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Project Overview
The circular economy is opening new business possibilities for industries and especially SMEs. What previously was considered as waste becomes raw material and can be considered as a new product. The project aims to kick start a circular transformation and make a measurable contribution to delivering the boost in economic development, environmental services and entrepreneurial innovation in rural areas.
For this purpose, viable multidisciplinary circular economy-related SYMBIOMA Technology Innovation Platform in the NPA region will be established and service package thereof created. The Platform service portfolio will include access to laboratory and pilot-scale infrastructures and expertise to evaluate the valuable components from process side and waste streams and develop technology innovations, technology transfer support, knowledge about similar or compatible waste streams in the region in order to increase volume and improve possible profitability via aggregation, and assistance in exploring collaborative dynamics and business models such as clustering and industrial symbiosis. Food and beverage SMEs are vital in the NPA region and are therefore chosen as a pilot basis for project activities.
The approach can be up-scaled and replicated across other industry segments in rural regions. To ensure relevance of the project activities and Platform services to needs of SMEs multifunctional and multidisciplinary team is gathered and consists of multidisciplinary university research groups, laboratory and pilot infrastructure providers, R&D services providing SMEs, manufacturing SMEs and business support organizations. Project’s results will have immediate exploitation reach to 75 potential SMEs, who will be approached during the implementation stage. The 12 business support organisations and numerous authorities will be trained to promote the circular economy and SYMBIOMA services.
To establish and operate multidisciplinary Circular Economy (CE) related SYMBIOMA Technology Innovation Platform
Establish internal network governing rules, network expansion, platform marketing and durability strategy and develop service concepts for serving SMEs
To develop a service portfolio from Technology Innovation platform for SMEs to explore circular economy opportunities
Set of databases and toolkits of the current status of material flows, valorisation routes, business conditions of food and beverage SMEs will be prepared in order to guide SMEs how to identify and prioritize new value chain opportunities
Train stakeholders on how to promote circular economy opportunities and SYMBIOMA Technology Innovation Platform services
SYMBIOMA will upskill and assist stakeholders in developing new industrial symbiosis partnerships and ventures, and train on the use of CE technology platform to allow new R&I activities and connectivity between rural entrepreneurs across NPA regions.
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We are currently seeking support from companies to complete the SYMBIOMA survey. Your participation in completing the outlined questions will help inform the project and assist in the compilation of valuable data regarding current practice and anticipated needs for establishing a circular economy approach for waste biomass streams for companies involved in food and beverage industry in the region.