Property Services and Facilities Management
Higher Certificate in Science
Sonraí an Chúrsa
Course Code | SG_SPROP_C06 |
Céim | 6 |
Fad ama | 2 years |
Creidmheasanna | 120 |
Modh Seachadta | Online |
Suímh campais | Sligo |
Modh Seachadta | Páirtaimseartha |
Forbhreathnú Cúrsa
ATU Sligo in formal collaboration with the Society of Chartered Surveyors of Ireland (SCSI) are delighted to offer Irelands first online part time Higher Certificate in Property Services and Facilities Management. As a result of regulation in the property sector, this programme addresses a national skills deficit and enables graduates apply to the Property Services Regulatory Authority (PRSA) to be granted A, B, C and D licenses.
The course is designed to equip students with knowledge of all factors affecting the property and facilities management profession. Students will develop a keen understanding of the marketplace and a skillset that will enable them to influence and adapt to changes in the property market as they arise.
Graduates will also be able to ensure that the property and facilities management profession remains proactive to the fast-paced changing environment in which it operates. Graduates will leave with a high degree of professional competence and will have well developed analytical, critical, judgemental and communication skills.
Sonraí an Chúrsa
Bliain 1
Seimeastar | Sonraí an Mhodúil | Creidmheasanna | Éigeantach / Roghnach |
1 |
Principles of LawThis course provides the learner with an introduction to both the Irish legal system and administration of law. The learner will be introduced to the basic principles of both contract and tort law which underpin many aspects of the commercial/property/construction environment. It is intended that this module will provide the learner with basic legal to knowledge to identify legal problems and create an awareness of where legal expertise may need to be sought. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the Irish Legal System and explain the principal sources of Law. 2. Identify and explain the key fundamentals of both the law of contract anf the law of tort including remedies 3. Demonstrate an understanding of salient areas of law relevant to chosen profession 4. Formulate legal advice/opinion based on the thorough examination of the facts and the application of both legislation and case law 5. Demonstrate an understanding of the key provisions of the Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Act 2005 as amended |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Services Procurement and ManagementThis module provides a clear understanding of the key role that Procurement plays within facilities management function and the tools to manage the procurement process. It provides an introduction to the theories, models and practice of Procurement Services within Facilities Management. The role of the purchasing and supply management function is therefore increasingly an important one although marketing efforts do increase gross revenues, they also increase the cost of goods sold, while purchasing management efforts go directly to the bottom line profit by increasing net revenue. This transition can be clearly seen in the evolution of purchasing and supply from its roots as a purely clerical function in the early part of this century, to its more traditional role of expense control through most of the century, and now to its additional role as manager of outside manufacturing (contract manufacturing). As the nature of the function has changed, so have the requirements for purchasing and materials management professionals. Taking a word from the slogan of one eminently successful municipal purchasing department, good government purchasing means getting additional 'mileage' out of the tax Euro. Finally, organisations of all sizes need effective purchasing and materials management. There is a very strong correlation between purchasing management effectiveness financial performances within the Facilities function The aims of this module are to: Introduce the student into the role Procurement pays within the organisation. Provide the student with a good understanding how the procurement cycle is conducted. Give the student a thorough understanding on the value of software information systems. Give an insight on the various levels Procurement operates within an organisation. Provide the student with a full understanding on why the Five Rights are so fundamental. Provide the student with a thorough understanding on the negotiation process. Give the student an understanding of why choosing the right specification is so important. Show the importance of Ethics and Corporate and Social Responsibility. Presents difficult topics and concepts in a clear, comprehensive and relevant way. Show the relevance of the module by incorporating real life examples. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Explain and appreciate the role that procurement plays within the organisation and understand the Procurement Cycle from origin to completion 2. Appreciate the value that SLAs play in managing contracts successfully 3. Describe the supplier management process and examinehow contractors price elements of construction work 4. Appreciate the tendering procedure and the value it can add 5. Outline the techniques used by organisations in capital buying decisions |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Introduction to Facilities Management and Environmental, Health And SafetyThe module provides an introduction to Facility Management and EHS, within the scope of FM, by examining the main trends currently emerging in the area. The aim of the module is to provide the student with an understanding of the facility management and EHS professions. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Demonstrate an understanding of and appraise, the emergence and on-going development of the profession of property and facility managementand further, classify, categorise and differentiate the main trends emerging in the profession 2. Demonstrate an appreciation of the main theoretical concepts underpinning the profession 3. Be able to compare and contrast the relationships between property asset management and the property development and investment industries. FM and EVM 4. Demonstrate a knowledge of and explain the regulatory requirements and best practices relating to EHS management throughout a property’s life-cycle 5. I dentify and define the concepts of intelligent buildings (IBs), and the opportunities offered by the application of computer-aided facilities management (CAFM) systems. