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Access and Use (Part M, B, K, DAC, Universal Design)
This module aims, as reasonably practicable, to develop an in-depth knowledge, understanding and experience of the design, site and compliance requirements for Part M (Access and Use). The module also aims to develop an in-depth knowledge, understanding and experience of relevant health and safety and best practice requirements for external and internal windows and doors, lobbies, and commercial stairs (Overview of TGD B, K, M), as well as Universal Design. On completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate, to a high standard of completion, their understanding and application of Part M through individual and group assessment and individual project work, to demonstrate compliance in the building regulations, and to model some legislative roles and responsibilities required in the Irish built environment regulations. The completion of a Disabled Access Certificate is included in this module.

Image description: This is an image of the full time (18 months) MSc Built Environment Regulation learning pathway for a September cohort of students. It uses the identifying colours from the legend to outline the full-time learning pathway on this course for 12 embedded programmes including 7 micro-credentials. Year 1 Semester 9 contains four modules as follows: Introduction to Legislation for the Built Environment (10 credits); Energy Conservation (Part L, F, J, C, D, Sustainability, and Circular Economy) (10 credits); Structures (Part A, C, D, Eurocodes, and Circular Economy) (5 credits); Fire Safety (Part B Dwelling Houses) (5 credits). Year 1 Semester 10 contains four modules as follows: Built Environment Research (5 credits); Services (Part E, F, G, H, J and D) (5 credits); Access and Use (Part M, B, J, DAC, Universal Design) (10 credits); Fire Safety (Part B Buildings other than Dwelling Houses, and FSC) (10 credits). Year 2 Semester 11 contains one module as follows: Built Environment Thesis (30 credits).

Image description: This is an image of the part time (30 months) MSc Built Environment Regulation learning pathway for a September cohort of students. It uses the identifying colours from the legend to outline the part-time learning pathway on this course for 12 embedded programmes including 7 micro-credentials. Year 1 Semester 9 contains two modules as follows: Energy Conservation (Part L, F, J, C, D, Sustainability, and Circular Economy) (10 credits); Fire Safety (Part B Dwelling Houses) (5 credits). Year 1 Semester 10 contains two modules as follows: Services (Part E, F, G, H, J and D) (5 credits); Fire Safety (Part B Buildings other than Dwelling Houses, and FSC) (10 credits). Year 2 Semester 9 contains two modules as follows: Introduction to Legislation for the Built Environment (10 credits); Structures (Part A, C, D, Eurocodes, and Circular Economy) (5 credits). Year 2 Semester 10 contains two modules as follows: Built Environment Research (5 credits); Access and Use (Part M, B, J, DAC, Universal Design) (10 credits). Year 3 Semester 11 contains one module as follows: Built Environment Thesis (30 credits).

Image description: This is an image of a legend identifying in different colours the 12 programme learning pathways on the MSc Built Environment Regulation. It identifies the following courses: Certificate in Energy Conservation and Environmental Services (15 Credits); Certificate in Fire Safety (15 Credits); PG Certificate in Built Environment Regulation (30 Credits); PG Dip in Science in Built Environment Regulation (60 Credits); MSc in Built Environment Regulation (90 Credits); Micro-credentials (5/10 Credits). It also indicates where some elements are taught between modules and suggested pre-requisite modules.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate systematic and comprehensive knowledge, skill and competence of Part M, Health and Safety and best practice in the Built Environment in the Republic of Ireland to a professional level.
- Demonstrate knowledge, skill and competence of commercial stairs (Part B, M, K), Health and Safety and best practice requirements in the Built Environment in the Republic of Ireland to a professional level as far as is reasonably practicable.
- Analyse and evaluate as far as reasonably practicable Universal Design in the Built Environment in the Republic of Ireland.
- Demonstrate knowledge, skill and competence of the Building Regulations, Health and Safety and best practice requirements for external and internal windows, doors and lobbies in the Built Environment in the Republic of Ireland to a professional level as far as is reasonably practicable.
- Demonstrate knowledge, skill and competence of a Disabled Access Certificate in the Built Environment in the Republic of Ireland to a professional level as far as is reasonably practicable.
% Coursework