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Professional Nursing
Master of Science
Course Details
Course Code | LY_NPROF_M |
Level | 9 |
Duration | 2 years |
Credits | 90 |
Method of Delivery | Blended |
Campus Locations | Donegal – Letterkenny |
Mode of Delivery | Part Time |

Course Overview
The programme provides the nurse with a broad-based educational experience to practice at an advanced level incorporating key concepts such as advanced decision making, professional leadership, evidence-based practice, professional ethics, research knowledge and skills. This course is jointly delivered in collaboration with IOTs Nursing consortia.
The PG/Master of Science in Professional Nursing programmes is the first blended learning Master`s programme in Nursing offered in the Department of Nursing and Healthcare. It is offered to qualified, experienced nurses and midwives who wish to develop their knowledge, skills and competencies. The programme provides the nurse with a broad-based educational experience to practice at an advanced level incorporating key concepts such as advanced decision making, professional leadership, evidence-based practice, professional ethics, research knowledge and skills. Modules on the programme are shared with modules in the suite of Advanced Practice Programmes offered by the Department of Nursing and Healthcare.
Course Details
Year 1
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Leadership and Clinical Decision Making for Advanced PracticeThis module is suitable for registered experienced nurses who wish to advance their professional practice in their chosen career pathway. This module will assist students to enhance their personal effectiveness, leadership and clinical decision making capacity in the context of current structural and professional change in the Irish Health Services. Using a blended learning approach the module will promote critical reflection on leadership and change as well as the application of knowledge, skills and experience for safe, effective and competent decision making. Blended learning offers working practitioner•s easy and accessible opportunities to engage in further education. The module will help students gain personal insight into their own leadership style and to consider factors that influence their decisions such as person-centred care, ethical leadership and empowerment of service users. It will provide students with the required knowledge and skills in leadership and decision-making to enable them to practice at an advanced and strategic level so that they are safe and effective in their designated role. Learning Outcomes 1. 2. Develop a critical understanding of team leadership and inter-professional communication that values diversity and difference and appraises initiatives to promote service quality and safety. Evaluate the relationship between leadership and organisational culture in promoting person-centred care. 6. Demonstrate a knowledge base that exercises higher levels of judgement, discretion and decision making within nursing practice in the context of service user and practitioner safety and well-being |
10 | Mandatory |
1 |
The Fundamentals of Professional PracticeThis module provides the professional nurse practitioners with the knowledge and understanding of their role in the context of the discipline of nursing. Professional nursing practice is grounded in the theory and practice of nursing and incorporates nursing and other related research, management and leadership theories and skills in order to encourage a collegiate, multidisciplinary approach to quality patient/client care. The module prepares the students to integrate theories and concepts in order to gain scientific and conceptual clarity to guide advanced nursing practice and research. Learning Outcomes 1. Critically discuss the role of knowledge development in the evolution of the discipline of nursing, nursing science and professional nursing practice. |
10 | Mandatory |
2 |
Advanced Practice in Person-Centred Integrated CareThis module will situate advanced practice in an integrated care context reflecting contemporary national (HSE 2015; DoH 2016, 2017; Government of Ireland 2019) and international (WHO 2005; 2007; 2010; 2017) health and social care policy. An integrated care approach is recognised by the WHO as fundamental to addressing Goal 3 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN 2015). Advanced practice with integrated care recognises the changing nature of population needs. This seeks to move away from managing acute, episodic care to a more holistic, person-centred, longitudinal approach to care and case management. This in turn requires advanced practitioners to re-examine their philosophy and practice. In doing so practitioners will reconsider the nature and focus of their work within and outside traditional institutional relationships. Consequently, this module will prepare advanced practitioners to understand the shift in service models and associated implications for advanced practice. In doing so, the module will draw on national and international policy on integrated care, explore the fundamentals of integrated care (philosophy, values) and enable practitioners to embrace and implement the critical enablers of integrated care (care process/service redesign). Students will be supported to develop e-learning skills and use of technology though extensive online resources via the IFIC website. The aim of the module will be to empower practitioners work at advanced level in leading and developing integrated person-centred care in order to deliver better outcomes for people, professionals and organisations. Learning Outcomes 1. Promote the values of integrated care through professional conduct underpinned by strategic leadership and excellence in communication skills |
10 | Mandatory |
2 |
Research Methods for Evidence Based PracticeThis module will enable learners to enhance their critical appraisal skills and to develop an in-depth knowledge of research methodologies. This will further develop their competencies in relation to the enactment of evidence based nursing practice and its critical application to advanced practice in healthcare. The aim of this module is to enhance critical appraisal skills and further develop competencies in relation to implementing evidence based advanced nursing practice in promoting clinical effectiveness in healthcare. Learning Outcomes 1. Critically analyse the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of methodological approaches; qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. |
10 | Mandatory |
Year 2
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Quality and InnovationThe aim of this module is to develop students' understanding of quality, quality improvement and innovation. The module will focus on the context, key principles and competencies associated with quality and innovation. The module will create a critical awareness of the contemporary themes. It will encourage the student to explore how quality is defined and measured in relation to health and/or social care. The module will include quality improvement methodology. There will be a focus on application to practice and students will consider aspects of quality and innovation from their own area of practice and application of theory Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate and apply the principles of Quality Improvement. |
10 | Mandatory |
1 |
Advanced Comprehensive Health AssessmentAdvanced health assessment involves a holistic approach to a comprehensive health history and advanced physical assessment. This module will allow students to acquire the knowledge and skills to undertake an advanced health assessment. Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss the structure and function of the various anatomical and physiological organ systems. |
10 | Elective |
1 |
Transforming Professional Practice Through ReflectionThis module aims to facilitate the development of the learner as a critically reflective practitioner. Through the process of critical emancipatory reflection, learners will be enabled to critically explore and challenge traditional assumptions relating to practice. Consequently it is envisaged that learners will transform their professional practice. Furthermore learners will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to enable on-going reflection on practice. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate the skill of critical emancipatory reflection, through the medium of reflective writing and discussion. |
10 | Elective |
2 |
Generating Evidence for Healthcare Practice and ImprovementThis module supports the learner•s acquisition of knowledge about research and its application to practice. The learner will be supported by an individual supervisor to enable them to complete a research portfolio to generate evidence, which will support the learner•s individual area of practice through the development of a research portfolio Critically evaluate evidence using iterative structured approaches and original research designs. Critically discuss the ethical implications of conducting research in a healthcare setting. Engage in the dissemination of their work. Learning Outcomes 1. Critically discuss the conceptual and/or theoretical underpinnings of research designs/approaches. |
30 | Mandatory |
Recommended Study Hours per week
Examination and Assessment
On-Campus Attendance Requirement
Note: Check programme Examination and Assessment requirements, as they may involve examinations to be taken on campus.
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Entry Requirements
Registered nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland .
BSc (Hons) or equivalent NFQ Level 8 qualification in nursing or cognate discipline at 2nd class honours award level.
Professional Accreditation
QQI and NMBI accredited
Graduate careers typically include roles in Advanced Practice, Clinical Nurse Management, Clinical Specialism, and Research.
Further Information
Who Should Apply?
This programme is suitable for qualified, experienced nurses and midwives who wish to develop their knowledge, skills and competencies.
Application Closing Date
Start Date
Contact Information
Faculty of Science & Health
Department of Nursing & Health Care
Department Administration: +353 (0)74 9186310 / +353(0)74 9186308 / +353(0)74 9186303
Head of Department: Dr Louise McBride
T: +353 (0)74 9186308
Nursing & Health Care