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Education Practice
Master of Arts
Course Details
Course Code | GA_GEDUG_V09 |
Level | 9 |
Duration | 2 years |
Credits | 90 |
Method of Delivery | Online |
Campus Locations | Galway City – Wellpark Road |
Mode of Delivery | Part Time |

Course Overview
The programme is aimed at qualified post-primary professional teachers who wish to pursue a Level 9 qualification and also develop and enhance their teaching, through research, practice and reflexivity. The programme is designed to enable practising teachers to achieve a Masters award by undertaking a 2-year part-time programme.
Learners will apply their learning in their classrooms and use those classrooms as a site of their practitioner research, adopting an action research methodology. The programme will be delivered online with taught elements (3 x 10 ECTS modules) and research elements, including a Practitioner Research Methods module (10 ECTS) and a Thesis in Education module (50 ECTS). Within the Practitioner Research Methods module, students will identify a research question, form a research design plan, and develop a comprehensive, yet concise, research proposal.
Course Details
Year 1
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Leadership in EducationThis module is designed to prepare students for advancement in their professional careers, including progression to leadership and management roles in professional educational settings. The module explores theoretical and practical aspects of leadership and management in the context of professional teaching in the Irish context. Models of leadership and management are examined and their implications for practice are assessed. Professional and ethical aspects of leadership and management are explored, with reference to codes of professional practice. There is a focus on relational competencies in this module. Whole school leadership is analysed. Critical explorations of management systems tools and platforms are included, as well as professional interview training for leadership and/or management positions. Students develop a professional development action plan. Delivery is online. The teaching, learning and assessment are underpinned by an action-research methodology, which facilitates critical reflection on professional practice. Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss theoretical models of leadership and management, with reference to current literature in the field of education. 3. Investigate educational leadership and management roles in contexts of relational competencies, school organisational culture and the school as a learning community. 5. Develop effective job application and interview skills and strategies, for progression to professional leadership and management roles. |
10 | Elective |
1 |
Innovation and Technology in TeachingStudents on this module will be introduced to a range of innovative technology enhanced learning (TEL) tools relevant to post-primary teaching. Participants will adapt, explore and apply these TEL tools in innovative and creative ways within the context of their classroom teaching. They will critically evaluate TEL tools within their own professional practice, develop a Teaching and Learning e-Portfolio and familiarise themselves with educational uses of social media platforms. Delivery is online. The teaching, learning and assessment are underpinned by an action-reflection methodology, which facilitates critical reflection on professional practice. Learning Outcomes 1. Critically evaluate current literaturerelating to the relationshipbetween technology and teaching and learning. 2. Effectively utilise selected artificial intelligence applications and tools to advance professional teaching innovations in post-primary education settings 4. Develop a teaching and learning e-Portfolio that showcases a comprehensive range of TEL learning resources and innovations. 5. Critically evaluate the effective application of TEL in the context of Community of Practice forum posts. |
10 | Elective |
1 |
Professional Practice EportfolioThis online or blended learning level 9 module is aimed at students wishing to pursue career advancement and to develop leadership skills in the field of professional education. It facilitates professional educators to develop an electronic Learning and Teaching Portfolio (e-Portfolio) representing their ongoing professional philosophy, teaching, learning and assessment practice, reflection on practice and professional development. The module facilitates practitioners to integrate the theory and practice of learning and teaching, and to showcase best practice teaching evidence: professional planning grids, lesson plans, active learning and assessment strategies, lesson resources and post-lesson critical reflections. Participants are facilitated to develop original and personal philosophies of teaching and learning. Hands-on training workshops are provided to assist web platform development. Platform design, aesthetics and accessible, professional content are enhanced by means of peer reviews. The resulting e-portfolio artefact provides evidence of professional learning, innovative teaching and assessment strategies, reflective and critical thinking processes, and creativity in teaching and learning. Delivery is online. The teaching, learning and assessment are underpinned by an action-research methodology, which facilitates critical reflection on professional practice. Learning Outcomes 1. Competently discuss literature in relation to teaching and learning e-Portfolios in Higher Education. 3. Effectively construct a professional web-based teaching and learningplatform, with attention to both design and professional teaching, learning and assessment content 4. Creatively and aesthetically showcase sampleteaching and learning initiatives, innovations andachievements on the e-Portfolio. 5. Evidence professional reflective practice using a selection of theoretical models and practical multimedia modalities. |
10 | Elective |
2 |
