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American Early Childhood Years expert Dr Dan Wuori to deliver public talk in ATU (Sat 15 Feb)
Staff on ATU’s BA Early Childhood Education and Care programme will host a public talk and seminar by American early childhood years expert Dr Dan Wuori in ATU Galway on Saturday 15 February 2025 (9.30 – 1pm) in partnership with the Galway Childcare Committee.

Staff on ATU’s BA Early Childhood Education and Care programme will host a public talk and seminar by American early childhood years expert Dr Dan Wuori in ATU Galway on Saturday 15 February 2025 (9.30 – 1pm) in partnership with the Galway Childcare Committee. The event will be of interest to Early Years educators, parents, students and professionals working with babies, toddlers and young children.
Dr Wuori is recognised for his innovative use of social media and daily videos offering parents and carers a greater understanding of the importance of the simplest daily interactions between babies/ toddlers and their parents and carers. With more than a quarter of a million social media followers, Dr Wuori will speak to the importance of the first three years of a child’s life where the fundamental brain architecture is laid down and the importance of children having highly engaged carers to support their holistic growth, development and lifelong learning.
Dr Wuori will refer to his latest book ‘The Daycare Myth’ which looks at the importance of early childhood experiences and interactions with adults while also looking at the challenges and barriers of provision. He will discuss three areas – Learning begins in utero and never stops; the period from prenatal to age 3 is where the most important development occurs; How we optimize early brain development through stable, nurturing relationships.
Dr Rita Melia, lecturer on the BA Early Childhood Education and Care programme and ATU Fulbright Ambassador, says: “We are delighted to host this visit from Dr Wuori who is known to us from his amazing daily videos which are so accessible to students, parents and out team here in Galway and Mayo. The joy of watching the videos coupled with the theory and explanations he provides highlights for us and our students the importance firstly of the first three years of a child’s life for long term learning, development and wellbeing. Equally Dr Wuori will highlight for our students the essential role of the Early Childhood Education and Care professional and why the quality of daily interactions and relationships are the essential element of quality care for babies, toddlers and young children.”
The Public seminar takes place at ATU Dublin road campus on Saturday, 15 February 9.20 – 1pm. Please book your place on :
For further information on ATU’s Early Childhood Education and Care programme delivered in ATU Mayo, please visit: Early Childhood Education and Care – Atlantic Technological University
For further information about Dr Dan Wuori, please and (3) Activity | Dan Wuori | LinkedIn
For further information about Galway Childcare Committee, visit: Galway Childcare Committee Childcare Providers Section