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I have a background in construction and at the moment I’m working in facilities in a multinational and I found it would be great to get a foot into the facilities management side of things. My wife actually came across it and found that it would be a good step on stone to get into facilities like I am in management at the moment and I think the way facilities management is going at the moment and the course is really set out, the module is really attractive.

I have three kids, that’s full on, and I also work on the evening shift, so I work nights, weekends. But I find it’s great with the modules online that you can study, and you can work on your own time. So it’s all about time management, but I find it’s great that you can set your own time aside, you know, after live lectures.

Sometimes I miss them, through work commitments, but Alex is great for the recordings, and he’s always there at the end of an email. I’m a person that likes to get it done, hit the ground running. So I like to plan my time, you know, when I’m off. I set time aside for, say, the continuous assessments.

Listening back to live lectures and that. But it’s easy because my kids are growing up now. So it’s easy just to step aside and listen to the lectures and things like that. At the moment, I’m a Facilities Supervisor and I’m also a teacher. stepping into the facilities management side of things. So the course is great, it’s given me a great insight into how I can bring certain aspects to the table within the facilities management side of things.

I approached my employees when I was thinking of starting the course and they were very supportive. They were very supportive, and even to this day, like, they will support me in some of the information that I need in relation to sustainability, costs for the facility and things like that. So they are very supportive, yes.

The way it’s set up with Alex and the lecturers each week, it is very good for a person that’s working. Like I, as I said, I work, you know, shift work. It is easy to do. It’s just about time. I think the sustainability side of things and the energy management.  This is very relevant at the moment with energy costing, and I like that and all the cost savings and the insight into the energy management side of things.

But all around, there are very good modules that are set up at the moment, and they give you an in depth look into each sort of area within facilities management.