. Describe the hormonal regulation of metabolism, fluid and electrolytes during exercise. 3. Use relevant scientific skills to perform measurements in ECG and Blood pressure at rest and in response to exercise. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Human Nutrition 1This subject reviews relevant characteristics of various components of foods and their ability to fulfill the nutrient requirements of humans. Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the components of the diet and their relationships to health 2. Explain and differentiate key principles in relation to energy; intake and expenditure 3. Identify sources of and explain the role of macro-, micro-nutrients and other dietary components in the healthy diet 4. Discuss the relationship between the diet, digestion and health 5. Conduct practical work, interpret and evaluate the outcomes and communicate these effectively |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Research Methods 2Learners will become equipped with the core skills to develop a research design/methodology proposal for their research question. They will be able to plan a research project to be conducted in the following semester, and develop an ability to summarise, integrate and identify strengths, weaknesses and limitations of scientific writing. Learners will contrast various observational epidemiological designs and identify the appropriate use of each design, while developing basic skills in the use of bibliography software. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the steps in undertaking research and develop a research design/methodology proposal for their research question. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Public Health PracticePublic health is identified as both the 'science and art of preventing disease, promoting and protecting and improving well-being through the organised efforts of society'. This module aims to give students the skills necessary for effective public health practice. These include assessing health problems, developing healthy public policies and effective health care systems. It involves working collaboratively across a variety of disciplines and researching and implementing evidence based practice to promote the health of the population. Learning Outcomes 1. Identify the core functions of public health and analyse current public health practice 2. Asses current public health problems and identify means of prioritising actions. 5. Debate current policy and ethical issues in public health. |
10 | Mandatory |
2 |
Health Statistics and Data AnalysisThis module is designed for health science and nutrition students to provide them with, the knowledge of how to summarise and analyse data, to provide an insight into the concepts of probability and probability distributions, understanding of statistical methods for testing hypotheses, and to provide skills in using statistical software to analyse datasets. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the rationale for and methods of selecting appropriate samples for a study |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Health Promotion Practice IIThis module will build on Health Promotion Practice I by aiming to give learners an understanding of the key principles and approaches to health promotion and the competencies and skills required to engage in the field of health promotion. Learners will be encouraged to analyse health promotion practice in terms of health promotion principles, competencies for health promotion and effectiveness of interventions. Learning Outcomes 1. Critically appraise differentapproaches to health promotion and assess how they impact on practice. 2. Identify appropriate strategies for health promotion at individual, community, organizational and policy level 4. Describe the various competencies which health promotion practitionersuse in a variety of settings. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Physical Activity across the LifespanThis module will enable the learner to apply various concepts and theories in exercise physiology and exercise prescription to practical settings involving specific populations. This application will equip learners with skills and competencies to plan, devise and lead physical activity programmes with various population groups. Learning Outcomes 1. Examine the physiologyand subsequent guidelines for a variety of specific and age defined populations. 2. Integrate theory into professional practice by designing physical activity programmes, considering the client’s competencies and requirements and identifying special considerations pertaining to the specific population group. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Human Nutrition 2The module will enable the learner to review various positive and negative impacts that diet has on human health. Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss the nature, causes, influencing factors and treatment of cardiovascular disease, cancer, protein-energy malnutrition. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year 4
