Robotics and Automation
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Sonraí an Chúrsa
Course Code | SG_EROBO_H08 |
Céim | 8 |
Fad ama | 4 Years |
Creidmheasanna | 240 |
Modh Seachadta | On-campus |
Suímh campais | Sligo |
Modh Seachadta | Lánaimseartha |
Socrúchán oibre | Tá |
Forbhreathnú Cúrsa
This programme is available for application through AU940 Engineering (Common Entry). Students study common engineering modules in Year 1 before choosing their specialism. This Robotics and Automation programme is one of the specialisations available that students can study from Year 2 to Year 4.
Robotics and Automation equips graduates with the skills to work in high-tech manufacturing industries and is becoming one of the fastest growing career areas. Robotics and Automation engineers design, build and operate intelligent machines such as the robots and flexible manufacturing systems of today and for tomorrow.
During this programme students will learn how to analyse and design, build prototypes and control the machines and processes that are found in the biomedical, automotive, food processing and high volume manufacturing sectors, to name but a few. Robotic and Automation engineers are problem solvers by nature, looking for solutions to sometimes difficult engineering applications.
Robotic and Automation engineers are problem solvers by nature, looking for solutions to sometimes difficult engineering applications.
Sonraí an Chúrsa
Bliain 1
Seimeastar | Sonraí an Mhodúil | Creidmheasanna | Éigeantach / Roghnach |
1 |
Mathematics 101HApplications of differentiation and integration; introduction to differential equations and complex numbers. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Apply differentiation to sketch curves and optimise functions of one variable |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Introduction to EngineeringThe overall aim of this module is to: (a) Excite and motivate new engineering students about their chosen field of study. (b) Clarify the student's understanding of the nature of engineering and the tasks and responsibilities of an engineer. (c) Cultivate and develop key skills such as creativity, problem solving, communication, leadership, knowledge discovery and system building skills. (d) Utilise 'design and build' projects to promote early success in engineering practice, to introduce discipline-specific material and to outline the integration of subjects on engineering programmes of study. (e) Demonstrate that problem solving can be fun, educational and enriching. (f) Instil an eagerness for independent and reflective learning. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Demonstrate that problem solving is fun, educational and enriching 2. Contribute as a positive, cooperative and complementary team member in the planning andimplementationof projects and problem solving exercises. 3. Utilize basic system building skills to determine solutions to basic \”design & build\” projects, appropriate to engineering disciplines. 4. Utilise appropriate technology and techniques for acquiring, processing, interpreting and presenting information . 5. Outline general engineering practice and the particular operational practices of their chosen discipline 6. Develop a Personal Development Plan |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Engineering Graphics and Computer Aided DesignThis module provides students with a broad introduction to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional computer aided drafting, design and modelling. The overall aim of this module is to introduce students to the engineering drafting and design process and to provide them with the basic techniques required to produce models and drawings of individual engineering parts using a 3D CAD system. Students will also learn to read and interpret engineering drawings and communicate through technical documentation. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Read and interpret 2D and 3D drawings, and communicate through drawing documents. 2. Produce orthographic and multiview 2D drawings from 3D models. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the design process. 4. Apply engineering graphics standards and produce drawings which conform to national and/or international standards. 5. Produce freehand engineering sketches. 6. Use a 3D CAD modelling system to efficiently produce solid models and drawings of individual component parts and assemblies. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Engineering PhysicsThe student will learn the basic laws of Physics pertaining to Engineering including defining the standard units of measurement, forces, and the properties used in modern day engineering. The student will be able to explain experimentation, how heat is transferred, radioactivity, thermal expansion, efficiency calculations, fluid pressure, and some wave theory. This module is taught by a number of lecturers and includes many real life situations where the topics covered are used. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Be able to solve various exercises involving physics, such as heat transfer andthermal expansionusing and manipulating the correct units of measurement |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Engineering Mechanics 101The student will learn how to analyse simple systems of forces, graphically and analytically and perform simple calculations involving friction, stress and strain and determine centres of gravity of various figures. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Analyse systems of concurrent, coplanar forces using graphical and analytical methods 2. Compute relevant parameters relating to simple stress and strain 3. Compute centres of gravity for regular and irregular figures using graphical and analytical methods 4. Carry out simple computations relating to friction |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Introduction to ProgrammingThis module is a basic introduction to programming techniques for Engineering students. Its purpose is to provide these students with a practical application-driven introduction to programming prior to embarking on writing high-level code. Initially, programs are created graphically using flowcharts. These programs are tested on a microcontroller simulator. Students then progress to an Integrated Development environment, where they write, compile and debug similar programs. Programs are downloaded to a target board, which is interfaced to basic sensors and actuators. Finally, a robotic buggy is programmed to complete various challenges. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Convert between decimal, binary and hexadecimal number systems. 4. Write a basic computer program (sketch)using a high level programming language. 5. Test programs / flowcharts by compiling them, simulating them and downloading them to a microprocessor-based device. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Mathematics 102HSolution of first and second order differential equations using Laplace transforms and other techniques. Linear algebra including eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Solve first order separable andlineardifferential equations 2. Solve first and second order differential equations using Laplace transforms 4. Matrix addition, subtraction and multiplication, inverses, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. 5. Solve linear systems of equations using Gaussian elimination |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Multi-Disciplinary ProjectAn important component of this common first-year engineering module is aimed at introducing various engineering subjects to the learners, as well as motivating the students and introducing them to the engineering profession. The module is further characterised by a curriculum that is organised around the various engineering disciplines at IT Sligo and emphasises that engineering is about conceiving, designing, implementing and operating systems and products through a multitude of student projects, a varied learning environment, experiential and group learning. The module also allows the learner to implement problem-solving, communication and organisational skills that they have begun to develop in their first year on engineering programmes at IT Sligo. Working together on mixed discipline projects and teams, the students will gain an appreciation for the many branches of engineering and allow them to select the appropriate engineering stream for their future studies. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Design, build, test, evaluate, document and present a small prototype systems and/or products to a given specification; 2. Undertake personal evaluation and reflect critically on learning experiences 3. Work effectively as part of a team 4. Communicate effectively in a professional manner 5. Demonstrate a clear understanding of different engineering streams |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Electrical Principles EngineeringThis module is designed to help the students get an understanding of basic principles of a.c and d.c. electricity. Topics covered include: current, voltage, power and Ohm's Law, Capacitors, AC Sine wave, Electromagnetism, Inductors, Transformers, AC and DC motor operational principles. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Apply basic electrical circuit theory for resistors in series/parallel using Ohm’s Law and power formula. 2. Understand and apply Kirchhoff’s Current and Voltage Laws to the solution of DC resistor circuits and perform basic calculations (peak, peak-to-peak,rms and Period/frequency) for AC sine wave anduse ofvectors for solving two sine waveforms. 3. Describe capacitors, charging and discharging, time constant andtransient response of RC circuits. 4. Describe and understand the magnetic and electromagnetic principle of magnets and current carrying conductors including Faradays and Lenz Laws of electromagnetic induction. 5. Understand and perform basic engineering calculations on single phase transformer. 6. Explain operation of DC motor including Flemings Left Hand grip rule, function of commutator. 7. Explain operation principles of AC Induction motor including stator/rotor, slip speed and synchronous speed. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Engineering ChemistryThis module has been designed to give the students an understanding of Chemistry. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Explain matter and the structure of the atom. 2. Recognise the significance of the periodic table and apply its significance to Chemistry. 3. Compare electronegativities of elements, predict types of bonding in substances and perform equilibrium reactions. 4. Explainhow materials are formed including crystals and polymers andthe chemistry of the atmosphere including the greenhouse effect, the ozone layer and atmospheric pollution. 5. Perform experiments in the laboratory including applying the pH concept and oxidation/reduction in analysing chemical reactions and chemical composition. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Engineering Mechanics 102The student will learn how to analyse two-dimensional framed structures using graphical and analytical means. In addition, the student will learn how to analyse simple beams and draw shear force and bending moment diagrams. