Cuardach Cúrsaí
Archaeological Excavation and Post-excavation International
Fochéimí Blended
Páirtaimseartha / 1 semester
Céim 6
Archaeological Field Studies International
Architectural Technology
Bachelor of Science
Fochéimí On-campus
Lánaimseartha / 3 Years
Céim 7
Baitsiléir Eolaíochta
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Lánaimseartha / 4 Years
Céim 8
Baitsiléir Eolaíochta (Onóracha)
Bachelor of Architecture (Honours)
Lánaimseartha / 5 Years
Bachelor of Arts
Baitsiléir Ealaíon
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Art and Design
Páirtaimseartha / 6 years
Art and Design & Communication Graphics
Bachelor of Education (Honours)
Aseptic Biopharmaceutical Operations
Fochéimí Online
Páirtaimseartha / 1 year