Stefan Asiminei

Stefan Asiminei

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Facilities & Building Services Management

I see it like a part of my development into my career, because I'm already working as a facility manager.  And I found this course, I looked up the website and I found that the modules that are presented are exactly what I need. The main advantage is that, even if you are like myself, I'm living in Ennis in County Clare, so having this online course, it helps even if you are, outside Sligo, you don't need to be in Sligo to learn.

You can follow this course online in front of your computer. I find it a bit challenging because I have my personal commitment, but it's still manageable. So even if you have kids, family, it's still, it's a to do thing and can be done. It is challenging because I have two kids, six and eight years old.

I also work full time, trying to fit in my own time to study as well, like independent studying outside the online courses, just understand better what Alex is teaching us. So far I find it fine, so I can manage to do it. Before enrolling into this course, I was already working as a facility manager, but without having a certificate.

So the certification will help me also like to grow within my company that I'm working already for and to focus more on FM because at the moment I'm overseeing everything that is related to the site I'm managing. So it will give me in the future big opportunities to progress into my career, so. I find it very useful and important if you are doing already this kind of job, already part time or full time, this course is something that needs to be followed. 

Those advices, first of all, to attend all the online classes because it's true that the classes are recorded, but it gives you another experience by having the live interaction with your lecturer. And there is also each module has like a Q& A session at the end, which I find it very interesting. Useful for the students because it gives you the opportunity to speak out.

And if you have any question or you have experienced something that you don't have an answer to, you have the opportunity to ask for. So I encourage everyone not only to watch the recorded lectures and To attend actually online the live sessions and don't be afraid like to ask questions No, no matter how like silly or dummy question is, I learned this Year that there is no stupid question. So if you have any Concern or idea just say it out loud. I Liked a lot the fire safety management I feel like I'm, um, have a passion for that, uh, part of the business in FM. And also I like, uh, the, um, energy renewables part that myself, I bought a house last year.

So I'm trying with the courses and a lot knowledge that I get on how to improve my bear rating to my own house as well. So it's a win win situation.

Learn more about the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Facilities & Building Services Management here