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Financial Support

Individuals wishing to participate in Higher Education have a number of options in relation to financial supports available to them. Below is an overview of the financial supports available.
Student Grant Scheme – “SUSI”
The student grant is the main source of financial help available from the Irish State for students in full-time higher education undergraduate courses.
Support is available to eligible students in most colleges in Ireland as well as eligible Irish students in many colleges in Northern Ireland, the UK and other EU States.
For details on the Student Grant Scheme and other important information see the Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) website.
Other sources of information on student finance include:
Back to Education Allowance
If you are unemployed, parenting alone or have a disability and are getting certain payments from the Department of Social Protection, you may take part in a second or third level education course and get a Back to Education Allowance (BTEA).
It is important to note that you cannot get the BTEA and the maintenance component of a student grant together.
In order to get the BTEA when going to college, you must accept your place on a full-time course, and then notify the Department of Social Protection by filling out the BTEA application form. Further information can be found at Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) (
UK Student Loan Grant Scheme
The financial help available to a UK undergraduate student depends on:
- Which devolved authority they apply to for financial support
- Their course
- Where they live while studying
- Their individual circumstances
Types of help for new full-time undergraduate higher education students include:
- Tuition Fee Loans to cover the full cost of tuition fees
- Maintenance Loans to cover living costs
- Grants to cover living costs
- Bursaries and scholarships from universities and colleges
- Students can also get extra support if they have children or adult dependents, or a disability or a specific learning difficulty
For more information see
Other Financial Assistance
Student Assistance Fund (SAF) FAQs
Eligibility, Criteria and Application Forms per Campus
To be eligible, you must be currently registered on a full-time or part-time higher education award of one year’s duration or more that leads to an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification. Applications are means tested.
The following students are not eligible
- Incoming ERASMUS students
- Students with a previous higher education qualification at the same NFQ level or who are undertaking a second programme at the same level. However, in extreme circumstances such students may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- International/non-EU fee paying students
When will the SAF open for the academic year 2023/24?
The Student Assistance Fund will open on 23 September 2024 for an initial 8-week period. Depending on available funds a further round of applications will be accepted from 13 January 2025. Forms will be assessed in the order that complete documentation is uploaded. Funds may be depleted before closing date, so eligibility does not guarantee funding.
What costs are eligible under the fund guidelines?
- books and other class materials
- rent, heating, lighting bills and other utility bills e.g. data plans
- food
- essential travel
- childcare costs
- medical costs
- family difficulties e.g. bereavement
What costs are ineligible under the Fund?
Funding is not available to assist students with the costs of tuition fees, registration fees, student loans or any costs that are borne by the Higher Education Institute.
How do I apply?
If you think that you may qualify for the Student Assistance Fund, please click on link to the campus you are registered with:
SAF Administrators
What happens after you apply?
When you save or submit your application, you will receive a confirmation email to your ATU email account. You must respond to this email with the required supporting documentation. Your application will be reviewed by ATU Student Assistance Fund staff to validate your eligibility.
Laptop Loan Scheme
ATU Laptop Scheme is part of the package of COVID supports for higher and further education institutions, the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has allocated funding to support disadvantaged students in the higher education sector in accessing ICT devices.
To be eligible for this scheme: Students must be in receipt of a SUSI grant or a means-tested Social Welfare payment. There is a limited number of laptops and priority will be given to students of target groups identified under the National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher education, and on a first come- first served basis.
Full-time and part-time students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) are eligible to apply under this scheme. The Grant covers both incoming first year students and returning students. International, non-EU fee-paying students would not be considered eligible for support under this scheme.
Who Is Eligible
To be eligible for this scheme: Students must be in receipt of a SUSI grant or a means-tested Social welfare payment. Priority will be given to students of target groups identified under the National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher education 2015-2021
- Students disadvantaged by socio-economic barriers
- First-time mature students
- Students with disabilities
- Part-time/flexible learning students
- Students who hold further education qualifications
- Students who are members of the Traveller and Roma communities
- Students who are lone parents
- Students who are members of ethnic minorities
Due to the limited number of laptops, we will be operating on a first come, first served basis based on eligibility until all laptops have been allocated.