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Assessment Process
Selection & Offer Process
Applications for the ATU Sports Scholarships will firstly be assessed against eligibility criteria.
Once this is achieved the application will be entered into an ATU Sports Scholarship Scoring Matrix.
The Sports Scholarship Committee will recommend:
- Offer Gold, Silver or Bronze
- Reserve List
- Do not offer
Where necessary, the Sports Scholarship Committee may request an applicant to attend for interview, where further information/clarification is required.
The decision of the Sports Scholarship Committee is final.
Offer Process
- One single university offer/regret will issue where an applicant has applied for multiple locations.
- Due to scholarship demand per campus and campus’ sport priorities, applicants may be offered different tier scholarships, where applying for multiple campuses.
- Offers will specify scholarship tier and location.
- A person awarded a scholarship must accept the scholarship by the date indicated on the offer letter/email, or the scholarship offer will be withdrawn and may be directed to another applicant.