Téigh ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar
Female student wearing floral top and glasses
Female student wearing floral top and glasses

an you share your career path to date?

Hospitality management for 15 years to the public sector the last 8 years

What does your current role involve?

Facilities Management & staff Management – Public Sector

What motivated you to start studying?

To further my knowledge and help in career progression. It was a personal goal to return to 3rd level

Why did you choose this course from ATU Sligo?

It was the exact course I wanted to give me a wide range of skills and knowledge. The online piece was delivered in a way that suited my full-time job and family commitments and the support from the staff was brilliant.

How did you find the process of studying online? What elements did you find helpful? Were there elements you found challenging?

The Moodle recorded lectures were extremely helpful. Balancing the whole work-life balance  was extremely challenging however I was very well supported by ATU, my employee

and my family.

How did you balance work and study?

By being organised and managing expectations.

In terms of your employer, were they supportive of your decision to study? Were there elements of the course that were particularly relevant to your current employer?

My current employer was 100% supportive and I would not have been able to complete the course only for the fantastic support I received from them.

What advice would you have for anyone considering studying online?

Make sure you have support from your employer and family

In what way has studied online with ATU Sligo benefitted your career?

I have got 2 promotions since I completed the course

Did this course provide any unexpected benefits to your career?

Yes, I have received 2 promotions since completing this course.

Did you find that the elements you were studying had practical relevance in your day-to-day role?

All the modules were beneficial in my day-to-day work managing services and staff.

ATU Sligo allowed me to do two things – return to education in my late 30,s & work full time with family commitments. The course has helped progress my career & the support of the lecturers/ Fellow students on the course was so amazing. You are never too old to go back or even start! I am planning to continue to complete levels 7 & 8 as it was such a positive experience.