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Facilitation and Group Work Skills IIThis module develops the learners' knowledge, skills and competences in Facilitation as applied in Public Health and Health Promotion. The module explores themes in the methodologies applied, the role of the facilitator, co-facilitation, decision making, feedback, adult learning styles, conflict and equality. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate an understanding of group processes and the importance of reflective learning in successful group work through their participation in group discussions and tasks. 3. Negotiate appropriate boundaries for themselves in the role of facilitator and be able to recognise the signs of conflict within a group and identify the role of the facilitator in working with conflict in groups. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Physical Activity Project ManagementThis module aims to give students the skills to effectively plan and manage physical activity promotion projects in a community or organisational setting. Students will gain experience in applying evidence based strategies for a particular target group and planning and implementing an appropriate physical activity project using a project management approach. Students will be assisted in workshops in developing plans and reviewing the implementation and evaluation of these plans. Students will be encouraged to support and give advice to each other in the implementation of their plans. Students will reflect on their competencies and develop a professional development portfolio of these competencies. Students will volunteer with an appropriate community/voluntary organisation and reflect on the skills that they have developed. Learning Outcomes 1. Develop project plans which include appropriate physical activity promotion strategies, are collaborative and realistic, and which use appropriate project management tools and evaluation design 2. Implement and evaluate a physical activity promotion project using project management and health promotion principles. 3. Analyse how they have developed their health promotion competencies including partnership working, communication and resource management in their project. 4. Appreciate how effective group work and administration contribute to the delivery of quality projects. 5. Volunteer with a community/ voluntary organisation which is has a role relevevant to health promotion. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Exercise as MedicineThis module introduces students to the concept of Exercise as a treatment option for numerous Chronic Illnesses. The module will prepare learners to conduct screening, risk stratification and appropriate health, fitness and functional assessments prior to creating evidence-based exercise programmes for those with chronic health conditions or risk factors for non-communicable disease (NCD). Learners will apply communication and motivational strategies aimed at empowering individuals with a chronic illness to adopt and self-sustain healthy lifestyle behaviours, and also how to manage ongoing communication with the individuals medical care practitioners. Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the prevalence, aetiology, basic pathophysiology, standard treatment and pharmacology of selected chronic conditions. 2. Discuss the evidence for exercise in the prevention and management of selected chronic conditions including dose-response issues and applicable exercise-drug interactions. 3. Apply scientific principles to prescribe safe effective exercise programmes tailored to assist clients in the management of selected cardiovascular, neurological and metabolic conditions 4. Demonstratethe ability to select and conduct various health, fitness and functional tests, monitor psychophysiological exerciseresponses and suggest appropriate adaptations to programmes. 5. Demonstrate competence in communication and motivational strategies aimed at empowering clients to take ownership of their exercise goals and commit to lifelongadherence to regular physical activity participation. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Applied Statistics in Public HealthThis course introduces the student to advanced statistical techniques for analysing data in the Public Health and Health Promotion fields. It provides the students with the ability to apply appropriate statistical techniques to data sets gathered during project work and also to comment on and rate techniques used in existing studies. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate the application of advanced statistical techniques in the analysis of population health data. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Personal TrainingLearners will further enhance their knowledge and practical skills to design, implement and evaluate exercise / physical activity programmes through collecting and analysing client information to ensure the safety and effectiveness of personal exercise programmes. The student will develop theoretical knowledge in advanced exercise physiology and sports specific training methods, and practical skills to design a 12 week tailored exercise programme for a client and deliver 6 weeks of this programme during the semester. Exercise programme monitoring and evaluation skills will be applied to make appropriate adaptations and progressions to programmes being rolled out during 'personal training practice'. Leadership qualities, communication skills and motivation strategies required to encourage and empower individuals to adopt and self-sustain regular exercise / physical activity programmes underpin practical exercise programming. Learning Outcomes 1. Critically evaluate the acute and chronic physiological implications of various training and recovery strategies. 2. Apply relevant cognitive-behavioural and psychological theoryto conduct an exercise consultation with clients and conduct, record and interpret appropriatehealth & fitness evaluations as part of the process of need analysis, goal-setting and pre-programme planning. 3. Plan safe, evidence-based exercise programmes for a variety of clients demonstrating ability to rationalise specific programming decisions. 