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Deis úrnua á thairiscint do bhreis is 150 bean Gaeltachta tús a chur lena n-aistir fiontraíochta leis an gclár CUMASÚ
CUMASÚ Tús (based on EMPOWER Start) is for females with an early-stage business idea that they want to develop and grow. This programme will be delivered over 12 weeks mostly online with some in person events.

Deis úrnua á thairiscint do bhreis is 150 bean Gaeltachta tús a chur lena n-aistir fiontraíochta leis an gclár CUMASÚ
Seoladh clár úrnua do bhanfhiontraithe Gaeltachta inniu (03/05/2024) a thabharfaidh spreagadh agus deis do 150 bean Gaeltachta, thar tréimhse trí bliana, tús a chur lena n-aistir fiontraíochta.
Tá an Clár CUMASÚ tionscnaithe agus maoinithe ag Údarás na Gaeltachta agus á reáchtáil ag Moil Nuálaíochta Ollscoil Teicneolaíochta an Atlantaigh (OTA) agus Ionad Rubicon Ollscoil Teicneolaíochta na Mumhan (OTM) i gcomhair leis an Údarás.
Is é seo an chéad uair a bhfuil clár dá leithid á sholáthar go náisiúnta sna ceantair Ghaeltachta go sonrach agus tá iarratais á lorg faoi láthair ó mhná óna ceantair Ghaeltachta sna 7 gContae Gaeltachta, Dún na nGall, Maigh Eo, Gaillimh, Ciarraí, Corcaigh, Port Láirge agus An Mhí.
Sheol Dara Calleary, TD, An tAire Stáit do Chur Chun Cinn na Trádála, Cúrsaí Digiteacha agus Rialú Cuideachtaí, an clár go hoifigiúil sa Spidéal i gConamara inniu i gcomhair le Tomás Ó Síocháin, Príomhfheidhmeannach Údarás na Gaeltachta, an Dr. Orla Flynn, Uachtarán OTA agus an tOllamh Maggie Cusack, Uachtarán OTM. Ag ócáid a bhí plódaithe le banfhiontraithe, lucht gnó, lucht oideachais agus eagraíochtaí forbartha fiontraíochta agus tuaithe tugadh léargas ar an bhféin fhorbairt agus foghlaim a bheidh ar fáil do rannpháirtithe an chúrsa. Lena chois sin dfhreastal na sluaite ar an ócáid go fíorúil áit a raibh sruthú beo déanta trí ghréasán moil digiteacha gteic. Tionóladh ócáidí seolta agus cláraithe in ionaid gteic i mBéal Átha an Ghaorthaigh, Co. Chorcaí, i mBéal an Mhuirthead, Maigh Eo, i nGaoth Dobhair, Carraig Airt agus An Tearmann i nDún na nGall agus ar Inis Meáin i gCo. na Gaillimhe.Beidh an gréasán gteic, greasán de mhoil nualaíochta agus digiteacha atá forbartha ag Údarás na Gaeltachta sna ceantair Ghaeltachta lárnach i seachadadh an chláir Cumasú áit a mbeidh deis ag na rannpháirtithe an cúrsa a chomhlíonadh in ionad gteic ina gceantar féin. Tá sár taithí ag Moil Nualaíochta OTA agus Ionad Rubicon (OTM) i seachadadh cláir fiontraíochta, go háirithe i bhfiontraíocht ban. Is é seo an chéad uair acu comhoibriú le chéile ar a leithéid de thionscnamh.
Ag seoladh an chláir dúirt Dara Calleary, TD, An tAire Stáit do Chur Chun Cinn na Trádála, Cúrsaí Digiteacha agus Rialú Cuideachtaí, “Tugann an Clár seo deis do mhná i gceantair tuaithe Gaeltachta deis a dtuairim gnó a fhorbairt go córasach agus tacaíochtaí a fháil ón OTA, OTM, Údarás na Gaeltachta agus óna gteic chun a gcuid pleananna a thabhairt chun críche.”