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Calculate reactions for simple statically determinate beams and frames 2. Analyse simple framed structures usinggraphical and analytical methods 3. Analyse simple beams carrying point loads and uniformly distributed loads 4. Draw and dimension shear force and bending moment diagrams for simple beams |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Introduction to Professional EngineeringThe module develops initial student knowledge, awareness, skills and competencies in a broad range of areas of professional practice, including: professional ethics, effective learning, professional communication, career planning and development, health and safety, universal design, product safety, sustainability, and working in a team environment. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Reflect critically on learning experiences and career planning and development, identifying more and less effective learning approaches. 2. Apply Engineers Ireland Code of Ethics to any given situation whilst understanding the underlying ethical principles. 3. Identify and summarise aspects of Irish and EU legislation affecting engineering practice, including personnel health and safety, universal design, and product safety. 4. Identify the role and interaction between engineering products and systems and environmental impacts, especially energy use and climate change. 5. Discuss non-engineering factors that may determine the success or otherwise of new technologies/systems/products, and the non-engineering factors that may be important in product design and development. 6. Write technical reports anddemonstrate appropriate academic and professional standards of written communication. 7. Work effectively and professionally in a team environment. |
05 | Mandatory |
Bliain 2
Seimeastar | Sonraí an Mhodúil | Creidmheasanna | Éigeantach / Roghnach |
1 |
Mathematics 201HTaylors theorem, Lagrange multipliers, discrete Fourier transforms, z-transforms, vector algebra. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Approximate functions with polynomials in one and several variables using Taylors Theorem 3. Find the discreteFourier transform of a signal 4. Solve difference equations using the z-transform 5. Compute area, volume and surface Integrals using polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Control Systems 301Control Systems is all about plant and processes (systems) how they behave when subjected to certain inputs (system response) and how to get them to do what we want (system control). Control Systems 301 introduces the student to the characteristics of systems commonly encountered in mechatronics. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Use Laplace transform techniques to predict and interpret second order system response to step and ramp inputs. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Analog ElectronicsThis module will give the learner the theory and practical experience in understanding the operation of common analog electronic components and circuits, through theory, practical laboratory sessions and small project building/testing. Learners will understand the operation and use of all major analog components, such as the diode, resistor, capacitor, inductor, transistor and be able to apply their knowledge in the areas such as transistor circuits, op-amp configurations and small analog circuits and voltage regulation. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Identify,explain and use fundamental analog electronic components in typical small signal circuits including the resistor, capacitor, inductor, diode, transistor, various power sources, op-amp and 555 timer. 2. Describe the operation of fundamental small signal analog circuits including R,RC, RL, RLC circuits, voltage, currentdivider circuits, 3. Calculate values for and demonstrate circuits employing amplification and oscillation methods/techniques such as Op Amps, the 555 timer and/or otheroscillator circuits 4. Distinguish between and explain the various forms of small signal a.c. and d.c. voltage regulation including transformers, diode circuits and regulation ICs. 5. Sketch and construct various small signal transistor circuits using switching and amplification techniques. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Introduction to Engineering MaterialsThis module is designed to introduce students to engineering materials (including metals and polymers), their classification, their properties and how to alter those properties. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Explain the nature and structure of materials and determine the classification of various engineering materials. 2. Explain what properties of materials are in use, what they mean, and test them. 5. Analyse simple equilibrium phase diagrams and the IronCarbon system. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Pneumatic / Electro-Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems Full-TimeThis module will give the students an introduction to pneumatic/electro pneumatic and hydraulic systems.It will cover basic pneumatic and hydraulic components and their use in complete systems. The student will also become acquainted with standard pneumatic and hydraulic symbols in accordance with IEC standards and be able to use a software simulation package to draw and simulate practical circuits. This module will also cover advanced pneumatic and electro pneumatic circuits including sequencing of pneumatic cylinders. The circuits will be build and simulated in software. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Describe the components of a compressed air and air treatment system. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of pneumatic circuit operation, including sequence control. 3. Apply the cascade method to solve pneumatic sequentialproblems involvingcascade groups andcylinders. 4. Demonstrate an understanding ofbasic hydraulic systems. 5. Design and simulate electro-pneumatic circuits to sequence cylinders. 6. Employ formulae to calculate flow rate, piston force, system pressure and piston size. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Industrial Data Communication 1Industrial Data communication is the manipulation of variables that can be implemented into the technology that automatically processes data. The technology under investigation include computers and other communications electronics that can collect, store, influence, formulate and allocate data to serve or control exact processes examples are motor control, electric switching, analogue to digital conversion, digital sampling. . Torthaí Foghlama 1. Demonstrate a basic a basic knowledge of digital circuitry using logic. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Digital ElectronicsThe aim of this module is to introduce students to the world of digital electronics. It is written in such a way as to give the student a good foundation to build upon as they continue in their chosen studies. The theoretical aspects of the module will be supported by practical laboratory sessions. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Understand what is meant by digital signals. 2. Perform Simple Operations in Binary, Hexadecimal and BCD 3. Discern between different logic gates, including but not limited to AND, NAND, OR , NOR, XOR. 4. Simplification of Combinational Logic 5. Describe the operation of basic flip-flops and their applications. 6. Write up lab reports on practical exercises completed in the lab. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Mathematics 202HA geometric approach to vectors, matrices and vector fields and their applications to forces and velocities in three dimensions. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Find the scalar and cross product of vectors with applications includingthe projection of vectors, angles, areas, volumes and angular velocity 2. Find the vector equations of lines and planes in three dimensions 3. Determine the linear independence of vectors with geometric interpretation 4. Find linear transformations and isometriesas matrix operations includingrotation and reflection. Findeigenvalues and eigenvectors 5. Calculate the radial and tangential components of rotating systems 6. Calculatethe gradient of a scalar field and the divergence and curl of a vector field |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Control Systems 302Control Systems is all about plant and processes (systems) how they behave when subjected to certain inputs (system response) and how to get them to do what we want (system control). Control Systems 302 introduces the student to analog and digital strategies for controlling these systems Torthaí Foghlama 1. Carry out practicals using analog control techniques on mechanical and fluid equipment. 2. Derive the difference equations for numerical integrators and differentiators. 5. Implement simple machine learning strategies in linear regression, logistic regression and neural networks using Matlab/Octave software. 6. Use software (e.g. LabView, Simulink) to tune PID controllers. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Advanced Automation TechnologyThis module deals with various automation technologies ranging from: Advanced PLC Programming Scripting to interface with PLC Embedding C# or other languages into PLC applications Safety BUS PILZ stop buttons Apply these technologies to routine industry scenarios Torthaí Foghlama 1. Apply advanced PLC programming 2. EmbedC# or other languages into PLC applications 3. Apply scripting to interface with PLC 4. Implement machinery safety using Pilz SafetyBUS p standard 5. Apply the above technologies to routine real-life industry scenario |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Introduction to RoboticsThis is an introduction to robotics that entails the mathematical modelling of robotic movement as well as the programming of key movements for the building and design of basic robots. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Choose and integrate hardware components for a simple robotic system. 2. Design and synthesize simple software control systems for individual robotic joints 3. Develop and implement mathematical models of multi-link robots to describe the relationship between individual joints and the position and velocity of the robot’s end effector 4. Apply elementary computer vision techniques to control an intelligent robot. 5. Program simple paths and tasks on articulated robotic arm platform. 6. Design and report development of practical robotic systems that incorporate all of the above. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Industrial Data Communication 2Review of Data Acquisition, Automation System Architecture – Hierarchical Levels, Functional Layered Models – OSI reference model, System engineering approach, Input / Output Structures, Control Unit Structure, Protocols, Communication principles and modes: network topology, transmission media, noise, cable characteristic and Instrumentation and control devices.. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Understand the function of a bus protocol. 5. Display an understanding of how the microprocessor computes data. 7. Use LabVIEW client/server software |
05 | Mandatory |
Bliain 3
Seimeastar | Sonraí an Mhodúil | Creidmheasanna | Éigeantach / Roghnach |
1 |
