Freedom of Information

What is Freedom of Information?

ATU is a body established for a public purpose and thus falls within the scope of the Freedom on Information (FOI) Act 2014

The FOI Act 2014 provides the following statutory rights:

  • A legal right for any person to access records held by ATU
  • A legal right for individuals to have personal information relating to them amended where it is incomplete, incorrect or misleading
  • A legal right for any person to obtain reasons for an act of ATU which affects them and in which they have a material interest.

The purpose of the Act is to foster a culture of openness, transparency and accountability in public bodies.

Access to information under the Act is subject to certain exemptions and involves specific procedures and time limits.

Follow the links below for more information:

FOI Requests

FOI requests can be submitted by email to

When we receive your request, we will conduct a search for the information you need.  If we cannot determine exactly what information you require, we will contact you as soon as possible to clarify your request.

Some information may be exempt from access. Should that be the case, we will provide the information we can and also provide reasons why other information has not been released.  Please note that we may need to charge a fee to cover the costs of our search and any copying.  Until a fee is received, the information requested will not be released.

Publication Scheme



Freedom of Information Officer

Atlantic Technological University

Tel:       091 742 769
