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International Marine Biological Resources
Master of Science
Course Details
Course Code | GA_SMBRG_V09 |
Level | 9 |
Duration | 2 years |
Credits | 120 |
Method of Delivery | On-campus |
Campus Locations | Galway City – Dublin Road |
Mode of Delivery | Full Time |

Course Overview
This two-year taught International MSc programme covers a wide range of subjects related to the sustainable use of marine biological resources.
This is a unique opportunity to study at a choice of nine European universities and receive one joint degree, while gaining access to Europe’s top marine research institutes.
As a student on this exciting Masters programme, you will have the opportunity to:
Be part of an international student community
Experience the diversity of European marine ecosystems
Choose a thematic specialization fit to your own personal interests
Gain valuable skills through extensive practical and laboratory training
Present your thesis at an international open symposium
Research projects as an integral part of your study programme
Participate in a 10-day field research project during the IMBRSea Joint School
The International Master in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea), is a joint Master programme organized by ten leading European universities in the field of marine sciences.
IMBRSea covers a wide range of subjects related to the sustainable use of marine biological resources.
With an emphasis on marine biological and ecological processes, the programme links biology of marine organisms and environmental studies with subjects in marine policy and planning.
Topics are covered through Thematic Modules in Specialization Tracks to prepare the next generation of scientists who need to understand the marine ecosystem functioning and conservation of biodiversity to work in biological resources exploitation and management.
IMBRSea offers a unique combination of Courses, Annual Symposia, Professional Practices and Thesis subjects in an integrated program to learn how to develop blue biotechnologies in a sustainable way.
The International Master in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea), is a joint Master programme organized by ten leading European universities in the field of marine sciences:
Ghent University (BE)
Sorbonne Université (FR)
University of the Algarve (PT)
University of Oviedo (ES)
ATU Galway Mayo (IE)
University of the Basque Country (ES)
Polytechnic University of Marche (IT)
University of Bergen (NO)
Université de Bretagne Occidentale (FR)
Université Côte d’Azur (FR)
It is supported by fourteen Marine Research Institutes belonging to the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC).Based on the objectives of the EMBRC consortium, IMBRSea covers a wide range of subjects related to the sustainable use of marine biological resources. With an emphasis on marine biological and ecological processes, the programme links biology of marine organisms and environmental studies with subjects in marine policy and planning.
Course Details
Year 1
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
OceanographyThis modules introduces the geological, chemical/physical processes that have shaped the global ocean, regulate climate and drive marine ecosystem processes from global to regional scales. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe processes, such as atmospheric and oceanic circulation, climate and weather, plate tectonics, 2. Explain the major physical oceangographic processes and how each affects chemical and biological processes in the ocean 3. Summarize the chemical properties of seawater and how each affects marine life. |
06 | Mandatory |
1 |
Marine EcologyThe course presents advanced topics on the ecology of marine ecosystems, focusing on processes and patterns that are specific to the marine environment. It provides the student with an overview on the ecology and evolution of biodiversity of marine organisms. In marine population ecology, students will be taught the applications and interpretation of concepts and tools to understand population variability in marine systems, persistence, dispersal and connectivity between populations. In marine community ecology, students will study how relationships between species can regulate populations and shape communities, from pathogen/host to predator/prey, competitive and symbiotic interactions between different components of marine biodiversity. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of thedistinct components of marine biodiversity, their life histories and evolutionary context. 2. Interpretfunctional interactions, patterns and processes in marine ecology. 3. Select, apply and evaluatetools to understand population variability in marine systems, persistence, dispersal and connectivity between populations |
06 | Mandatory |
1 |
Quantitative Methods in Marine ScienceNumerical tools help to ask scientific questions more efficiently and extract appropriate answers. This course will introduce students to many basic techniques in data analysis and numerical modelling, to help them summarise a problem in mathematical terms, plan experiments or field sampling campaigns, and gather insights from the data collected. Students will learn how to identify sources of variation in biological data and decide on sampling/experimental units and replicates. Major inferential statistical and data exploration techniques will be taught. Numerical models will be introduced as a way to simplify and formalise a system. A programming language (R) will be used to apply all those techniques. Learning Outcomes 1. Design an experiment or field sampling campaign to test hypotheses 2. Select appropriate data analysis techniques considering assumptions of tests and nature of the data to be analysed 3. Critically evaluate/ interpret the output of basic inferential statistics 4. Present data and model output graphically |
