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Advanced Entry and Transfer Applicants

ATU welcomes applications to Years 2, 3 and 4 of the majority of our Undergraduate programmes.

A student is working on a desktop computer in a computer lab

Advanced Entry

Advanced Entry application can be used by an applicant to apply for entry to stage 2 of a programme at ATU, following completion of a QQI FET Level 6 Major award.

To apply for your programme, please follow links below:

Donegal and Sligo
Please go to your chosen undergraduate programme page and click on the Apply Now to Year 2, 3 or 4 button

Please apply for your advanced entry programme through the ATU- Application Portal.

External Transfers

Students from other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) can apply to transfer to the second, third or fourth year (also known as an add-on year) of a cognate ATU programme.

To apply for a programme, please follow links below:

Donegal and Sligo
Please go to your chosen undergraduate programme page and click on the Apply Now to Year 2, 3 or 4 button

Please apply for your transfer through the ATU-Application Portal.

Re-admission to a Programme 

Students who have fully completed one or more years of a programme, have taken a break and would like to progress to the next stage of that programme are welcome to reapply subject to the following: 

ATU welcome all past students returning to complete the next level of their studies. ATU graduates who have competed their Level 6 or Level 7 programmes in the past are welcome to apply to complete the next level of that programme. This is dependent on the programme currently being offered and the content remaining the same.

Students who have partially completed a year and need to repeat modules to gain the necessary credits to progress to the next academic year must contact the relevant school office and complete a repeat attend/exam only form.

Contact the relevant school office and complete a repeat attend/exam only form. 

Internal Transfers Year 1

Students wishing to transfer between programmes at the beginning of semester one should first check with the Central Applications Office (CAO) to ascertain whether available places are advertised for the programme into which they wish to transfer. Applications should then be made through

Internal Transfers apply to students who have accepted an ATU offer via CAO and are registered on Stage 1 of that ATU programme in the current year who wish to transfer to a different programme. Students are strongly advised to consult with the ATU Careers Service and the Head of Department of the programme you wish to transfer to, to help ensure that you make an informed programme choice.

The following criteria apply:

If you require any assistance, please contact clearly stating the campus and course you wish to apply for.