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Clinical Health & Nutrition Centre (CHANCE)
Mission Statement
“The mission of the Clinical Health & Nutrition Centre (CHANCE) for research is to provide leadership to facilitate improvements in the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitative and preventative healthcare management at regional level through the conduct of high quality, priority-driven, and actionable research. The activities of CHANCE will focus on important questions relating to the delivery of ‘World Class’ rehabilitative treatments and health promotion in the Northwest region as well as the support and promotion of best practice within Healthcare organisations.”
The goals of CHANCE are to:
- Strengthen the knowledge base of clinical healthcare organisations in the region by conducting and supporting research.
- Facilitate the uptake of clinical research evidence in healthcare policy and practice.
- Enhance research capacity in clinical healthcare, health promotion and nutrition through strategic partnerships with other relevant national and international groups.
- Disseminate to the members findings of clinical health and nutrition research.
- Identify and disseminate to the members successful innovations and treatment practices from our clinical research trials.
We believe that we can become the leading multidisciplinary research centre in North-West Ireland, researching clinical health and lifestyle change, impacting on people’s daily lives of all ages. In partnership with Hospital Consultants, General Practitioners, Allied Health Professionals, and local communities CHANCE will develop a mission of improving the quality of life for people living within the region. For this work to happen, CHANCE will utilise the knowledge, skills and expertise of local people (volunteer groups), researchers from across IT Sligo, and international, national and local partners (e.g. Canadian and UK academic partners; statutory, private and voluntary sector agencies).
Clinical rehabilitation and health promotion research at IT Sligo has already achieved national and international recognition. CHANCE will collaborate these achievements by creating a research web space on the IT Sligo website to publicise and promote our studies, and it will encourage us to work/collaborate together.