06 | Mandatory |
1 |
Marine Policy and GovernanceThe module will introduce international, national and regional legal frameworks related to the management and administration of marine resources. Environmental economics will be introduced and discussed using a case study approach. Special emphasis will be devoted to the economic analysis of natural resource exploitation of renewable and open access resources, with application to fisheries. The course also addresses marine ecosystem conservation and biodiversity management, with an emphasis on the social-ecological aspects of marine protected areas. It tackles threats to marine conservation and current designs and lessons from the implementation of marine protected areas. The course explores different strategies to manage, control and monitor marine protected areas and their relationship with end users. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and the interactions betweeninternational, national and regional legislative instruments for marine resourceexploitation and marine biodiversity conservation. 2. Articulate thecomplexities in managing existing marine protected areas and to adopt decisions for the establishment of new areas. 3. Integrate aspects of the social,economic and ecological complexities affectingthe management of marine resources. |
03 | Mandatory |
1 |
Marine GenomicsThe module deals with genome-enabled insights into the broader framework of environmental marine science. Topics within the course include evolutionary as well as functional aspects of genes, genomes and metagenomes of marine organisms from the individual to the ecosystem-level. It aims to provide students with an introduction to the field of molecular ecology, specifically directed towards the marine environment on its organisms. Students will learn about the application of molecular population genetics, phylogenetics, as well as (meta-)genomics and (meta-)transcriptomics to traditional ecological and evolutionary questions (e.g., species diagnosis, conservation and assessment of biodiversity, quantitative genetics, heritability of traits and breeding studies, and questions of behavioural ecology). Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate and understanding ofthe ecological and evolutionary processes acting at the genomic level in populations of marine organisms 2. Select and apply appropriate molecular techniques to address specific marine ecologicalor evolutionary questions 3. Critically analyse and interpret molecular datasets from the individual to the community level |
03 | Mandatory |
1 |
Marine GIS and Spatial PlanningThis module will provide an introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and their application in the marine environment. In Spatial Planning, learners will be taught concepts and models of marine spatial planning using a case study approach. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate the application of spatial planning; coordination and decision making in practical case studies 2. Source, store and analyse a broad range of data types within a Geographic Information System 3. Create outputs pertinent to the application of Geographic Information Systems in line with their needs |
03 | Mandatory |
1 |
Stakeholder EngagementStakeholder engagement is crucial to the development of public policy, decision-making, and business practice. Decision-making is improved when stakeholder engagement improves communications, broadens community support for projects, and garners new resources, data and ideas. It is therefore often employed to tackle complex multi-dimensional problems, like those existing around biodiversity/conservation management. Attempts to resolve problems are more likely to succeed when decision making processes consider the social environment, and try to meet the needs of the stakeholders affected by it. This course provides practical guidance on how to plan and conduct effective Stakeholder Engagement processes, with emphasis on issues related to biodiversity/conservation management. Learning Outcomes 1. Analyse and identify stakeholders relevant to current biodiversity and conservation issues |
03 | Mandatory |
2 |
IMBRSea Professional Practice PortfolioStudents will engage in a six-week period of professional practice in an organisation of relevance to the MSc programme. During Professional Practice, students will work under the guidance of a mentor in their host organisation and an academic supervisor from the partner universities. Learners will be encouraged to arrange professional practice with a non-academic organisation that will provide them with an experience of relevance to their future careers. The professional practice should develop the learner's professional competence, increase their self awareness and help inform decisions concerning their career path. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate through interpersonal communications how their experience has improved their professional competence 2. Critically evaluate and articulate how they have contributed to their host organisation’s objectives. 3. Demonstrate the application of previously acquired theory and practical knowledge to their professional duties in the host organisation. 4. Articulate how their professional practice experience has modified their career aspirations. 5. Assess the effect of their professional practice on their future employment prospects. |
