Design & Creative Industries

ATU Galway City Art and Design student at work

The area of Creative & Cultural at ATU is a catalyst for creativity. Our courses provide accessible learning experiences across creative, design and media disciplines that engage with and build on the rich cultural legacy and the creative soul of our region.  


Our online, blended and on-campus courses highlight the value of creativity and cultural contribution to society, and they seek to make a lasting contribution, locally and globally.  


Courses range from Creative Practice; Art & Design; Interior Architecture & Design; Digital Photography; Retail Management Practice; Digital Photography; and User Experience Design & Applied Innovation. 


View our full course list below: 

Online Courses
  Level Applications
UX Design & Applied Innovation (Master of Arts Online) 9 Closed
UX Design & Applied Innovation (Postgraduate Diploma Online) 9 Closed
Applied Brand Strategy and Identity  (Postgraduate Certificate Online)  9 Closed
AR and VR for the Creative Industries (Postgraduate Certificate Online) 9 Closed
Interior Architecture and Design (Bachelor of Arts Hons Online) 8 Closed
3D Modelling for Emerging Technologies (Postgraduate Certificate Online) 9 Apply Now



Blended Courses
  Level Applications
Creative Practice (Master of Arts Sligo) 9 Closed
Creative Practice (Postgraduate Diploma Galway City) 9 Closed
Creative Practice (Master of Arts Galway City 9 Closed
Design & Innovation (Master of Science Blended Galway Campus)  9 Closed
3D Modelling and Animation (Higher Diploma Blended Letterkenny Campus) 8 Apply Now


On Campus Courses
  Level Applications
Fashion Fundamentals (Certificate Letterkenny Campus)   6 Closed
Digital Photography (Certificate Letterkenny Campus) 6 Closed