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The Disability Access Route to Education – DARE is a third level alternative admissions scheme for school-leavers (under 23 as of 1 January in the year of entry) whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education. DARE offers reduced points places to school leavers who, as a result of having a disability, have experienced additional educational challenges in second level education.
ATU welcomes applications from DARE applicants to all full-time undergraduate programmes.
- Applications to DARE can only be made online through the CAO.
- Applicants to DARE can present with an Irish Leaving Certificate, A-Levels, and other EU Qualifications.
- The DARE Scheme is not available to mature students, postgraduate students, or part-time students.
- If you are eligible for both the DARE and HEAR schemes, you will be prioritised for an offer at the CAO offers stage.
Benefits of DARE
Reduced Points
ATU has a reserved number of places to offer eligible DARE applicants at lower or reduced Leaving Certificate points. If you apply to DARE and are deemed eligible you may be offered a place even if you do not have enough Leaving Certificate points for your preferred course. ATU applicants need to meet the minimum entry requirements and any specific programme requirements before being considered for a DARE reduced points offer.
College Supports
We provide a supportive learning environment to help students realise their educational potential. ATU’s Disability and Learning Support Service (DLSS) offers an individual support plan tailored to the specific needs of the student and a range of pre and post entry supports for students with disabilities. Following a needs assessment, types of support offered include learning support, educational support workers and notetakers, modifications to the physical environment, transport, reasonable accommodations for examinations and assistive technology.
How to apply to DARE
- In order to make a DARE application, you must first Apply to CAO by February 1st.
- Review the DARE Website, Handbook and the application timeline carefully
- Complete all elements of the online DARE application form by March 1st
- Gather together your completed Educational Impact Statement AND the relevant Evidence of Disability
- By mid March: Submit copies of supporting documents to CAO and include your CAO number on all pages.
- All information required on the application process, eligibility criteria and timelines are available on DARE – Access College
Assessment of Application
- You will be notified of the outcome of your DARE application by the end of June.
- If you are eligible, you can compete for one of the reduced points places on offer in ATU.
- You must meet the minimum entry and course requirements to be considered for one of the reduced points places. Applicants with less than 160 points will not be considered.
- DARE-eligible applicants who achieve the required points of their chosen programmes will be offered their place similar to other students. They will be entitled to all of the supports offered by the ATU Access Office.
- All DARE course offers are made by the CAO.