Our Master of Science in Computing in DevOps may be taken as a one year, full-time (normally on-campus) or two year, part-time (normally online) programme. The part-time online option will run subject to sufficient demand. DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service lifestyle, from design through development process to production.
DevOps is characterised by operations staff harnessing the same techniques as developers for their systems work. Topics the course covers include: DevOps Software Engineering, Project Management and Deployment Pipelines.
Following the successful completion of the course you can expect to find attractive employment opportunities both at home and abroad with all the major IT multinationals including Amazon, Hewlett Packard and Datahug.
Roles include becoming a DevOps Support Engineer, Senior Software Engineer in DevOps or DevOps Project Managers..
Course Details
Year 1
Module Details
Mandatory / Elective
DevOps Software Engineering
This subject will extend the learners knowledge of programming through an exploration of continuous integration, build management, automated testing. Learners will work on a series of problems set in an enterprise environment using tools implemented by industry when developing enterprise scale software. Guest Lectures will be provided where possible.
Learning Outcomes
1. Develop software in a collaborative manner using Agile techniques most appropriate to a DevOps environment 2. Devise and an appropriate monitoring and test strategy for the measurement of code under specific criterion 3. Design an appropriate software delivery pipeline to improve cost, quality and performance in the software delivery process 4. Formulate a process of continuous improvement in the collaborative development of software appropriate to a given business problem 5. Determine appropriate research tools in the investigation of future trends in the area of DevOps. 6. Critical awareness of the importance of defined processes and frameworks to enable collaboration and teamwork. 7. Conceptualize and analyse business requirements for their impact on software delivery pipelines
IaC for DevOps Pipelines
This subject will expose the learners to infrastructure as code created as created to provide infrastructure support for a deployment pipeline. Learners will design and implement the deployment pipeline using one or more DSLs for both specific pipelines and generic solutions for multiple simultaneous project pipelines.
Learning Outcomes
1. Engage in practitioner-based research to compose solutions to deployment pipeline efficiency issues 2. Conceptualise, research and critique techniques and technologies to automate processes and job lifecycles 3. Undertake an analysis of incomplete, incorrect or contradictory solutions to a problem and communicate in a professional manner an alternative approach underpinned by justifications informed by clearly articulated research. 4. Demonstrate Critical awareness of the importance of coding best practice in disseminating information to enhance teamwork. 5. Analyse the impact of scripted pipelines on enhancing team work in delivering software across a pipeline. 6. Devise a scripted solution for a software delivery pipeline including design, implementation and test phases. 7. Review and refactor scripts via peer-review retrospective and refinement meetings.
This module aims to provide operational experience of best practice in the design, implementation, and management of DevOps systems to learners. With the objective of maximising their employability and future career prospects, this module enables students to become exposed to a professional working environment.
Learning Outcomes
1. Critically e xplore the varied environments through which DevOps systems and practices are designed, realised and deployed. 2. Establish the scope of and r epresent a problem, apply design and research skills in the implementation and use of the DevOps systems and practices and pursue appropriate approaches to solving the problem 3. Identify , explore and make informed judgements relating to the design, monitoring and management of DevOps systems and practices . 4. Apply problem solving, design and research skills in order to determine a solution path to produce, support and maintain DevOps systems and practices . 5. Actively r eflect upon their personal professional practice demonstrating appropriate and effective leadership, communication, negotiation, and o rganizational skills to aid life-long learning and continuing professional development. 6. Exercise professional and ethical judgement in decision making and communication within a working environment. Communicate effectively in order to engage a professional audience as part of this process . 7. Apply structured research, refined information gathering, critical analysis, design, and implementation techniques appropriately and effectively.
Research Project
Where, through no fault of their own, the student fails to obtain a placement this alternative project module will be offered. This module aims to provide experience of best practice in the design, implementation, and management of DevOps systems to learners through research and practical experience in topics which relate to trending topics or typical industry tasks. The objective is to maximise their employability and future career prospects, this module enables students to become exposed to research and communications as found in a professional working environment.