Work Placement PreparationThis module will involve preparation for the Work Placement modules and will address relevant industry standard and codes of practice. Students will identify gaps in personal knowledge and skills, devise personal career development plans and prepare for Continued Professional Development. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Identify gaps in personal knowledge and devise a personalised career development plan. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Control Systems Analysis and Design 401Control Systems engineering is all about plant and processes (systems) – how they behave when subjected to certain inputs (system response) and how to get them to do what we want (system control). Control Systems Analysis and Design 401 addresses techniques for design of common industrial controllers. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Apply physics-based and System Identification techniques to obtain Laplace Transform models of first and second order systems 2. Obtain a root locus plotand understandits role in control system design and analysis 3. Understand the concept of frequency response and its role in control system design 4. Apply various design techniques to design of PID and Digital PID controllers 5. Use appropriate software for computer aided design, simulation, testing and analysis of the control design strategies outlined. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Energy Operations and Utilities ManagementThis Module includes: Climate Change and associated challenges for sustainability, energy management and standards. Specific topics covered include; Climate Change & Green House Gases, Sustainability and Renewable Energy, Irish Energy Structure, EU/national targets, ISO 50001, SEAI programme in Ireland in terms of Energy Management, Energy Efficiency, , Environment Management /GHG/EPA. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Describe sustainability challenges from Engineering perspective (GHS, fossil fuel dependency trends, Energy Balance) 2. Describe key features of energy trading including wholesale and retail tariffs for gas and electricity. 3. Solve/analyseusing M&V reportof monitoring and verification based on IPMVP internal protocol 4. Develop understanding of new/emerging smart energy technologies – emphasis on smart grids and renewables/EVs. 5. Understand ISO 50001 and the structured approach to managing energy (Energy MAP approach). 6. have a strongand soundly technical appreciation of environmental management including role of EPA as statuary body Waste Management/Industrial Emissions Directive licensing from EPA. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Image ProcessingThis module presents the foundational image processing material that is required for diverse areas of Robotics, Remote Sensing, Computer Vision, Medical Imaging etc. It introduces what digital images are, how they are presented, how to analyse them and how to process them for specific use cases. Image Processing may be an end in itself, e.g. to present to a the image in a better form for human viewing, or as the first part of a computer vision pipeline. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Analyse the statistics of images 2. Perform appropriate operations on images to achieve a desired result 3. Enhance images with consideration of the ethical implications. 4. Restore Images based on prior knowledge 5. Segment images based on appropriate criteria. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Power Electronics and Drives 401On successful completion of this module the student will demonstrate competence in AC circuit analysis ,an understanding of electro-magnetic theory as applied to the construction and operation of DC motors and an ability to evaluate and demonstrate the behaviour of electronic DC drive circuitry. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Classify power electronic devices and circuits. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Six Sigma 2 Statistical ControlThis module aims to provide learners with the statistical tools associated with the six sigma DMAIC philosophy specifically in the areas of Measure, Improve and control consistent with the ASQ and Quality America Green Belt Body of Knowledge. The student will be able to perform basic statistical analysis, develop and plots control charts, determine process and measurement capability. Minitab statistical software will be used to demonstrate and apply these statistical techniques. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Perform basic probability calculations by applying the probability rules and concepts |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Work PlacementThe work-placement/ internship component is an integral part of the academic programme. The aims of the component are to: Offer the student the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills gained throughout the course in a relevant work-place setting; Facilitate the student in developing the practical competencies and communication skills necessary to function as an effective team member in the work environment. Where it is not possible to secure a work placement for a student, an alternative of an industry related project will be available addressing the same learning outcomes. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Contextualise the knowledge gained in the programme in an area relevant a selected area of interest. 2. Describe the organisation of the host company/organisation and his/her role within it. 3. Describe the operational practices within the host enterprise 4. Apply the practical skills acquired on the academic programme within the workplace. 5. Work as a member of a team and have developed appropriate communication and interpersonal skills. 6. Understand and behave ethically in a range of work settings. |
20 | Mandatory |
2 |
Mathematics 4Level 8 Mathematics for 4th year classes in Mechatronics, Mechanical and Electronic Engineering. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Use Taylor’s series to approximate transcendental functions 2. Use Fourier series to approximate periodic functions 3. Calculate Discrete Fourier Transforms and inverse Discrete Fourier transforms of signals 4. Solve first and second order difference equations using z-transforms 6. Solve geometrical problems using the i, j, k orthogonal triad system, and compute dot products and cross products. Compute projections and angles between vectors and interpret results geometrically |
