Téigh ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

What led me to choosing Social Care Practice was my passion for helping people. I believe that I am a great people person and when I was growing up I always wanted to help others and treat them right. My aunt and uncle both work as social care workers and that helped inspire me too. I got great advice and knowledge from them.

Choosing ATU Sligo was an easy choice because it is home for me. I live ten minutes away from the university, my friends go there and the degree I wanted to do was there. It really was a simple choice! However, I firmly believe this is the best social care degree in the country and I would like to think I would travel to any corner of the country to study it. I am lucky to live so close but I would travel anywhere for this. ATU Sligo is also really supportive with a lovely community feel. Any students coming from further afield will fit straight in so don’t be worried or nervous about that.

What I love about studying Social Care Practice is the social and practical aspect. I love talking to people and finding out about their ideas and thoughts. Everyone in my course is so friendly and passionate about what they want in life and this just drives us all on. The lecturers are so friendly also. They have worked in industry and some of the knowledge they pass on is invaluable. Its not just all book knowledge, we get those important hints and tips too that you will only get from those who have seen and done it.

The degree is a huge learning curve in a positive way. Getting to go on work placement for two full semesters is incredible. This first hand experience is not only great for learning, it also gives you an idea of what specific type of career you want to pursue. There is such a diverse number of modules too which bring different learning outcomes. If you are thinking of working with children, families, community work or anything socially, then this is the course for you. It will open up your eyes to so many possibilities.

In ATU Sligo you will never be a small fish in a big pond or get lost in the crowd either. You really are more than just a number. If you need help with anything there is always someone there for you. The classes are smaller and it is almost like 1:1 learning, and you get huge benefits from this.

When it comes to Sligo, I suppose I am a bit more bias because it is my hometown. It honestly is such an amazing student town though. From the busy, student focused town itself to the sea, beaches and mountains, there is always something to do. It has the best of both worlds.