Dúirt Tomás Ó Síocháin, Príomhfheidhmeannach Údarás na Gaeltachta, “ Tá sé ríthábhachtach do Údarás na Gaeltachta deiseanna a chruthú do ghrúpaí tearc-ionadaithe san fhiontraíocht agus tá sé tábhachtach cinntiú go mbainfimid leas as an tallann nach mbaintear leas as i measc cuid mhór den daonra. Tá an clár Cumasú mar chéad chéim do bhanfhiontraithe agus tá an tÚdarás ag obair ar na céad céimeanna eile do na fiontraithe sin agus iad ag iarraidh smaointe úra a thabhairt chun beatha. Agus é sin á dhéanamh, is minic a réiteoidh sé seo fadhbanna ina bpobal, cruthóidh sé fostaíocht áitiúil, inbhuanaithe agus freisin le himeacht ama forbróidh sé cohórt a chruthóidh gnó le bheidh in ann tapú ar cuid den mhargadh domhanda.
Dúirt Orla Flynn, Uachtarán OTA, “Tá lúcháir orm go bhfuil OTA ag dul i gcomhpháirtíocht le hÚdarás na Gaeltachta arís chun tacú le banfhiontraithe sna ceantair Ghaeltachta, ag tógáil ar ár gclár píolótach rathúil anuraidh. Is cúis áthais ar leith dom go bhfuil an Ionad Rubicon in OTM rannpháirteach sa chomhpháirtíocht i mbliana freisin agus nach strainséirí ar bith iad féin chun bheith ag tacú le banfhiontraithe. Le chéile beimid ag tacú le gach réigiún Gaeltachta in Éirinn, ar fud Dhún na nGall, na Gaillimhe, Mhaigh Eo, Chiarraí, Chorcaí, Phort Láirge agus na Mí. Ní neart go cur le chéile!”
Ag an ócáid seolta, thug Clíona Standún, an tríú glúin dá chlann, faoin chaoi ar ghlac sí cúram ar a ngnó teaghlaigh in aois 26 agus atá á rith aici lena deirfiúr go ráthúil le ceithre bliana déag anuas. Fostaíonn Standún 25 duine anois agus tá sé aitheanta mar bhranda náisiúnta.
Dinis Tríona Nic Giolla Rí don slua gur bhunaigh sí a gnó Aró lena páirtnéir Alan Rowe in 1996. Oibríonn an comhlacht ar straitéisí dhigiteacha agus suíomhanna idirlín le tithe ósta ar bhonn náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta. Labhair sí faoin tacaíocht a fuair sí ó Údarás na Gaeltachta agus mar atá an gnó fásta agus forbartha acu agus os cionn 35 duine fostaithe acu i gContae na Gaillimhe.
Ag léiriú tairbhe phraiticiúil an chláir Cumasú, roinn cúigear bunaitheoir gnó ó chlár phíolótach na bliana seo caite cuntas ar an eispéireas a fuair siad – Margaret Leahy, Fable Tours, Siobhán Leahy ó White Rose Creations, Elaine Dunne ó Gifts le Grá, Letitita Hill (Ealaíontóir agus Déantóir Seodra) agus Emily Lavelle (Bia Éireannach agus Eispéireas Chultúrtha). Chur na fiontraithe ban seo a gcuid smaointe gnó i láthair go paiteanta do gach a raibh i láthair.
Deir Maria Staunton, EMPOWER in OTA, “Anuraidh ritheamar an Clár EMPOWER Cumasú agus bhí 13 mná páirteach sa Chlár Cumasú TÚS. De bharr go raibh an-rath ar an gclár sin tugadh an clár EMPOWER Cumasú chuig ceantair níos leithne sna Gaeltachtaí ar fud na hÉireann. Táimid ag súil le breis agus 150 bean a mhealladh chuig an gClár EMPOWER Cumasú thar na 3 bliana amach romhainn. Táimid ag tnúth le dul i gcomhpháirtíocht freisin le Lárionad Rubicon in OTM i gCorcaigh agus breathnú ar níos mó gnólachtaí mná ag forbairt agus ag fás inár réigiúin tuaithe. Tá sé iontach an tacaíocht a fheiceáil atá curtha ar fáil ag gnólachtaí mná atá lonnaithe sna ceantair Ghaeltachta cheana fhéin. Tá tábhacht ar leith ag baint le eiseamláir mar chuid den chúrsa seo agus tá seo forbartha go maith le seacht mbliana anuas tríd an clár EMPOWER’.