Learning Outcomes
1. Explore the varied technical environments applied within and to DevOps systems for the management of resources. 2. Analyse complex problems in the design, implementation, maintenance, or management of DevOps pipelines and systems and pursue appropriate approaches to solving them . 3. Reflect in a structured manner on policies and practices applied in DevOps sy s tems . 4. Apply focused problem solving, design and research skills in typically used in successful DevOps environments . 5. Actively r eflect upon their personal professional practice demonstrating appropriate and effective communication, and organizational skills to aid life-long learning and continuing professional development. 6. Exercise professional and ethical judgement in decision making and communications in order to engage a professional audience as part of this process . 7. Apply research, information gathering, critical analysis, design, and implementation techniques appropriately and effectively.
DevOps Project Management
In this module learners are exposed to the key processes, controls and technologies supporting an automated software delivery pipeline. Learners will design and implement controls and processes to manage the successful, rapid delivery of software as well as gain practical exposure to appropriate tools and infrastructure.
Learning Outcomes
1. Design, justify and implement the correct controls/processes for Release and Change Management in an Agile delivery organisation. 2. Devise and construct systems for the measurement of performance for delivery success according to KPIs appropriate to the problem set. 3. Establish an appropriate deployment workflow to improve cost, quality and performance in the deployment process 4. Recognize and mitigate factors which may have a negative impact on the delivery lifecycle 5. Investigate and justify the selection of tools, techniques and skills for the design of resources to enable seamless change management and the application of contingency plans as required . 6. Critical awareness of the importance of clearly documenting change to enable teamwork. 7. Analyse the effect of process interdependencies on change management pipelines. 8. Implement and evaluate a process of peer review to establish change management pipeline review
Disruptive DevOps
This subject will expose the learners to emerging and disruptive concepts for DevOps . Learners will draw on the experience of industry speakers from diverse areas of expertise. An opportunity to engage with disruptive technologies is provided through engagement with and collaboration on a FOSS or industry led project .
Learning Outcomes
1. Determine issues relating to the application of emerging technology across large scale complex projects and services including diverse underlying architectures and infrastructure. 2. Conceptualise, research and critique processes, techniques, and technologies to support software lifecycles 3. Devise and execute a comprehensive management plan to incorporates a selected emerging concept into a DevOps pipeline or process, and communicate in a professional manner justification for decisions informed by clearly articulated research. 4. Critical awareness of the importance of people, process, practice and project to software lifecycles including their interrelationships and mindset changes required to meet changing needs . 5. Analyse the challenges and benefits of emerging and disruptive technologies in supporting the software lifecycle . 6. Research and defend strategies in a professional manner using appropriate academic and industry sources . 7. Develop competencies in the determination, integration and management of communication and documentation needs over a project or service lifecycle . 8. Appraise, review and critically and reflexively formulate issues involved in designing, developing and implementing a solution from both a legal and ethical point of view
This module involves working on a research dissertation over an extended period. Working under the guidance of an academic supervisor, the module allows the student to develop theoretical and applied skills in using contemporary computing science techniques both from a theoretical perspective and as an applied discipline. The dissertation represents the capstone work on a topic related to their chosen programme of study.
Learning Outcomes
1. Develop appropriate data collection instruments for mixed methods research and to evaluate each for their appropriateness to the research question; 2. Engage in a sustained piece of individual, academic research on a chosen topic within the field(s) specifically relevant to the course; 3. Read widely and critically reflect on a number of pieces of written research in an appropriate and thorough manner; 4. Evaluate varying methodological approaches and to adopt the necessary approaches suitable to the topic being researched; 5. Produce a dissertation that evaluates and synthesises quanti t at ive (statistical) approaches such as empirical tests on a hypothesis; 6. Produce a dissertation that evaluates and synthesises qualitative research methods such as the literature review and dissertation proposal and displays evidence of independent research skills.
Recommended Study Hours per week
Students can expect to allow between 10 and 20 hours for study per week.
Examination and Assessment
100% continuous assessment.
On-Campus Attendance Requirement
Full-time attendance required. Note: Check programme Examination and Assessment requirements, as they may involve examinations to be taken on campus.
Level 10 studies (Doctoral) at ATU or other institutions and universities at home and abroad.
Graduate careers typically include roles such as Cloud DevOps Engineer, DevOps Engineer, and Systems Software Engineer. The main employers are multinational companies and software companies.
Further Information
Who Should Apply?
This programme is suitable for individuals who have a strong interest in software development, IT operations, and continuous integration and deployment processes, and who want to develop advanced skills in these areas to pursue a career in DevOps or related fields.
Application Closing Date
15th August 2025
Start Date
September 2025
Contact Information
Faculty of Engineering & Technology Department of Computing