Inclusivity in EducationThe theme of 'inclusivity' is currently a dominant theme in education, globally. It is an umbrella term that incorporates such varied areas as diversity, accessibility, differentiated learning, universal design for learning, interculturalism, wellbeing, and equality. This module introduces students to theoretical understandings of inclusivity, and its application in the context of teaching and learning. The module explores such areas as accessibility in education, universal design for learning (UDL), multicultural inclusion, gender identity & inclusion, differentiated learning, Additional Education Needs (AEN), and educational disadvantage. The lecturer acts as a facilitator of learning and students are supported by peer mentoring pairs or triads. Creative and innovative active learning methods are used. Individual and team learning activities and assessment activities are included. Delivery is online. The teaching, learning and assessment are underpinned by an action-research methodology, which facilitates critical reflection on professional practice. Learning Outcomes 1. Apply theoretical dimensions of accessibility in education to practice, with a particular emphasis on Additional Education Needs and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles. 5. Analyse specific challenges relating to educational disadvantage in a selected school setting and develop one educational response, either classroom-based or whole school. |
10 | Elective |
2 |
Wellbeing in EducationThis module is designed to support students to develop a comprehensive theoretical and practical understanding of wellbeing in education, with particular emphasis on the post-primary context. Following this module, students will be able to confidently implement wellbeing strategies in professional teaching and contribute to both classroom and whole-school contexts. From a theoretical perspective, the module explores philosophical, psychological, sociological and health perspectives on wellbeing and human flourishing. Wellbeing strategies in the real world of the school and classroom are examined and participants are equipped to confidently facilitate practical wellbeing strategies with students. There is a particular focus on the recent reforms and publications pertaining to wellbeing in the post-primary context. Delivery is online. The teaching, learning and assessment are underpinned by an action research methodology which facilitates critical reflection on professional practice. Learning Outcomes 1. Conduct a literature analysis investigation on wellbeing literature, including selected wellbeing policy and framework documents. 2. Discuss selected philosophical, psychological and sociologicalperspectives on wellbeing, with an emphasis on educational contexts. 3. Examine the roles of self-reflection and emotional intelligence in enhancing teachers’ and pupils’ personal wellbeing and mental health. 5. Effectively facilitate selectedwellbeing practical strategies in whole school and classroom settings. |
10 | Elective |
2 |
Climate Action and Sustainable Development EducationUnderstanding and addressing climate change and sustainable development challenges has become a pertinent educational theme internationally. Target 4.7 of the United Nations Education for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) requires that 'all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development' (UN, 2015). This concept of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) includes learning about sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity. It requires education to speak to the urgency of the current global crises, including climate change, biodiversity, and sustainable consumption and production. This involves students engaging with and considering global issues and wicked problems, and understanding their relevance to their own classrooms, communities and regions. This module aims to equip students with key literacy, competencies and pedagogies that are relevant for the teaching of these topics in a post-primary setting. By participating in this module, students will be able to contribute in an informed manner to school planning, development, and evaluation of education for sustainable development, climate and social justice, and global citizenship education. A problem-based learning (PBL) and collaborative learning (CL) model of enquiry is employed in this module, where participants explore the topic within communities of practice (CoP) in order to develop related skills and critical pedagogy . On completion of the module, students will have the knowledge and skills to incorporate these concepts effectively into their classroom teaching, learning and assessment strategies. Learning Outcomes 1. Critically analyse literature and policy pertaining to climate change, education for sustainable development and global citizenship education. |
10 | Elective |
2 |
Practitioner Research MethodsThis online ten-credit module provides a supportive and structured educational experience for students who are developing a comprehensive research proposal aligned with the programme module 'Thesis in Education Practice'. The module facilitates advanced literature research, foundational training in primary research methodologies and methods, and the mastery of academic referencing. The module supports students to devise an individualised and effective research design plan, write an initial literature analysis paper, develop robust pilot data-gathering instruments, and complete a research ethics application, in the context of a comprehensive research proposal. Delivery is fully online. Action research and practitioner research methodologies and frameworks are explicitly highlighted in the delivery of this module, in that this module prepares students to progress to an action research or practitioner research thesis in the field of education practice. Students acquire a competent level of knowledge of these methodologies. Moreover, the teaching, learning and assessment strategies in the module are underpinned by an action research methodology which facilitates critical reflection on professional practice. Learning Outcomes 1. Develop a concise research design plan for a thesis in education practice research project. |
10 | Mandatory |
Year 2
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
Year |