05 | Elective |
2 |
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition L7The subject aims to give the student the skills to design and build Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) and distributed control systems software using graphical programming techniques Torthaí Foghlama 1. Acquire the necessary skills to produce visual models of real world events 6. Understand the deployment of SCADA software for the development of increasingly complex tasks. |
05 | Elective |
2 |
Power Electronics and Drives 402The aims of this module are to investigate current electronic motor drive technology as it applies to both DC and AC electric machines.The module is delivered by way of lectures, practical demonstration of motor and drive types and student simulation of a vareity of drive circuitry using PSIM software. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Analyse the operation of single and 3-phase controlled rectifier circuits |
05 | Mandatory |
Bliain 4
Seimeastar | Sonraí an Mhodúil | Creidmheasanna | Éigeantach / Roghnach |
1 |
Advanced RoboticsRobotics is revolutionary and transformative technology that will influence all areas of society. It is an important application of the mechatronics discipline. This module extends the introductory module AUTO07035: Introduction to Robotics. The unit introduces the fundamental technologies and mathematical techniques that underpin modern mobile robotics. After completing this course, students will be able to choose suitable algorithms and software techniques for a mobile robot design required to implement intelligent localisation, navigation and control functions. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Design and implement motion controllers for a wheeled mobile robot. 2. Design and implement a navigation system to plan the motion of a mobile robot to a goal. 3. Design and implement a localization system to determine the position of a mobile robot with respect to its environment. 4. Apply probabilistic estimation techniques to problems in mobile robot localization and mapping. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Research MethodsThis module introduces students to the research process, methodologies and methods and the preparation of a dissertation proposal. The module supports the production of a dissertation in further stages/studies. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Provide an overview of the research process and the skills of the researcher |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Industrial Networks 1Industrial Networking introduces the student to the concept of integrating factory floor industrial networks and process plant floor control networks with company enterprise networks. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of industrial data networks 4. Demonstrate the ability to build a subnetted network infrastructure using router configuration techniques 5. Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and challenges of integrating fieldbus and enterprise networks in the same network domain |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Finance for engineersEngineers can expect to be involved in making strategic decisions and so will need to be able to understand how financial decisions are made. As engineers move up to management roles they should be able to understand and control the performance of the company and influence the decisions taken. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Understand annual and management accounts and interpret balance sheets. 2. Be able to cost products. 3. Be able to participate in investment decisions, calculating rate of return, payback periods, and net present value. 4. Understand how the stock market operates and how decisions taken by management can influence share price. 5. Formulate a business plan |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Computer VisionThis module presents the fundamental processes that allow computers to view and make sense of the world. Computer Vision includes both the physical hardware for acquiring the image, the environment in which the image is acquired and the classical algorithms for understanding the acquired image. This may be taken as a standalone module or in conjunction with an Image Processing and Deep Learning module to complete the low, mid and high-level computer vision domains. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Categorise and explain the various parts of an image acquisition system 2. Identify and match features in corresponding images 3. Re-construct 3D features from stereo images 4. Track the movement of features between corresponding images 5. Perform computational photography techniques on image sets. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
AV Sensor SystemsThis module investigates the physical and technical foundations, strengths and weaknesses of sensors systems used in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Self Driving Vehicles. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Assess optical radiation, radiometric and photometric quantities. 2. Explain the hardwarearchitecture of visible and infrared spectrum camera systems and their role in the automotive environment. 3. Summarise the functional characteristics and properties of modern Lidar, Radar, Ultrasonic and other relevant sensor systems and their applications in self-driving vehicles. 4. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of sensing technologies for specific applications in autonomous vehicles. 