12 | Elective |
2 |
Environmental DNA and Novel Molecular Approaches in ProductionRecent technological advances are allowing the development of fast, effective and reliable molecular tools for the study of organisms both in the wild and in captivity. Modern production systems rely on such approaches in order to be sustainable and profitable at the same time. This course provides an overview of modern genetic approaches, with particular attention to environmental DNA approaches Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the application of environmental DNA (eDNA) approaches and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology. |
05 | Elective |
2 |
Genetics of Wild and Farmed OrganismsUnderstanding genetic diversity and differentiation in the wild is the first step in the development of sustainable modern breeding programmes, which in turn use molecular approaches in order to select for traits of interest in plant and animal production. This course provides an overview of genetic approaches applied to the study of wild and farmed organisms Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the concept of genetic variation |
05 | Elective |
Year 2
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Animal Behaviour: Recording and AnalysisAn understanding of animal behaviour is important for the management and conservation of a wide variety of animals. Students on this course will learn to: (i) address questions in biodiversity and conservation within a behavioural framework; (ii) record the behaviour of animals in the field and laboratory using appropriate techniques; (iii) analyse behavioural data using dedicated software and appropriate statistical methods; (iv) interpret and present the results of behavioural analyses. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the application of animal behaviour in conservation |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Acoustic Monitoring as a Marine Conservation ToolUnderwater acoustics is the study of sound propagation through water. As sound travels much more efficiently through water, cetaceans have evolved to use this mechanism for navigating, finding food and communicating. This ability allows cetaceans to carry out their normal functions irrespective of sight, which would be greatly influenced by turbidity, depth and darkness. Through the study of underwater acoustics, we can get an insight into cetacean occurrences and behaviour when visual observations are not possible, such as during hours of darkness and during adverse weather conditions. This module will train students in the different acoustic monitoring technologies available and how to analyse and interpret acoustic datasets. Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss the role of acoustics in conservation |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Species Distribution ModellingModelling species distribution has widespread application in marine ecology and conservation. By combining data on the abundance/distribution/presence of a species with biotic and abiotic co-variables it is possible to model a predictive distribution of species of interest. This biogeographic output may in turn, be used to identify locations where species can exist, or how changes in environmental conditions may affect current distribution patterns. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical basis and application of species distribution modelling 2. Evaluate and select appropriate species distribution modelling techniques 3. Assess the efficacy and uncertainty in a model predicting species distributions 4. Using a case study approach, apply models to address marine conservation questions |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Seabird and Marine Mammal Population Assessment TechniquesKnowledge of population size is essential for the management of animal populations. Significant biological, ecological and legislative imperatives exist requiring research into long term trends and current abundance and distribution of marine mammal and seabird populations. This module will introduce learners to the practical and theoretical aspects of visual survey techniques utilised to inform conservation policies and action plans and to support reporting and other legislative requirements. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the theoretical basis for visual survey techniques |
03 | Elective |
1 |
Ecology of Top Predators in Marine SystemsThis module will provide learners with detailed knowledge of the biology and ecology of top predators in marine systems, in particular: factors affecting their abundance and distribution, role of top predators in marine ecosystems, ecological consequences of top predator declines, role of top predators in monitoring and management of marine ecosystems, interaction between marine megafauna and fisheries. Through the theory and the use of case-studies, the learner will be able to critically evaluate conservation approaches. Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss the physical, chemical and biological factors that influence the spatial and temporal distribution of marine top predators |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Statistical Analysis in Population EcologyThis course aims to provide the theoretical and applied basis for statistical analyses of population dynamics. By providing an inferential background in likelihood and an introduction to Bayesian inference, students will be equipped to analyse the oftentimes complicated experimental and observational data that arise in population ecology. It will develop students understanding of population ecology and accompanying statistical methodology and provide for student independence through a thorough understanding of the open-source R statistical environment. Finally, it will equip students to run Bayesian analyses through an introduction to applied Bayesian inference via WinBUGS. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the underpinnings of statistical inference 5. Draw inference from population dynamics 6. Describe Bayesian inference as applied to population dynamics |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Secondary Impacts of Harvest on Wild Populations and EcosystemsThis module will provide an overview of the effects of harvesting on wild populations and the communities in which they exist. Traditional approaches to harvesting largely assume a population exists in isolation and that harvesting acts to primarily change the size and or composition of the population. Increasingly, however, evidence suggests that failure to consider secondary effects of harvesting may lead to decreased productivity, population decline and, in some cases, extirpation. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the extant theory of harvesting 4. Explain implications of optimal population harvesting 5. Describe how secondary impacts can be accounted for when evaluating harvest strategies |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Life History Strategies and Trade-OffsOrganisms' life history strategies reflect the trade-off of finite resources to competing functions such as maintenance, growth and reproduction. It follows therefore, that allocation of resources to a reproductive event (for example) will come at a cost to growth, maintenance and possible future reproductive events. This module will explore relationships between: age and size, survival and reproductive performance. It will investigate the interaction between phenotypic variation resulting in selection coupled with the expression of genetic variation that facilitates a response to selection. Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss the evolution of life history strategies |
03 | Elective |
2 |
Erasmus Mundus Research ThesisThe learner will undertake an approved research project under the direction of an internal supervisor. Projects may be drawn from any discipline within the course or from an area of expertise of the supervisor. Design of the project should be produced by the learner with the advice of the supervisor. Learning Outcomes 1. Identify and choose a research project topic and plan the delivery of that research project |
30 | Elective |
On-Campus Attendance Requirement
Download a prospectus
Entry Requirements
A prerequisite for admission is that applicants have a Bachelor (or Master) degree in biology, ecology, environmental sciences, oceanography, marine sciences, geography, geology, veterinary medicine or other equivalent degrees with minimum 180 credits (3 years).
Language Requirements
Knowledge of the English language is considered as a basic requirement.
All students must provide evidence of their proficiency in English through one of the following documents (not older than 2 years at the application deadline):
A recent TOEFL Certificate: minimum score: 87 points (internet based)
A recent IELTS Certificate: minimum score: 6.5
A recent Certificate of a University Language Centre testifying that the student masters the necessary knowledge of English to function academically (specify CEF-level / minimum CEF-level B2)
A recent Cambridge English certificate: Cambridge English First (FCE) – grade A or B
A certificate proving that you have followed at least 1 year of higher education in English
More information
Further details are available at the IMBRSea website (External link)
Apply today
Please visit the IMBRSea Application page to apply
Total Fees EU: €9000
Details concerning scholarships and fees are available on the IMBRSea website. Scholarships are available for both EU and non-EU students. The IMBRSea Consortium have made an agreement to organise the Master programme in a way that fees for students that participate on a self-funding basis are kept as low as possible. A reduction of 1000 euro per student per year to the actual participation costs was applied resulting in the following fees: €3500 per year for European citizens. €4500 per year for non-European citizens Fees listed for 2023/24 academic year. Fees may be subject to change for 2024/25 academic year. The annual tuition fees cover: Enrolment and tuition costs at universities of study. Joint School costs: food, accommodation. Annual Symposium costs: food, accommodation. (Fees listed on this page are not confirmed and may be subject to change)
Further information on feesCareers
The IMBRSea programme will prepare you for a broad range of careers from academic marine research to working within industry, governmental or non-governmental organisations.
Potential roles include Fisheries Biologist, Marine Consultant, Ocean and Coastal Policy Coordinator, Contract Scientific Diver, Marine Biologist, Oceanographer, and Marine Park Manager.
Further Information
Contact Information
For queries about the application process please contact:
Co-ordination Office
For queries about the course please contact:
Dr Ian O’Connor
Course co-ordinator
Natural Resources and the Environment