Thesis in Education PracticeThe Thesis in Education Practice module enables students to successfully complete an academic research thesis, for the purpose of enhancing professional practice. It facilitates an action research, or practitioner research, methodology: a key element of this programme. Moreover, t he teaching, learning and assessment strategies in this module are underpinned by an action research methodology, with a view to enhancing critical reflection on the part of students. Participants investigate a selected aspect of current professional teaching and learning practice. They engage in a detailed literature analysis, demonstrating the capacity to critically assess current literature and extrapolate significant findings in order to positively impact practice. Original primary research is also undertaken, and a literature-informed justification of the primary research methodological approach is included. The primary research involves piloting and validating data-gathering instruments, one of which (at least) ought to be a self-reflexive instrument, such as a guided professional journal. The investigation typically involves a mixed method or purely qualitative study. Participants conduct a rigorous qualitative thematic analysis of the data, and discuss the implications for practice. They complete an academic thesis by research (20,000- 25,000 words) and disseminate their research findings to professional educators, in the context of an institute research colloquium and/or a relevant academic and/or professional conference presentation. This module places self-reflexivity at the centre of the research process, including self-positioning as a teacher-researcher, the articulation of a personal philosophy of education including core teaching and learning values, the incorporation of education theory that intentionally informs practice, and reflective journaling, all to a level 9 standard of critical reflection. This practitioner research module is co-ordinated and facilitated by the Thesis in Education Science module leader. The co-ordination role involves planning, timetabling, and delivering face and online information and initial training sessions, delivering the capstone module induction, facilitating the delivery and assessment phases of the module roll-out, arranging training for supervisors, arranging support for students, chairing the mentoring circle, and arranging wider ATU training in the areas of academic writing, referencing and dissemination. This role also involves dialoguing with the programme Chair, the programme Board, the Head of Department/School, and external examiners, as required. The co-ordinator furthermore acts as the module leader, chairs the module's mentoring circles, and manages the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and MS TEAMS platforms. Delivery is three-fold: it includes training workshops, mentoring circles and one-on-one supervision. The training workshops are interactive and include input from experienced guest researchers. The mentoring circle model that is employed is a unique mentoring model devised within the Department, which has proven to be highly successful. The model was disseminated at the Connacht-Ulster Alliance (CUA) Conference, in Sligo, in 2020. (See CUA Presentation 2020.pptx ). Mentoring Circles are comprised of a small group of academic research supervisors and postgraduate students. One-on-one supervision is online, and highly structured: target goals are scheduled in the Module Handbook at the outset. The research supervisors are highly experienced supervisors, trained in action research, post-graduate supervision skills, academic writing, dissemination and publishing, and academic referencing (APA Ed. 7). Work-in-progress is peer-reviewed. Weekly progress is logged. There is a successful precedent for this model of delivery within the Department of Creative Education, namely, on the Master in Arts in Teaching and Learning degree programme. Note that a detailed weekly outline of the Thesis in Education Practice delivery schedule, over one full academic year, including orientation training, independent learning requirements, circle meetings, research training workshops, one-on-one supervision, continuous assessment assignment submission dates, and presentation/dissemination, is available in the supplementary documents (related files) section. An in-person induction session is provided for this module (or a hybrid model of induction, as required by the cohort of students). This is in order to assist with establishing a learning community, building trust and enhancing students' online collaboration throughout the module. Additionally, an in-person (or hybrid) session is offered at a later stage of the module delivery in support of the dissemination of research findings. Learning Outcomes 1. Analyse published literature on action research and practitioner research using advanced library research strategies. |
50 | Mandatory |
Recommended Study Hours per week
Examination and Assessment
Lecturers model a number of active teaching and learning strategies that learners are encouraged to adapt and appropriately apply in their professional contexts. A non-numerical grading system is employed throughout this programme, where all modules follow a pass/fail/incomplete assessment grading system relative to students’ attainment of module learning outcomes.
On-Campus Attendance Requirement
Note: Check programme Examination and Assessment requirements, as they may involve examinations to be taken on campus.
Upon completion of the Masters, candidates may progress to PhD level research or structured research programmes.
Download a prospectus
Entry Requirements
Candidates must be qualified post-primary teachers, holding an Honours Degree in Education (H2.2) award or equivalent. Candidates must also have access to a classroom setting for applying programme learning and undertaking action research assignments.
International applicants must hold an equivalent teacher education qualification.
Practicing teachers may also apply for entry to the programme via ATU’s Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) procedures to determine if they meet the entry requirement.
This programme specifically meets the needs outlined in the Teaching Council’s Cosán – Framework for Teachers’ Learning (2016) policy document by providing rich and relevant learning opportunities and in prioritising learning that benefits participants and their pupils. The programme also facilitates continuous professional development and embraces a philosophy of Teacher Professional Learning and life-long learning, where teachers acquire knowledge and pedagogy appropriate to the ever-changing educational landscape.
Holding a Level 9 qualification will support graduates in the pursuit of new posts, management positions and other professional opportunities and roles in the education sector.
Further Information
Who Should Apply?
This programme is specifically aimed at practising post-primary teachers seeking Level 9 post-graduate opportunities.
Application Closing Date
Start Date
Contact Information
Creative Education