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WNW Connect

WNW Connect is a joint Higher Education Cluster Access project between ATU and University of Galway under Path 3 Funding, supporting regional and community partnerships to facilitate the attraction and retention of undergraduate students from target groups identified it the National Access Plan. WNW Cluster Access Programme engage with schools, students entering based on a further education award, and part-time flexible learners across the ATU region of Galway, Mayo, Sligo & Donegal. The three project areas are Mentoring, Traveller Engagement and Pathways to College.
There are three key Pillars underpinning WNW Project:
Mentoring Projects
ATU’s WNW Connect Project has developed mentoring programmes with schools and community organisations to support participation in Higher Education Institutions. For further details see Mentoring for access, retention & student success: A review of practice in the West North -West Cluster
Community Based Mentoring
Community based mentoring is one to one mentoring support to a young person or adult in the community who wants to take a next step in their education. It includes:
- Community Education and Learning Workshops and Events.
- FETAC Level 5 Component Award Community Mentoring & Advocacy Course.
- Participation in relevant local community initiatives e.g. new community developments, community research, interagency groups.
For more information
School Based Mentoring
Examples of school based mentoring include:
Uni4U University of Galway on campus programme for 6th class students from DEIS schools.
Radius Mentoring Galway, a Collaboration between ATU Access and Participation Office Galway and the Department of Creative Arts and Media.
Strive Mentoring Donegal, a mentoring programme for DEIS post-primary schools is using a combination of Personal and Development Mentoring (PDM) and Academic and Employability Mentoring (AEM).
Higher Education Based Mentoring
HEI based mentoring initiatives include:
- Foróige College Mentoring programme ATU Galway campus.
- University of Galway FE2HE workshops and events
Resources for Mentoring
This Interactive Journal can be used by mentors and mentees to support identify strengths, set goals, explore opportunities and more.
Launch of Mentoring for Access, Retention and Student Success February 2024
Full Recording of all the following presenters:
- Linda McGloin, Access & Widening Participation Officer, ATU Sligo
- Dr Michele Glacken, WNW Connect Cluster Steering Group
- Sarah Mohan, Student’s Union President and Mentor
- Dr Bernadine Brady, Principal Investigator, UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre, University of Galway
- Dr Celia Keenaghan, Education Mentoring Co-ordinator, WNW Connect Cluster
- Joellen Spacek, Senior Director with the US-based mentoring affiliate network, MENTOR
- Dr Orla Flynn, President of ATU
Access in Higher Education Symposium – Mentoring and Community Engagement hosted by Cranmore Community Sligo October 2022
A symposium on Access to Higher Education was held in Cranmore, Sligo. Community members and education organisations came together for the first symposium of its kind with events hosted across Ray Mc Sharry Park, the Abbeyquarter Community Centre and Cranmore Community Co-operative. The event was organised by ATU Access Office in order to share good practice, promote learning and offer community organisations an opportunity to let Higher Education Institutes hear about and respond to issues of community engagement and access to higher education.
Part A –
The event was opened with a welcome address from Joey Jinks, local resident and Community Learner, followed by an introduction to the partnership between ATU and Cranmore Regeneration Programme from Linda McGloin, Access Office, ATU and Sean Martin, Senior Architect, Sligo County Council.
The Guest Speaker was Gysbert Bergsma from Mentoring Europe who delivered an inspiring presentation on the importance of Mentoring formal and informal.
Part B –
Speaking in the panel discussion on the ‘Experiences of Mentoring in Ireland West and North West’, local resident, student and community development volunteer Ruairi Breslin advised: “You need to start where people are at, listen to their needs and take it from there”. Event host Dr. Celia Keenaghan added: “We all need mentors and we can all be mentors; Supporting people on their education path involves time, trust and respect.”
The panel also included: Lisa Wallace, Tina Butler, Nike Ogun, Josephine McGread, Seamus Morrissey and was facilitated by Edel Kenny.
The interactive event facilitated a series of workshops in the afternoon on the thematic strands; Best Practice, Community Development Education, Interagency Working and Social Inclusion.
Donegal School student mentees and mentors share experience:
Presentation from WNW Connect in European Parliament:
Mentoring in Europe: Building a Society of Engagement to Reduce Social Inequalities :: Livecasts
Traveller Engagement Projects
WNW Connect Traveller Engagement aims to support students from Traveller and Roma communities on their educational journey into higher education and throughout their studies.
Traveller Education Officers have been instrumental in developing links with other education providers, Traveller Advocacy groups and other stakeholders. They have initiated and supported several events on campuses throughout the region in conjunction with colleagues from ATU/University of Galway Access and Widening Participation Service, academic staff as well as professional, technical and support staff within the universities.
Pathways to College Projects
A number of specific initiatives to support students in transitioning to and succeeding in higher education including:
ADHD Programme to improve access to supports for students/prospective students who may be educationally disadvantaged due to hidden neurodivergent challenges in a neurotypical educational environment
It’s Not Just Science! project aimed to engage students from disadvantaged areas in environmental science, while exploring under-representation of male students in DEIS school senior cycle biology.
Strengths Profiling Programme Delivered to DEIS schools in Galway and Mayo through ATU, Strengths Profiling takes a collaborative approach to engaging senior cycle students in DEIS schools in order to identify their strengths and what motivates them.