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Representatives from EU GREEN universities meet in Gävle to promote regional engagement

EU Green

This week, the EU GREEN Alliance is gathering at the University of Gävle for a workshop focusing on regional engagement and sustainable development.

The workshop will focus on strengthening EU GREEN’s external engagement, in line with the broader EU Sustainable and Inclusive Education Goals and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

“We are delighted to host this workshop. In this European Alliance, we are trying to build a more sustainable future together, both in the regions where we are and at an international level. Given the current situation in the world, cooperation is more important than ever. We are stronger together,” said Ylva Fältholm, Rector of the University of Gävle.

The workshop in Gävle will include sessions on:

Strengthening regional engagement: Universities will collaborate on strategies to increase their impact on the local community and promote partnerships that drive socio-economic and environmental sustainability.

Promoting best practices: Participants will share practices and success stories from different partner institutions to develop a framework for effective regional cooperation.

Planning working groups: Strategic discussions on improving engagement and cooperation.

Planning for the Engagement Action Plan: A key focus will be on developing structured approaches to ensure long-term engagement and strategic implementation of engagement initiatives at EU GREEN partner universities.

“By strengthening the links between higher education institutions and their surrounding regions, we can promote meaningful change, drive sustainable development and create long-lasting benefits for communities across Europe,” said Professor Frances Lucy, EU GREEN Lead at Atlantic Technological University (ATU), Ireland.