Iarrtar ar mhná Gaeltachta nó iad siúd atá lonnaithe sa Ghaeltacht agus gur mian leo gnó a bhunú nó a fhorbairt dul chuig chun iarratas a dhéanamh ar an gclár. Tá spásanna teoranta agus níor mhór clárú go luath chun áit a chinntiú. Is féidir tuilleadh eolais a fháil ach teagmháil a dhéanamh le ATU iHub Mayo ag nó féach ar suíomh
Tuilleadh Eolais
Údarás na Gaeltachta ATU iHub Maigh Eo
Chláraigh 13 banfhiontraí ar Chlár Píolóiteach Cumasú TÚS a reachtáladh i nGaeltachtaí na Gaillimhe agus Mhaigh Eo ar bhonn pháirtaimseartha thar 12 sheachtain i rith 2023 faoi threoir shaineolaithe gnóthlachtaí nuathionscanta. Thug sé seo deis do rannpháirtithe am a chaitheamh le cúramaí baile agus ag an am céanna a gnó nua a phleanáil agus a fhorbairt.
An Clár CUMASÚ Tús & Fás
Beidh dhá ghné ag baint leis an gClár nua seo i mbliana – CUMASÚ TÚS agus CUMASÚ FÁS.
Tá an clár CÚMASÚ TÚS dírithe ar mhná a bhfuil smaoineamh gnó acu atá ag pointe luath agus ar mian leo sin a fhorbairt agus a fhás. Reáchtálfar an clár seo thar 12 sheachtain ar-líne don chuid is mó le roinnt ócáidí i bpearsa. Tá an deis ann smaoineamh a thástáil le feiceáil an nglacfaidh an custaiméir leo.
Tá an clár CUMASÚ FÁS dírithe ar mhná atá i mbun gnó le 18 mí nó níos mó agus a bhfuil cónaí orthu i gceantair Ghaeltachta agus atá ag iarraidh fás agus méadú de réir scála. Tá an clár seo bunaithe ar fhoghlaim piaraí le piaraí le comhbhunaitheoirí ban agus beidh sé ar siúl lá amháin in aghaidh na míosa
English Version
Exciting new opportunities for up to 150 Gaeltacht women to start their entrepreneurial journey with the EMPOWER Cumasú programme
A brand new programme for Gaeltacht female entrepreneurs was launched today (03/05/2024) which over a three year period will give encouragement and opportunity to 150 Gaeltacht women to start their entrepreneurial journey.
The CUMASÚ Program has been initiated and funded by Údarás na Gaeltachta and is being run on the successful EMPOWER model by Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Innovation Hubs and the Munster Technological University (MTU) Rubicon Centre in collaboration with Údarás na Gaeltachta and the gteic network of digital and innovation hubs.
This is the first time that a program of its kind is being provided on a national level in the Gaeltacht and applications are currently being sought from women in the Gaeltacht areas of Donegal, Mayo, Galway, Kerry, Cork, Waterford and Meath.
Dara Calleary, TD, Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, officially launched the program in An Spidéal in Conamara today (03/05/2024) in association with Tomás Ó Síocháin, Chief Executive of Údarás na Gaeltachta, Dr. Orla Flynn, President of ATU and Professor Maggie Cusack, President of MTU.
At an event that was thronged with female entrepreneurs, businesses, educators and enterprise and rural development organizations, an insight was given into the personal development and business growth opportunities that will be provided to course participants.
In addition, there was a significant virtual attendance of the event via live streaming through the gteic network of Gaeltacht digital and innovation hubs. Launch and registration events were held in gteic hubs centers in Béal Átha an Ghaorthaidh, Co. Cork, Béal an Mhuirthead, Mayo, Gaoth Dobhair, Carrig Airt and An Tearmann in Donegal and Inis Meáin in Co. Galway.
The gteic network of innovation and digital hubs developed by Údarás na Gaeltachta throughout the Gaeltacht will be central to the delivery of the Cumasú program where the participants will have the opportunity to complete the course at a gteic hub in their own area. The program aims to promote and fast-track female entrepreneurship and the ATU Innovation Hub in Galway/Mayo and the MTU Rubicon Centre in Cork both have vast experience delivering entrepreneurship programmes in particular female entrepreneurship programmes. This is the first time they are partnering on such an initiative.