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Information Technology and Systems AdministrationThe module provides the student with practical knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Access together with an understanding of the role of Information Technology in the property market with particular emphasis on property and facilities management. The aim of the module is to ensure that students are proficient in the four main Microsoft packages which are relevant in the day to day practice of a property and facilities manager and also to appreciate the role that information technology can play in supporting and developing the duties of a property and facilities manager. Torthaí Foghlama 1. D emonstrate skills and knowledge in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. 2. Develop and explain Excel based solutions for property and facilities management related problems. 3. C reate and query an Access based database suitable for the property and facilities management industry. 4. Describe the role of information technology in the property market and in supporting and developing the duties of a property and facilities manager 5. Identify and explain the added value that information technology in the property and facilities management industry can bring if utilised correctly |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Work Based Learning – Facilities ManagementThe work based learning (WBL) module is an integral component of the Higher Certificate in Property Services and Facilities Management. The module is designed to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to transfer and apply classroom learning to the work place. The integration of the academic theories with the professional work setting enables the student to gain a wider breadth of application for the academic theories and positions covered in the classroom setting. Individual experiences in the workplace environment will vary from student to student. The workplace learning element of the programme is designed in a flexible manner to ensure that each student is given the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and competencies gained in the academic modules into a real life workplace context. Accordingly, if a student works in Facilities Management, then they may apply the learning to that area and similarly, learning can be applied in the context of Property Management. The aims of this module are to: Allow students to reflect on the theoretical learning from each taught module Encourage students to critically analyse theory in a practical (work place) setting Advance the students written communication and critical analysis skills Provide students with the opportunity to reflect on their learning Torthaí Foghlama 1. Identify and describethe key issues associated with Facilities Management and / or Property Services 2. Apply theoretical knowledge gained from academic modules to the Facilities Management and / or Property Servicesindustries 3. Use problem solving techniques to address professional issues in the workplace 4. Demonstrate an ability to reflect on and analyse relevant themes throughout the academic session 5. Communicate complex and multi-faceted issues both in oral and written form 6. Reflect on their learning practice and process over the duration of the academic session |
25 | Mandatory |
2 |
Construction Technology and MaintenanceThe module provides a detailed exploration into Construction Technology. It also provides an introduction to maintenance by examining the main trends currently emerging in the area. The aim of the module is to provide the student with a comprehensive understanding and appreciation of the need for the technologies and techniques required for upgrading and maintaining a range of buildings and their service, over their whole life. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Assess the technologies and techniques required for upgrading and maintaining a range of buildings and their services 2. Demonstrate a knowledge of and explain the regulatory requirements and best practices relating to a property’s life-cycle 3. Demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of the need for building modernisation 4. Identify and define the concepts of intelligent buildings (IBs) and the opportunities offered by the application of Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) 5. Identify, then compare and contrast the functional requirements, installation methods and selection of Building Services 6. Recognise and demonstrate an appreciation of the need for systems and materials to reduce the environmental impact of construction work 7. Assess and provide and provide advice on the; refurbishment, upgrading and retrofitting of buildings 8. Undertake a building survey, form a comprehensive report, making recommendations relating to defects and potential improvements, state observations about and make recommendations in relation to TGDs |
10 | Mandatory |
2 |
Financial Management and ControlsThis module explains the importance of financial management to facilities and property management students. It is designed to show the relevance of financial management and controls. The basic principles of financial management are covered as well as more complex financial management topics. The aims of this module are to: Introduce the student to the theory and practice of finance and how it relates to the facilities and property management sector. Provide the key elements needed by students who go into property and facilities management profession. Introduce and explain net present value (NPV) as an important concept in finance and valuation. Encourage students to appreciate that comprehension of the subject matter is more important than computation. This module can also be delivered as a full time option. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Describe the goals of a corporation or organisation, the form of the organisation, the agency problem and very briefly, financial markets. 2. Evaluate the distinction between cash flow and accounting profit. 3. Demonstrate that they fully understand financial planning and forecasting and realise the importance of forecasting and planning to company value. 4. Display competence in computerised accounting, including accounting systems and spreadsheets and awareness of structures of data based property management systems. 5. Provide accounting information for decision making, to prepare accounting statements for planning and control, to prepare periodic accounting reports. |
05 | Mandatory |
Bliain 2
Seimeastar | Sonraí an Mhodúil | Creidmheasanna | Éigeantach / Roghnach |
1 |
