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Group of mature students, one male standing behind three females sitting around a laptop.

Special Needs Assistants Training Programme

Group of mature students, one male standing behind three females sitting around a laptop.

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) on behalf of the Department of Education, has appointed ATU to continue delivery of the national training programme for Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) from September 2025.

The course, which is fully funded by the Department of Education, will be led by the School of Education at St Angela’s Campus in Lough Gill, Co. Sligo in collaboration with the School of Nursing, Health Sciences and Disability Studies at ATU, St Angela’s.

Key Facts about the Programme

Interested in finding out more?

Register with ATU to receive notification when the course is open for applications:

Information Sessions

ATU St Angelas will host several information sessions (in-person and online) to provide further details on the course.

The first information session will take place on Thursday, 10th April at 4pm. The session will be online. The session will be aimed at School Principles. Further details on registration and agenda to follow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I do this course?

The course will equip you with the necessary up-to-date knowledge, skills and competencies to be effective in supporting the care needs of students with Additional Educational Needs (AENs) and specific care needs in various educational contexts, primary, post-primary, special schools and special classes. ATU St Angelas has a long-standing reputation for educating SNAs since 2002. This course has been developed and designed by subject matter experts in the Schools of Education and Nursing, Health Sciences and Disability Studies at ATU St Angelas.

Is this course accredited?

This is a 60-hour University accredited Level 6 Special Purpose Award (under the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). View further information on the National Framework of Qualifications here

Do I have to pay any fees?

You do not have to pay any fees. The course is fully funded by the Department of Education for those employed as an SNA in all recognised schools (primary, post-primary and special schools).

Do I need my school’s permission to complete this course?

You do not need your school’s permission to complete the course, but you do need permission to use the school’s roll number as part of your application. Therefore, a member of the school authority (e.g. Principal or Chair of Board of Management) will need to supply this number and provide a signature to be included as part of your application.

How do I apply?

Register your interest and we will be notify you when applications are open using the form on this web page.

How is the course structured?

There are six modules of 10 hours delivered consecutively over four-week blocks, beginning in September 2025 and finishing in June 2026. The modules will be delivered in a blended learning approach in the form of weekly live webinars of one hour, and weekly recorded online lectures of one to one and a half hours accessible in students’ own time. The live webinars will be outside of school hours, time and day to be confirmed.

There will be three Saturday practical training seminars of 2/3 hours duration in locations around the country with effort made to minimise travel for students.

The Modules are:
Inclusive Education of Students with Additional Educational Needs
Language and Communication
Supporting Students with Primary Care Needs, including Medical and Complex Needs
Social and Emotional Development
Supporting Students with Autism
Professional Development of SNAs

How long is the course?

10 months duration. The course will commence in September 2025 and finish in June 2026.

What do I need to complete the course?

The course is delivered mostly online. You will need access to the use of a laptop and a broadband internet connection for the duration of the programme. An induction session will be held at the start of the programme to familiarise students with the technological requirements of the programme. A full-time Technical Officer is dedicated to supporting students for the duration of the programme.

What supports are available?

The programme has a dedicated Full-time Programme Director, Full-time Administrative Support, Full-time Technical Officer and Full-time communications Officer. In addition, ATU St Angelas has a comprehensive range of student services aimed at supporting students throughout their studies in the University. These include the Careers Office, Counselling Office, Student Health Unit, Chaplaincy and Financial Support, ICT Supports, Library Services, Academic Writing Centre, Access and Disability Services.