Dara Calleary, TD, Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation in launching the programme said “This Programme provides women in rural Gaeltacht areas with an opportunity to systematically develop their business ideas and to receive supports from the ATU, MTU, Údarás na Gaeltachta and the gteic network to finalise their plans.”
Tomás Ó Síocháin, Chief Executive of Údarás na Gaeltachta said: “Creating opportunities for underrepresented groups in entrepreneurship is a key priority for Údarás na Gaeltachta and is vital to ensure that we draw on the often-untapped talent among a huge swathe of the population. Cumasú is the first step, we hope of many, for female entrepreneurs and Údarás is working on the next steps for those entrepreneurs as they seek to bring novel ideas to life. In doing so, this will often solve problems in their community, create local, sustainable employment and over time develop a cohort that will create business that can seek to capture part of a global market.”
Orla Flynn, President of ATU says: “I’m delighted that ATU is again partnering with Údarás na Gaeltachta to support female entrepreneurship in the Gaeltacht regions, building on our successful pilot programme last year. I’m especially pleased that this year the partnership also includes the Rubicon in MTU, themselves no strangers to supporting female entrepreneurship. Together we will be supporting all Gaeltacht regions of Ireland, across Donegal, Galway, Mayo, Kerry, Cork, Waterford and Meath. Ní neart go cur le Chéile!”
At the launch event Clíona Standún, being the third-generation in the family business, spoke about how she took over the business at the age of 26 and has been running it with her sister for the last 14 years. Standúns now employs 25 people and is a recognised brand nationally and internationally.
Tríona Nic Giolla Rí outlined how she set up her business Aró with her partner Alan Rowe back in 1996. The company works with hotels nationally and international on their digital strategies and websites. Tríona talked about the support received from Údarás and how they have gone on to grow their business to now employ over 25 people in the Galway Gaeltacht.
In giving a practical example of the benefits of the Cumasú programme five female founders from last year’s pilot programme also shared their experience – Margaret Leahy from Fable Tours, Siobhan Leahy from White Rose Creations, Elaine Dunne from Gifts le Grá, Letitita Hill (artist and jewellery maker) and Emily Lavelle (Irish Food and Culture Experiences). All five female founders pitched their start-ups to the assembled in person and online audience.
Maria Staunton, EMPOWER at ATU, says “It’s great to see so much interest in this programme. Last year we ran the EMPOWER Cumasú Programme with 13 females engaging in the Start Programme. Following the success of that, we went on to bring the rest of the EMPOWER Programme to the wider regions of the Gaeltacht across Ireland. We are hoping to attract over 150 females onto the EMPOWER Cumasú Programme over the next three years and we are looking forward to partnering also with the Rubicon Centre at MTU in Cork and watching more female businesses develop and grow in our rural regions. Also, the support we have received from the female founders already based in the Gaeltacht areas has been wonderful to see. Role models are an especially important part of the programme which we have built up over the last seven years on EMPOWER.”
Women living in the Gaeltacht or looking or having set up their businesses in the Gaeltacht areas are encouraged to log onto to apply for the programme. Places are limited and early application is recommended and further information is available by contacting ATU iHub Mayo on
Further Information
Údarás na Gaeltachta ATU iHub Mayo
Additional Information
Background to the Programme
A pilot Cumasú Start programme was initiated in 2023 in the Galway and Mayo Gaeltacht areas and was delivered part-time over 12 weeks by start-up experts for which 13 women signed up to participate in. This allowed participants to balance their family commitments while at the same time planning and developing their new business.
The New CUMASÚ TÚS & FÁS Programme
This new Programme will have two parts – CUMASÚ Tús and CUMASÚ Fás.
CUMASÚ Tús (based on EMPOWER Start) is for females with an early-stage business idea that they want to develop and grow. This programme will be delivered over 12 weeks mostly online with some in person events. The opportunity is to test start up idea(s) for customer acceptance.
CUMASÚ Fás (based on EMPOWER Growth) is for female founders in business 18 months plus living in the Gaeltacht areas that want to grow and scale. This programme is based on peer to peer learning with fellow female founders and will take place one day per month.
Photo caption: The launch of EMPOWER CUMASÚ at STIUDEO CUAN, AN SPIDEAL.