Property and Company Law and ArbitrationThe module provides the learner with an understanding of the legal environment in which the property and facility management professional operates. Learners gain an understanding of the key concepts of both company and property law and demonstrate how these are relevant in day to day practice. The module provides the learner with an understanding of the importance of arbitration in the area of property and facility management. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Identify and assess the key features of a company, including the separate legal personality and limited liability thereof and prerequisites to the formation of a company in Irish law and demonstrate an understanding of the roles and functions of the various officers of a company. 2. Assess and analyse the key provisions of the Companies Act. Appreciate the difference between company liquidation, receivership and examinership and the rights of creditors within that process. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the key legislative provisions relating to property law. 4. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the fundementals of Arbitration 5. Formulate legal advice/opinion based on the thorough examination of the facts and the application of relevant legal concepts |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Introduction to Property ServicesThe module provides an introduction to property services and the main trends currently emerging in the area. The aim of the module is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the commercial and residential property management profession. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the emergence and on-going development of the profession of property services management 2. Demonstrate an appreciation of the main theoretical concepts underpinning the profession 3. Describe the main trends emerging in the profession 4. A knowledge of the relationships between property asset management and the property development and investment industries 5. Understand the importance of communicating information clearly |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Residential ManagementThe module provides the student with an understanding of residential property management; both private sector rental management and the management of multi-unit developments on behalf of an Owners Management Company. The aim of the module is to introduce students to the residential property market in the context of property management. It also aims to ensure that students are familiar with the legal environment in which residential property, both private sector rentals and multi-unit developments, are managed, and the day-to-day issues faced by the residential property manager. Torthaí Foghlama 1. A knowledge of the role of the agent in the context of Irish residential property management including an awareness of licensing requirements for residential lettings and multi-unit development management 2. An understanding of legislative environment of residential lettings and in particular the Residential Tenancies Act 2004, Amendment Act 2015, 2016 and the minimum standards for private rented dwellings 3. An awareness of the practical processes involved in residential lettings & management, the nature of a residential occupational lease and the relevant obligations of landlord and tenant. 4. An appreciation of the differences between freehold property and long leasehold properties contained in Multi-Unit developmentsincluding an understanding of the structure of an owners management companyand its relationship with individual owners 5. An understanding of the structure and responsibilities of an owners management companyand its relationship with individual owners including an appreciation of processes involved in determining services required for multi-unit development and owners management company to include procurement processes to ensure transparency with lessees/members, value for money and statutory compliance |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Work Based Learning – Property ServicesThe work based learning (WBL) module is an integral component of the Higher Certificate in Property Services and Facilities Management. The module is designed to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to transfer and apply classroom learning to the work place. The integration of academic theories with the professional work setting enables the student to gain a wider breadth of application for the academic theories and positions covered in the classroom setting. Individual experiences in the workplace environment will vary from student to student. The workplace learning element of the programme is designed in a flexible manner to ensure that each student is given the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and competencies gained in the academic modules into a real-life workplace context. Accordingly, if a student works in Property Management, then they may apply the learning to that area and similarly, learning can be applied in the context of Facilities Management. The aims of this module are to: Allow students to reflect on the theoretical learning from each taught module. Encourage students to critically analyse theory in a practical (work place) setting. Advance the students written communication and critical analysis skills. Provide students with the opportunity to reflect on their learning. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Identify and understand the key issues associated with Property Services and/or Facilities Management 2. Apply theoretical knowledge gained from academic modules to the property and/or facilities management industries 3. Apply problem solving techniques to professional issues in the workplace 4. Demonstrate an ability to reflect on and analyse relevant themes throughout the academic session 5. Communicate complex and multi-faceted issues both in oral and written form 6. Reflect on their learning practice and process over the duration of the academic session |
25 | Mandatory |
2 |