4. Deliver personal training to safely and effectively lead exercise sessions targeting various physiological aims, demonstrating the knowledge and ability to operate various methods of exercise monitoring and skills for client correction and motivation. 5. Adapt and progress programmes appropriately based on objective indices of programme evaluation and client feedback. |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Promoting Health in Specific Population GroupsDuring this module students will gain a detailed knowledge of the importance of utilising a population based approach for targeting health, health promotion and wellness initiatives. The student will demonstrate mastery in developing appropriate methods and strategies for targeting various sub-population groups in society. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of the concepts, models, principles and theories of health promotion with reference to specific population groups. |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Applied EpidemiologyIn this module the student will develop a comprehensive knowledge of modern epidemiology. Learners will develop specific skills in epidemiological study design and the appraisal of these studies, as well as associated skills in the design of fact sheets on the epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases. Students will also address ethical issues. Learning Outcomes 1. Source epidemiological information from various data sources. 2. Prepare written and oral reports and presentations that communicate recent epidemiological study findings to professional audiences, policy makers and general public. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Enterprise and Innovation in HealthStudents will consider self-employment, identify new business opportunities, conduct a feasibility study and produce a business plan and funding application. Learning Outcomes 1. determine the personal and professional traits of an entrepreneur and reflect on these to establish the learner’s competencies and gaps for entrepreneurship. 2. generate and analyse new ideas for the health & wellbeing business sector and conduct an outline feasibility study. 3. explain the components of a business plan and developan outline business plan, including a supportive outline marketing plan. 4. identify various sources of new businessfunding. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Settings based approach to Physical ActivityThis module takes a population health approach to expanding students skills to promote physical activity in a variety of population groups across a range of defined settings. Learners will be supported to critically appraise physical activity promotion and maintenance practice in terms of effectiveness of initiatives. The learner will consider limitations and pragmatic concerns within different settings based approaches to promoting physical activity – recognising the significance of 'setting' when developing physical activity interventions. Students will develop a comprehensive and evidence-based knowledge of the settings-based approach to promoting physical activity and preventing physical inactivity. Key settings will include (but are not limited to): educational, community, workplace, health services, family/home and digital settings. Learning Outcomes 1. Identify and demonstrate a detailed knowledge ofthe concepts, models and principlesbehind a settings based approach to physical activity promotion. 2. Source, interpret and critically appraise health related literature/evidence that supports the design and evaluationof effective physical activity promotion in specificsettings considering demographic sensitivity. 3. Develop and presenta proposal for a physical activity funding application for a specific specialist setting. 4. Build a setting specific resource pack/ materials for the promotion of physical activity, justifying format, layout and content by considering the context of that setting. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Qualitative Research MethodologiesThis module will focus on current research in the health promotion public health field. It will build on the knowledge acquired in Research Methods 1 & 2 and seek to develop skills in qualitative research methods. Students will be introduced to different paradigms in research and a variety of approaches to qualitative research. Students will be given opportunities to develop research questions suited to qualitative research. Students will be introduced to using focus groups in qualitative research and will design and moderation focus groups, analyse data using thematic analysis and report their findings. Learning Outcomes 1. Identify appropriate research methodologies for a given research question. 3. Analyse data from a focus group using thematic analysis and present their findings. 4. Be able to appraise a qualitative research paper or report. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Clinical Exercise PrescriptionThis module examines the basic roles and responsibilities of the exercise and physical activity specialist in prescription of exercise for clinical populations. It is designed to equip students to plan, deliver and monitor safe and effective exercise programmes. Students will also develop the analytical skills required to assess individual needs, set goals and prepare and evaluate long-term exercise plans with reference to diverse range of clients. The module will emphasise evidence-based practice and the dose-response relationship between exercise and health outcomes. Mechanisms under-pinning the protective effect of exercise against specific conditions will be highlighted. Learning Outcomes 1. Identify and discuss the prevalence, aetiology, basic pathology, typical pharmacology and risk factors associated with selected chronic conditions. 