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PATH (Programme for Access to Higher Education)

he Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH) is a dedicated fund, broken into five strands, committed to increasing participation by under-represented groups in higher education.
The fund, valued at over €30 million, was established by the Department of Education and Skills, now the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, in 2017 as a commitment to support the National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education 2015-2019.
PATH 1 – Initial Teacher Education
The objective of Path 1 was to increase the number of students from under-represented groups entering initial teacher education; and provide more role models for students from these groups, demonstrating that there are pathways open to them to realise their potential through education.
PATH 2 – 1916 Bursary
The purpose of the 1916 Bursary is to encourage participation and success by students who are most socio-economically disadvantaged and who are from groups most under-represented in higher education. 1916 Bursary Fund
PATH 3 provides funding to support the development of regional and community partnership strategies for increasing access to higher education by specified groups through engaging with, and supporting, individuals who are socio-economically and/or educationally disadvantaged. The first phase of this was implemented from 2015-2019 and the continuation of this strand operates from 2021-2024.
Equality of opportunity is an underpinning principle of Path 3 programmes at ATU. With a student-centred focus, we strive to adopt a partnership approach between key community organisations and cluster Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The implementation of PATH is delivered in the context of the ongoing work completed by Access & Widening Participation and in partnerships with Access Staff and School Liaison staff who continue to engage with primary and post-primary schools.
PATH 4 (Phase 2)
ATU Project WAVE (Working towards Academic and Vocational Equity) is supported through the Higher Education Authority Path 4 funding. This two-year project provides individuals with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to attend college.
Path 5 supports students from the Traveller and Roma community and aimed for progression and retention in higher education. ATU has a range of work packages within PATH5 which include working with educational providers, Traveller advocacy groups and other stakeholders, and supporting current Traveller students in ATU.