Economics of PropertyThis is an introductory module to economics for property and built environment professionals. Basic principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics are presented and particular focus is given to the practical application and analysis of the property, construction and related sectors in the context of the economy as a whole. It is not expected that participants have a prior knowledge on commencing the module, but on completion of the module candidates should be able to demonstrate the ability to analyse and discuss the sectors from an economic perspective. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Describe the principles of micro and macro economics and interpret leading economic indicators and data. 2. Apply economic principles to the analysis of the built environment. 3. Evaluate current economic trends and factors shaping the trends. 4. Analyse the impact of macroeconomic change on property, construction and related sectors. 5. Propose mechanisms by which key economic objectives may be achieved and the role that property, construction and related disciplines play therein. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Property ValuationsThis module will introduce students to the importance of property management in the context of maintaining and increasing property values. This module will introduce students to the importance of property management in the context of maintaining and increasing property values. There will be a brief introduction to property valuations and the nature of property as an asset. Whether commercial or residential, owner occupied or rented, the continuous maintenance and reinvestment into a property asset will maintain and increase capital and rental values and maximise the potential of property regardless of its tenure or ownership. The module provides an introduction to the structure and nature of the property market and fundamental concepts that underlie investment valuation techniques. The aims of this module are to: Introduce the student to the concept of property asset management and property valuations Set out the principles and practises of the property manager in the context of active and proactive management and implementation of strategic objectives to sustain and add value to individual properties and property portfolios Introduce the concept of active asset management to multi-owned and owner-occupied properties to sustain and add value Provide the student with an informative overview of the theory and practice of valuation techniques in the property market, and concepts of risks and yields in the property market. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Define the concept of property as an asset and demonstrate an ability to apply common methods of valuation. 2. Comprehend the impact of property and facilities management on the rental and capital value of a property 3. Appreciate the importance of occupational lease terms to the capital value of a propertyAsset. 4. Introduce practical management strategies to an asset and Elaborate on the importance of asset management in the context of residentialand commercial property investment 5. Elaborate on the importance of active asset management in the context of multi owned properties (OMC) and commercial owner occupiers 6. Outline the main elements involved in property valuation andAnalyse property market transactions in both residential and commercial markets. 7. Analyze the basic dynamics of property markets and the relationship between income and capital value. 8. Apply comparable investment valuation techniques for all commercial property markets, and manipulate comparable yields using a basic property and income risk investment. |
10 | Mandatory |
2 |
Commercial Property ManagementThe module provides the student with an understanding of commercial property both from an operational and asset perspective. It also provides an overview of the role commercial property can play in the business environment if successfully managed. The aim of the module is to familiarise students with the concepts of operational and asset management and to identify the links between them. It also aims to ensure that students will understand the role of commercial property in the context of business and the issues that the commercial property manager will face in practice. Torthaí Foghlama 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of that the commercial property market can play in the business environment, if successfully managed 2. Demonstrate an awareness of the differences between commercial property held for operational purposes and those that are held as assets 3. Describe the business issues that a commercial property manager will face in practice 4. Describe and comprehend the emerging trends influencing corporate real estate management 5. Demonstrate an understanding of property development and the role of the key professions involved |
05 | Mandatory |
Uaireanta Staidéir Molta in aghaidh na seachtaine
Scrúdú agus Measúnú
Note: Where assessment on the programme involves examinations, these are held on campus or at another exam venue in the Republic of Ireland. There are typically two exam periods: January and May. Times scheduled for examinations (face to face / online exams ) are in GMT.
Students who are resident overseas and those with extenuating circumstances may apply to take examinations online with an external online invigilation service (online proctored exams), where this is available. Places are limited for this service.
Riachtanas Tinrimh ar an gCampas
Note: Check programme Examination and Assessment requirements, as they may involve examinations to be taken on campus.
Dul chun cinn
On successful completion of this programme learners may consider enrolling on a related course at ATU Sligo such as our Bachelor of Science in Property Services and Facilities Management (Online) and Certificate in Auctioneering and Estate Agency Practice (Online).
Download a prospectus
Riachtanais Iontrála
Applicants require a level 5 qualification (e.g. Leaving Cert) and must currently be in full-time employment in a related role, for entry purposes and for the duration of the programme, in the Property Services or Facilities Management Industry. This employment requirement is necessary as there is a work based learning module that must be undertaken.
For candidates without level 5 qualifications, a process of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can be undertaken to assess the candidates suitability to the course. Applicants with other qualifications and with relevant work experience may also be considered through ATU Sligo’s Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) process. RPL is a process that may allow you to gain admission to a programme or to receive exemptions / credit from some parts of a programme based on demonstrated learning that you may have achieved through another programme of study or through your work and career. Further information is available through which our dedicated RPL portal or by contacting our admissions team at
Graduates of the programme will typically be involved in facility management, property management (residential/commercial/retail), service providers to the industry or public sector employees involved in hospital/OPW/local authorities/social housing etc.
Further Information
Cé Ba Chóir Iarratas a Dhéanamh?
This programme is suitable for a range of industry professionals including estate agents, property managers, facilities managers or co-ordinators and maintenance supervisors.
Application Closing Date
Start Date
Eolas Teagmhála
Admissions Office
T:353 (0) 71 931 8510
Online Student Advisor
Sallyanne Downes
T:+353 71 930 5298
Civil Engineering & Construction