2. Propose the role of exercise as a solution forthe prevention and treatment of chronic conditions, using evidence based research; with consideration of possible pharmacological interactions with physiological exercise responses. 3. Conduct a client-centred exercise consultation using motivational interviewing techniques. 5. Monitor, progress and critically evaluate programmes for a diverse range of clients. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Work PlacementThe 10 week full-time work placement is also preceded by a classroom-based preparatory training block, where students experience a range of activities designed to develop skills and confidence for the workplace. The entire module affords students opportunities to execute and develop key skills and competencies in health promotion and public health practice, to facilitate learners to secure work in the area. The module also serves to establish the foundations of a network of contacts in the public health and health promotion arena, and develop the students confidence, autonomy and professional competence for a work environment. Learning Outcomes 1. Self represent personal and professional skills and competencies through compilation of a CV, job application or interview, and identify strengths and weaknesses in personal work performance through reflective practice 2. Exhibit workplace specific knowledge and skills in the areas of proposal and report writing and maintain detailed records of work placement activity, reflecting on practice. 3. Demonstrate a professional attitude at workshowing a willingness to seek out opportunities and deliver work to a standard commensurate with employer expectations and student experience 4. Operate professionally and constructively within a multidisciplinary team environment, cooperating with others and actively contributing to real work situations within allocated responsibility, demonstrating competence, ownership and autonomy in applied learning. 5. Apply basic practical skills to the work environment demonstrating competence, creativity and an appreciation for relevant organisational policies and procedure. 6. Demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal skills to integrate into the organisation, and form the foundations of a network of professional contacts and recognise future career opportunities. |
10 | Mandatory |
Graduates may progress to Level 9 and Level 10 postgraduate studies in ATU Sligo.
Graduates may also progress to postgraduate studies at other third level institutions. Graduates have gained entry to programmes in allied health areas such as physiotherapy, radiography and occupational therapy, both in Ireland and abroad.
The most common progression route universities from ATU Sligo are University of Limerick, University of Cork, University of Salford, Ulster University, Robert Gordon University, Northumbria University, Glasgow Caledonian and University of Derby. Our staff are very knowledgeable and ensure students receive appropriate references and advice prior to application and subsequent interview.
Level 8 graduates may progress to a range of Level 9 and Level 10 postgraduate programmes, including the MSc in Clinical Measurement
Physiology in ATU.
Download a prospectus
Entry Requirements
Leaving Certificate Entry Requirement | 6 subjects at O6/H7 2 subjects at H5 English or Irish at O6/H7 Maths at O6/H7 or Foundation Maths at F2 |
QQI/FET Major Award Required | Any |
Additional QQI/FET Requirements | Three distinctions and a pass in C20139 or 5N1833 or C20174 or C20175 or 5N18396 or 5N0556 or Leaving Certificate Maths at 06/H7/F2 |
Garda Vetting | Entrants to this programme will be required to undergo vetting by An Garda Síochána. |
Advanced Entry
Applications are welcome for entry to stage 2 of a programme at ATU, following completion of a cognate QQI FET Level 6 Major award.
Transfers into years two, three or four are also welcome from those who have completed learning in a cognate area in another Higher-Level Institute (HEI).
Total Fees EU: €3000
This annual student contribution charge is subject to change by Government. Additional tuition fees may apply. Click on the link below for more information on fees, grants and scholarships.
Total Fees Non-EU: €12000
Subject to approval by ATU Governing Body (February 2025)
Further information on feesProfessional Accreditation
Embedded within this degree is the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS) Ireland recognised Fitness Instruction, Personal Training and
Exercise for Health Specialist awards.
This degree is also accredited by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE). This means graduates have qualifications that are recognised worldwide.


Graduates work in a wide range of areas related to health and physical activity, including sports development, sports science, physical activity promotion, health promotion and physical activity.
Graduates may progress into postgraduate programmes in various allied healthcare professions where the undergraduate competencies acquired in health science will complement their chosen career path. Graduates have gained entry to professional programmes in allied health areas such as physiotherapy, radiography and occupational therapy, both in Ireland and abroad.
Some students choose to exit after Year 2 or Year 3 and pursue undergraduate studies in the allied healthcare professions listed above.
Further Information
Contact Information
T: +353 (0)71 931 8510

Health & Nutritional Sciences