5. Select suitable sensor systems for perception and localisation tasks in self-driving vehicles |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Control Systems Analysis and Design 402Control Systems Engineering is all about plant and processes (systems) how they behave when subjected to certain inputs (system response) and how to get them to do what we want (system control). Control Systems Analysis and Design 402 introduces the student to the state-space method of modelling and controlling multiple input and output systems. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Derive in matrix form, the set of state equations for a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) system ( simple mechanical (linear and torsional), electrical and electro-mechanical systems) 4. Design tracking system controllers in state-space 5. Design full order state observers for state-space systems 6. Use Computer Aided Analysis and Design software in the simulation, analysis and design of state-space models and controllers 7. Write a professional report on the process of modelling, analysis and control system design applied to practical project work. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Renewable Energy SystemsThis course develops skills for designing, funding, and implementing renewable energy projects globally, focusing on power grid infrastructure changes. Students learn to design photovoltaic, wind, biomass, geothermal, and other large-scale sustainable energy operations. The course covers best practices for engaging rural and indigenous communities, promoting economic development and social equity. Additionally, students explore land rights, long-term energy agreements, green certificates, and governance. They also learn to prepare project proposals and assess viability for international financial institutions and private investors. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Plan and design a solar photovoltaic farm, wind farm,waste to energy gasification and bio-digester to produce gasplant for connectionat High Voltage and local microgridand understand the impact of thesetechnologies on the power grid 2. Implement best practices and adherance to international standards and protocolsfor managing and building infrastructure projects related to renewable energies in a range of geographies 3. Calculate the basic health and environmental effects of implementing different renewable energies (clean electricity and biofuel options) in different sites around the world) 4. Understand governance regarding green energy(contracts, green certs), manage the supply chain for supplies, components and assemblies of renewable energy systems (solar panels, wind turbines, bio-refinery supplies, etc.)), prepare business plans for renewable energy projects and present these projects to potential investors 5. Understand the technologies relating to Industrial 4.0 including fundamentals of electric vehicles, industrial load requirements,power requirements(battery charging, STATCOM)and trends in consumer electrical requirementsgoing forward |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Project 400In Project 400 students will undertake a significant piece of independent work under supervision. The module aims to encourage innovation, exploratory learning and to act as an integrating module to allow the student to draw on knowledge learned in previous years. The module exposes the student to the application of research methodologies and aims to develop critical thinking and analysis skills. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Develop a major project by working either individually or in a small team to a deadline involving, inter alia, planning, and coordination of design & development activities, setting realistic work objectives, and presenting and documenting the work undertaken. |
10 | Mandatory |
2 |
Deep Learning for Computer VisionThis module presents the cutting edge of Computer Vision. While Deep Learning is not new, it has only recently revolutionised Computer Vision due to the wide availability of large image data sets and the computing power necessary to train deep neural networks. This module will look at the methods for designing, training and testing both classification/recognition type networks as well as image-to-image and generative networks. This module can be taken as a standalone or as the final part of stream, which includes Image processing and Computer Vision modules. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Assess the performance of Deep Learning models 2. Train Deep Learning models for visual recognition 3. Devise an appropriate architecture to solve a computer vision problem 4. Question the ethics and bias of Deep Learning algorithms 5. Interpret state of the art Deep Learning literature |
10 | Mandatory |
Dul chun cinn
There are a number of masters programmes available at ATU Sligo in the area of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and Industry 4.0, as well as the opportunity to complete a masters by research.
Download a prospectus
Riachtanais Iontrála
Professional Accreditation
Accreditation from Engineers Ireland for Chartered Engineer is expected after the first cohort of graduates in 2025.
The integrated skills developed in this Robotics and Automation degree can be applied to a variety of jobs, enabling students to have a very promising career in the biomedical, pharmaceutical, electronics, food processing and manufacturing sectors.
Graduates from this degree have the interdisciplinary approach necessary to integrate electronics, control, software and mechanical engineering to a wide range of industrial problems. This is one of the most sought after skills in industry at present.
Robotics and Automation equips graduates with the skills to work in high-tech manufacturing industries and is becoming one of the fastest growing career areas.
Further Information
Eolas Teagmhála
T: +353 (0)71 931 8510
Mechatronic Engineering