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Scholarships at ATU

Scholarships allow our students to focus on achieving excellence in their field while also allowing them to build valuable relationships and enhance their career prospects.

ATU scholarships reward excellence and encourage outstanding performance in a variety of areas.

ATU Sports Scholarships

The ATU Sports Scholarship programme provides both financial and non-financial benefits to talented student athletes, and is open to new full-time students on any of ATU’s campuses

Male student exercising in gym
Student studies a textbook in the University library

The 1916 Bursary Fund

The 1916 Bursary Fund is a national access scheme to encourage participation and success by students who are most socio-economically disadvantaged and who are from groups most under-represented in higher education.

Sanctuary Scholarships

Scholarships for those in the International Protection System living in Ireland who are not eligible for state supports and are progressing to undergraduate higher education for the first time.

Female student exercising on treadmill

ATU/GPA Postgraduate Sports Scholarship

The scholarships will benefit current and former inter-county players who are accepted onto any full-time or part-time master’s programme within ATU.

Dearcán Foundation Scholarship

The Dearcán Foundation was founded in memory of a long-serving manager of the John G. Sisk Training Centre who endeavoured to ensure that young people were supported in pursuing their chosen career.


Non-EU Scholarships

Scholarships are available for Non-EU students giving up to a 15% discount off the quoted fee in recognition of English language attainment, country of origin, or both.

Scholarships Available to ATU Students

University Scholarships for Mature Students

Uversity’s scholarships are for adult learners to acquire a bachelor’s degree for the first time that will transform their lives and those around them.

Student posing in the lab
Nursing students are working together on a dummy patient

Ireland Health Care Scholarship

The North West Health Care Scholarship aims to invest in a 21st century health workforce that meets the needs of tomorrow and promote diversity in higher education by supporting young people from less advantaged and non-traditional backgrounds.

Education and Training Bursary Scheme

This is an Education and Training Bursary Scheme for Care Experienced Young People. The funding is intended to support and assist young adults to achieve their full potential in education or training.

A computing student in an ATU hoodie is working in a computer lab

Galway Wind Park Scholarships

Available to all those with a home address within 15km of Galway Wind Park and currently studying or who hold an unconditional offer of a place for entry into the current academic year at ATU